Posts Tagged: 'character:+gareth+moore+%28dropped%29'

Sep. 5th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: journal entry
When: sept 5, 3:00p

[Private to Marina]

HEY THIS IS NOT YOUR FAVORITE PREFECT. And I wanna know if you wanna get into something, anything. I need adventure!




Type: Journal post
When: September 5th, Early Morning

Good morning students. I haven't had the privilege of 'teaching' all of you yet but that will quickly be fixed this coming week.

Thanks to Headmaster Emrys and Professor Wallace I'm being allowed to teach anyone who is interested in archery and stick fighting. Archery will start on Mondays, after classes, and stick fighting will take place on Thursdays after class. If you don't know if you're interested or not please ask questions or come to a class or two to see what it's about.

This is only a glimpse of what stick fighting looks like. I have a whole box of tapes of work outs and practice 'fights' not that we have anything at Hogwarts that is able to play them. Beginners will start of a lot slower than what is happening in this clip.

Sep. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 9/4/2015, Afternoon.

How's everyone doing? I hope settling back in the past few days has gone well. I'm really happy to see you all again and be back in my dorm, but it's SO strange coming back and knowing that this will be my very last year. How do you just move on from something that's been apart of your life for so long? How am I supposed to do that? Especially since I still have NO IDEA what I'm doing after graduation. Hmph. I guess I don't have to worry just yet. but I probably will anyway

Sep. 3rd, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Sept 3, mid-morning

I am so happy to be back! School is going fantastic, of course. I'm looking forward to everything starting up again. Oh! And I'm settling into my prefect duties, too. It's weird, having the POWERRRR, but totally cool too!

Oh! And Wan is a Hufflepuff! It makes me wanna dance!

Sep. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: August 31st, Evening

I do hope all of you Hufflepuffs are ready for school tomorrow! We're going to have a wonderful year and I know you will all try your best.

Oh and just for the record I have absolutely no need of plastic surgery to look this fabulous, it's all just naturally bestowed! I think somebody at the Scribbler may simply have a case of the green eyed monster.

Aug. 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Monday 31 August, Afternoon

[Private to Ophelia]
Your first painting has sold.

It has often been questioned whether my spot on the team was legitimately earned or not, although the rumor used to be that it was because of my relationship to Wallace Battye. Gabe was the one who slept his way onto the team.

Jackson... if you are going to wear a wig, why would you choose to wear a birds nest on your head and your face.

...Stop throwing paper at me.

Sissy, something I should know? How anyone would notice that you were eating MORE than usual when you already eat as much as a whole Quidditch team though... Seems a little unrealistic.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: August 31st, morning

Old man dick, ew! At least let me have given head to someone like Professor Stark or Banner.

Beyond that, these things are pretty funny. I mean who would believe any of this shit. Someone must've been really freaking bored last night.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: August 31st, morning

I would just like to say that I would never do anything inappropriate with a student. I am sickened by the thought. I consider all of my students to be like my children and I would like to apologize if I have ever made anyone uncomfortable. Please privately let me know if I have done so so that I may apologize and correct my behavior in the future.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: August 31st, noon

Everyone better watch out. I'm dangerous as heck.

Steve why didn't you invite me to your circus? I would have loved to see that! Especially your elephant friend!

And Jackson! I'm your little sister, you could have trusted me with your secret!



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: August 31st, late morning

My sister made that rumor up when I was in second year and I am never going to forgive her for it. I'm going to be haunted by this for the rest of my life.

Aroo, I guess.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Aug. 31, Noon

So. Whats up with the news article thingy when I opened my journal? Is all of that stuff true? Actually, I know it isn't all true. Inches where it counts? I'm absolutely mortified..... Er, let's just say I know that it can't all be true. I've never even been kissed....

In other news, I forgot to mention I was made prefect this year. How about that? Let's just focus on that!

Aug. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Midday Sunday 30 August

[Private Dream Journal]
Quidditch and masks and hoods and magic and chaos and confusion. Panic and fear and shock. Seven nights, seven people. Eleven died. Will I have four more nights of this? I hope it is just four more and that the dreams don't decide to repeat. Four more means I will actually sleep Thursday night and only have to get through two days of classes like I am now.

Cramming as much clubbing and sleeping in as I possibly can before the train on Tuesday. I wonder if I'll get a detention for showing up to the train hung-over? Fuck, I might be hung-over when classes actually start on Wednesday.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: August 30, noon

I really like that this thing lets you do video. Also I'm glad that I have not yet driven people insane since I haven't stopped on the piano...well, until now. It's sort of nice to just be able to play without any interference and so I figured why not share a bit with everyone, right?

Aug. 29th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: August 29 9:23pm

I am so excited to go back to school! Summers are fun, what with the spending time with mom and visiting the community center to help the new kids learn the joys of cooking, but it also reminds me too much of dad. He is everywhere. Which is the way it should be, but it's hard seeing his smiling face plastered all over the walls. It's been years but the pain while I'm home is as fresh as ever.

But enough of that depressing stuff! It's a new year! A new chance to make friends! Also, it's finally time for O.W.L.S.! I know I've got to work hard if I even have a whisper of a chance of doing well, but I think I've got this! Or, er, at least I hope!

Aug. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : journal
When : August 28, 3pm

Well. I'd say he's getting big but that is a lie. Say hi, Thor! He and Una have been hanging out in my room. I sort of hate packing.