Posts Tagged: 'character:+reiji+shinoda'

Dec. 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 30, evening

[Hexed against DE's & DE Sympathizers]
I already mentioned this on Narissa's post, but if anyone is interested in learning how to defend themselves and how to perform basic healing spells, pleased let me know. Once we're back to school, I'll find a place that we can practice that's safe and that will have what we need.

We need to be prepared for anything and maybe it sounds paranoid, but I don't think that paranoid is exactly a bad place to be right now. If the Ministry goes down, the school can go down. I'm willing to take suggestions on anything we can work with. Clearly muggle tech is out. But if anyone can think of anything...

Then I guess we need a way of communicating that is neither suspicious nor let's anyone outside of us know what is going on. I guess we can use these, but we may want to find something else. Just in case.

I know we're all afraid, but we need to stick together and work together. We're not going to attack other students because we're afraid of each other...and I mean physically. I doubt I could stop verbal warring if I wanted to, but at least physically and with magic, don't attack each other. We just need to be able to defend ourselves in case of anything that happens. I'll do anything I can to make sure you're prepared for what happens...even if nothing happens, at least we're ready. As your Head Girl, I feel it is my duty to do what I can.

Dec. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: December 30th; very late at night

Dad still hasn't woken up. The healers don't say much other than there's no change. It isn't comforting. I'm not even sure if I've really slept these past few days. Everything is just mashed together.

Kazuko was born. We all cling to her, for comfort and brief moments of happiness. Such a tiny thing that does so much.

I don't know if I'll be coming back to school right away. It's all up in the air...Everything is just so uncertain

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 29, evening

So apparently all this effort in staying out of trouble and hoping things would go better was a fucking joke, but you can't say I didn't try.  I'm done with keeping my head down and acting like everything is okay for the sake of obedience.  It's clear certain individuals and their families have a specific interest in what has happened, and fuck you if you don't think I'm not calling y'all out on it.  Fuck you for expecting us to overlook the tragedies and threats to spare your shitty fucking privileged feelings.  Boo hoo people are upset that your relatives are racists and are now in power.  Fucking bite me. 

You want my congratulations?  Here it is.  You purebloods can keep you goddamn shitty ass society, I want no part in this mess.  Y'all have a delightful new year, see you never, because if you think I'm returning to the school come January you're fucking mistaken.  I'm going to go live on a mountain top where I never have to see you assholes again.  Peace on earth and all that bullshit.

Oh, and thanks for the sweater, Gracie. 



[No Subject]

Type: owl
Date: December 29th, afternoon.

Owl to Gracie Hewitt )

Dec. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: December 28th, morning

This isn't happening.

Gods let this just be a nightmare.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 28, after the article

Yeah, no. No no. No.

Worst post-Christmas ever Fuck this.

[Private to Bucky]
NOPE...she says as if that will change anything.

Dec. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl to Riley Collingwood
Date: December 14th, afternoon

Two questions:

1. Would you like to go to Hogsmede together?

2. What are you doing for Christmas?


Dec. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: December 1; after midnight

I always have trouble sleeping after being home for a few days. Seems the Scribbler has offered us some more fun once again.

I should have known you were just wooing me to join your cult Collingwood.

Nov. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 30, morning

So I finally had time to read the latest and for the record I am definitely interested in men. Not women or any kind of animal. Just in case people actually needed me to clarify.

[Private to Reiji]

Guessing I don't have to worry about a shotgun wedding ;)

Seriously whoever is writing that crap has a strange imagination right?

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 29th/ Super early. Really, it's still dark.

It's Jack.

Anyway, going to fix me a bowl of cream soda and jujubes, with a side of pixie sticks for breakfast. Duces.

[Private to Cam and Easter]

Lawl what the hell. I've heard you talk in your sleep, you must be really good with accents, East. STOP BEING SUCH A SMOOTH CRIMINAL.

I'm curious who your dad is now, Cam.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, morning, after the Scribbler

Before I go I'm going to hide glitter everywhere so you guys don't have to worry about not having enough sparkle in your life. It'll be okay. Reiji, you'll have to take over for me.

[Private to Bucky]

I know that the Scribbler is dumb but some of the rumors seem kind of true this time around and also I just like to check on you and make sure you're okay. Especially after we teased you the other day. So. Are you okay?

[Private to Steve]

I'm gonna try and find Whoever keeps writing these mean things and then I'm gonna punch them but I'm gonna need someone to make sure that they don't punch me back because I don't want to have my face broken.

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When :11/29, mid morning

Yes, okay, fine. I'm sort of stupid. I still do my own work. I'm trying at least.

Nov. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: November 22; morning

Two days and it still hasn't been fixed. Still no magic. It wouldn't be so bad really but I can't change anymore. Magic with a wand I've learned over the years. But my morphing ability I've had since birth. It's part of who I am. To lose it is like losing a limb in a way (No offense Bucky). I'm just ready for this stupid mishap to be over.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/21, afternoon

If you're a wizard can you believe in God or is that sacrilegious on both accounts?

Nov. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 20, midday

I'm torn between "This is annoying" and "Oh, look! More reasons to sit around and generally do nothing."

I mean, can I really complain about something that means I can't do all the practical stuff? Not that Herbology always needs something to keep it all moving, but I could do that homework with my eyes partially closed, but not really because it'd turn into a mess if I did that, wouldn't it? Barely legible as it is. I doubt I'd need the help.

Nov. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: November 18, afternoon

You know what I don't miss about not having TV at this time? Christmas movies. Seriously. It's only a matter of time before all the cheesy Christmas movies drive everyone mad. Especially when it's coupled with far too long listening to Christmas music.

It's enough to make someone homicidal. The minute Halloween goes past it's, "CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS". We get it. You loooove Christmas, but SWEET BABY JESUS ON A STICK, can we not? First we have to eat turkey and celebrate the destruction and ruination of an entire people. Good thing we have turkey and mashed potatoes to distract us from all that I need my turkey, mashed potatoes, and lies before I can properly get in the Christmas mood.

Nov. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal entry
Time: Nov 6, after classes

So, just in case anyone was still wondering... Yes, Bucky Barnes is my boyfriend. I am his. We are together, and we've got each others backs. So, if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me.

(Private - Steve/Bucky)

Although it feels a bit weird to say that when you've been avoiding me for the last two days, Buck. Where the hell are you?

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 5, 9 am - during HoM

Meet me on the seventh floor after classes tomorrow. Or I guess outside of class and we can wander up.

I figured it was about time for our date-date and I finally got everything in order.

Also, do you have any food allergies/preferences?



I want candy for breakfast.

Type: Journal Post
Time: November 5, Morning

It's 3 am and another restless night of drool soaked pillows and rabbit foot in my eye, because some how Bunnymund has it in his head that it's alright to share said pillow while he's happily off to lala land. A subconscious place in between sleep and awake called limbo, where I am touched by a vague voidness because of my constant shifting during the evening that stops me from dreaming. Where is the Sandman when you need him the most? My contorted limbs would be forever grateful if I didn't wake from that state in an awkward position, like I've been possessed, every single time. I'm starting to scare my roomie. Sorry pal~

The moon spilling through the window pane next to my bed pulls me from this state of mind, giving me a firm place to plant my feet back in reality and I am awake yet again. But I love this time of year, Autumn is the seasonal bridge to the coming Winter. Is it possible to feel an odd sense of 'home' during a particular season? The ol' gal at the shoppe said she thinks so, if there is a feeling of familiarity, content and calmness in my heart for it. But I'm wondering if I should even take advice from a woman that has a nest in her hair that houses a family birds. I heard them chirping, I swear. She hasn't shown me yet, but I'm positive they are hiding in there somewhere. I'm just lucky she learned to speak Jack early on.

Just in time, I can sit on the window sill and watch as the cool air creep along the pane of glass in the form of a thin sheen of frost. The invisible paintbrush creating a free hand pattern at time laps speed, it calms me to watch. When the silver light of the moon is now filtered by the crystallized canvas that enhances it's appeal. I want to show someone, but I am pretty sure no one would appreciate being woken abruptly (because I can't be gentle about it) for something that only I seem to take a deeper notice. And when evening transitions with the rise of the sun over the trees, natures natural painting takes on a glow that reflects the face of morning. Reds, pinks and orange it reminds me a little of Monet. Maybe it fascinates me that with one beautiful backdrop, it can have two completely different sides. All their own unique beauty, but I can not help but believe that it wouldn't be quite as awesome if it did not have the face that it started with. Otherwise, the morning and evening faces against the frosted pane wouldn't exist.

3 am rambling, I should have probably spent this time doing that paper. I'm still calling shenanigans on this. Can't I just bang erasers together or write lines on the chalk/white board? Or even clean the Hippogriff pen?

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: November 3, evening

If anyone was upset, injured, or otherwise negatively impacted by the alcohol in the drinks at the Halloween party, feel free to blame me.  We all make choices we regret, but the important thing is taking responsibility over them. 

Unfortunately those consequences involve listening to Stark talk about how much money he has.  He truly is the people's hero.

[Private to Steve]
How do you put up with my stupidity?

[Private to Ophelia]
I need to know where you stand.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: November 3; afternoon

I got goodies in the mail! My grandparents have come here from Tokyo to visit my brothers and sister in law and plan on staying until my little niece or nephew is born. She's not due until next month but Baba says this gives her a chance to help Catherine get everything ready. And they don't come to America often so when they stay it's for a little while. They'll be here until after the new year so I'll get to see them for winter break.

So this morning I get a huge box filled to the brim with all sorts of treats and junk food from them. This one may take me a while to finish...

look under here for delicious treats! )



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 3rd, 5 am

I woke up too early. I am dying. If I don't consume my weight in coffee soon, my life is going to be over.

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

For the record, Gif and I are on uncertain ground because waking me up by trying to eat my hair at five in the morning is cruel and unusual punishment.

Bucky, whenever you read this...I'm going to need piggyback rides to class. Please and thank you. Dad sent oreos. They will be your payment.

Edit: Bucky has betrayed me in a manner most foul. If anyone else is willing to give an adorable person piggyback rides because she is tired and also maybe crying, I am no longer giving Bucky my oreos because he, like Brutus did with Caesar, has betrayed me.

Edit 2.0: Our betrayal has been settled. I'm very sorry to my roommates for having fallen out of bed and laughing too this time of the morning. Steve...please report and tell me if it's true that Bucky has no idea what Donkey Kong is. R...hold me, I'm crying. First they misquote 'It's on like Donkey Kong' and then Bucky called it King Donkey. Jury is still out on whether my tears are from laughter or sadness. My sides hurt. SEND HELP!

[ooc: if you are a 7th year Gryffindor girl, you were probably woken up by Skye dying from laughter and falling off her bed during this post. She's hella sorry]

Nov. 2nd, 2015



Ashes, ashes, time to go down

Type: Journal post
When: 11/2 lunch time

Maybe I should have stayed home this year after all. I have grown rather fond of this country but I do not think these troubles will reach the estate in Osaka, just like they did not before. But I do not want to give my parents the satisfaction of fleeing home just yet.

I suppose this also means Hogsmeade will be canceled again? Danger or not, I am far too cute to be caged up here. If I am staying I might as well live in the process.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 2, afternoon

Another weekend come and the joy of making a collection of hungover children groan by talking loudly and occasionally slamming books on tables.

Seems some of you didn't recover from Halloween.

I don't feel like dealing with the news of the
Ah, but that's not that surprising. The government always thinks it has everything under control until it doesn't

Oct. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl to Reiji
When: 10/29, after classes

Owl party~ )

Oct. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 28th; Evening

I swear I think Atem has been getting fatter lately. I was kind of surprised when I lifted her chunky self off Hunter's bed tonight.

Oliver have you been sneaking her snacks again?!

Oct. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday, October 22 @ breakfast

Really... they should check their sources. I mean, come on. I have two sisters. My 'hammer' is plenty mighty, ask anyone.

Also, I have two sisters. Believe me... it was hard to ignore them both growing up.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 22nd; afternoon

Oh come on. If I was going to have any kind of shrine it would be to Patrick Stewart. He is the better captain. I mean I love over acting as much as the next person but Stewart has presence.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 22; morning

Scribbler, you truly are an endless source of amusement.

Dead bodies? Really Riley. Is that the secret to your plant based success.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: October 22nd, morning

...AM I A GHOST? I mean I never thought that I was a ghost or anything and I'm pretty sure that I exist, I fell out of bed this morning and almost got a black eye and it hurt so I think I'm real but what if that's just what I'm supposed to think? And I mean I do eat food and sleep but maybe it's ghost food and I'm not really sleeping? Or maybe ghosts do sleep! AM I A GHOST? I THINK I MIGHT ME A GHOST.

...I JUST TRIED TO RUN THROUGH A WALL AND I AM DEFINITELY NOT A GHOST. Unless that's a ghost wall. I will have to test this theory further. After I find an ice pack. Ow.

Also Steve I love you the bestest but I'm going to have to pretend that I don't know who you are in public.

[Private to Bucky]

I know these rumors are stupid and I probably exist but I just want to make sure that you're okay? Because I love care about you a lot.

[Private to Steve]

GO CHECK ON BUCKY. I asked him if he's okay but he's going to say that he is so you need to check on him and make sure that he really is. And maybe give him a hug. Definitely give him a hug. And then give him one from me.

Oct. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl
When: October 18th, after classes

To Riley Ravenclaw )

Oct. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 13th, after school

Went for a smoke by the lake and I'm almost certain the squid purposefully tried to splash me.

And here I thought we had established a truce.

Oct. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: October 12th, morning

Nothing says happy birthday like a glitter shower and then a glitter bomb on the way to class.

I look like something out of freaking Pixie Hollow right now. Bastards. I wanted pink and blue glitter! Not purple and green!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal entry
When: October 12th, lunch

This place finds new and creative ways to keep me in a constant state of annoyance. It's not even the glitter itself, but the constant bitching about it all day. I don't like it either, but you'd think people were fucking dying from a few sparkles in their hair.

So I need ideas for this costume thing coming up. Preferably something cheap or easy DIY. Don't got a whole lot to work with here.

[Private to Ophelia]
Thanks, for the painting. I know I should have said so before. It's pretty great. Just not sure what to do with it.

Sep. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 September, 2 am

I don't know what it's like to lose somebody. They told me my family is dead, but I can't remeb

I also didn't know what it was like to be the one lost, or the pain it causes.

I don't know how anyone felt when I was gone. Because I'm a muggleborn and an orphan, I assumed nobody gave much of a shit when I was dead. But I really don't know how close I was to anyone, because I convinced myself it was better not knowing. It was easier to think that I could ignore the past and move on, so I didn't even consider the other end of it.

Recent tragedy made me realize that maybe I've been an asshole. Look, I'm sorry. I'm relearning how to be a person and I know I'm doing a lot wrong.

If you were my friend before, it's... still overwhelming. I can't handle it all at once. But if you want to say hello and reintroduce yourself, I'm okay. Just don't touch me.