Posts Tagged: 'character:+adrian+battye'

Nov. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
Time: 11/7 afternoon

Alright, it's almost time for the first quidditch game of the season! I gotta admit that I'm pretty hyped. Gryffindor house, I'm expecting you guys to be out in force to cheer us on while we prove to Slytherin just who's the better team!

Quidditch team, I do hope you all dont think you're going to have much of a life before the game though. We're running drills and practices all week. We gotta keep up last year's streak come hell or high water!

[Private to Brin]

Ready to catch every single ball that comes towards our hoops?

[Private to Roar, Dom, and Rini]

Alright Chasers, I wanna make sure you guys are in top form. Anyone feel like they're not ready?

[Private to Jackson and Jojo]

You guys ready to beat some Slytherin asses?

[Private to self]

Damn I hope I don't fuck up.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Saturday 7 November before practice

It is kind of nice that to have a weekend without any specific plans beyond Quidditch practice. After what felt like a week straight of celebrations and birthdays, beginning with Molly and Jackson and continuing through the multiple celebrations of Halloween and then the after Halloween birthday party, and not ending until Gabe’s booze-drenched fire in Slytherin Thursday night...

The tension is building now that the first game of the year is just a week away. Professor Stark is vetting the scouts who have been contacting me and working with Headmaster Emrys to simultaneously ensure they have access to the game, but ensure they do not have access beyond the Quidditch pitch for the afternoon. Several teams are interested, especially with the Battye-Stark rumors. And the European League is even going to send its American representative.

Nov. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Time: 11/2/2015, Afternoon, after the USA Today article.

A jailbreak, wonderful. It's good to know the most 'powerful prison' in the world for Wizards and Witches is susceptible to such failures. I truly do hope that someone is held responsible for this absurd gaff and is rightly punished for, now, putting the entire Wizarding world in danger. It's a bit absurd to think that this can be allowed to happen.

People will say I'm unfair, or 'mistakes happen', or that obviously the criminals perpetuating this breakout were well-prepared and the prison didn't see it coming. That criticism is fine if it's a Quidditch loss, or someone forgets to order a pallet of sugar at the local market; it's not fine when the mistake allows notorious criminals and killers loose upon the world. The prison should be prepared for any scenario, and it's obvious we need new leadership there.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: November 2nd, afternoon

Do pardon my French, but merde.

Oct. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 24 October, midday

[Private to Sissy]
Are you okay if something is said about the rumor that is the truth, Sissy? Ignoring the situation does not make it go away. It needs to be addressed somehow... Especially since Professor Stark wants a relationship, and Wallace has always had one with me.

[Private to Tony Stark]
Ignoring the situation does not make it go away. Something needs to be said, if just to say no comment, if that is acceptable to you, sir?

[Public] (posted later, after Narissa and Tony have had some warning)
My parents, Isolde and Jonathan Smith are my parents; they raised me. And I am lucky to have Narissa as my sister. There was no reason to go into detail about things that are frankly no one's business but my family's. There still isn't really, since no one believes anything printed in that ridiculous tabloid, and it should have no credence. But I have never denied my parentage and won't now, and neither will I discuss since it continues to be no one's business.

Oct. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 8am 10/22

Absolutely. I'm totally a porn star. I'm pretty hot, don't you all think?

[Private to Adrian]
What can I do?



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 10/22, 6:30am

Interesting. I'm popular in all the tabloids, clearly.

[Private to Adrian]
How do you want this handled?

Oct. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 10/12, around 7pm

So. Halloween options, I'm taking votes because I can.

Option one.

Option two.

Option three.

Oct. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 10/13 - afternoon

You know, I don't actually mind the glitter. It's pretty fun! Hee-hee, I love being sparkley! :)



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 13th, afternoon

Welp, I managed to finish Abacus's Halloween costume today. It's amazing what a person can do with felt when given a chance. I saw a pretty picture of this gorgeous lion and got inspired. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to go as. Maybe I should do a lion as well or something else fun. I always end up picking two costumes though because I can never decide what I am until the day of. Bahhhh.

Stiles, Nicoooooo what are you two going as ? Wanna be the three musketeers?

{Private to Luke]

What about you? Any ideas what you're going to be sexy?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 13th, after school

Went for a smoke by the lake and I'm almost certain the squid purposefully tried to splash me.

And here I thought we had established a truce.

Oct. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: October 12; lunch

I have to say I look fucking fabulous. Like a walking disco ball.

Or a stripper



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 10/12/2015, morning time.

DAMN IT TO HELL, TROUBLE. I even HELPED you to procure these items, and in repayment I am essentially punished for my loving support of your hellish endeavors. For this, I think that the next time you want to hear one of my songs, you'll have to wait. And maybe, maybe, I'll put it on cassette for you.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: October 12, mid morning

So, big thanks to whoever put the glitter in the pipes. Lesson learned, close your eyes before you start the shower around here. Plug your nose too. I had to skip breakfast to go to the hospital wing and have my eyes deglittered, only just made it to class, and have run into about twenty different things because my vision is so blurry. Side note, the suit of armor on the third floor is good people who will guide you back to your dorm if you run into him. I'll have to remember this.

Anyway, whoever did this, thanks a whole fucking bunch. Really appreciate it.

Oct. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 10 October; afternoon

So word is the faculty have finally rounded up all of the boggarts that had been haunting the school. So things are back to normal, at least what is likely to be normal now. And we are nearly the middle of October... just in time for the more mundane kind of spooks associated with All Hallows' Eve.

[Private to Narissa]
Thank you for putting up with me this week. You didn't want your big brother escorting you around, but it is my job to help chase away your boggarts whether you want it or not.



002; Oh my dears, oh my darlings

Type: Journal post!!!
When: 10/10 7AM

[Private to Slytherin Students Only]

Guys, I just woke up to get ready for the day and I realized something; we have not planned anything for Halloween. What is this nonsense? Do you have your costumes yet? We are Slytherin, we cannot just dress cheap clothes and sneak in firewhiskey like a couple of muggle college students. I have seen how those turn out, and for one I do not want vomit all over the common room floor, or worse still; trashily dressed snakes parading the halls.

I have already found my costume. I bought it for my birthday which was almost a costume party, and then it was not. I am only showing you to prevent anyone from dressing the same. Though I highly doubt magical bunny girl is being sought after by anyone else in our house.

I can acquire sake, if anyone has the palette for it.

Sep. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 9/29, after dinner

...I think I ate something weird at dinner because I think I'm hallucinating. Is anyone else hallucinating? I ate the pork chops and some apple sauce if that helps any.

Sep. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Lunchtime 9/29

Really boggart? Every time?

Merlin, I hate boggarts. So much.

Sep. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 September, 2 am

I don't know what it's like to lose somebody. They told me my family is dead, but I can't remeb

I also didn't know what it was like to be the one lost, or the pain it causes.

I don't know how anyone felt when I was gone. Because I'm a muggleborn and an orphan, I assumed nobody gave much of a shit when I was dead. But I really don't know how close I was to anyone, because I convinced myself it was better not knowing. It was easier to think that I could ignore the past and move on, so I didn't even consider the other end of it.

Recent tragedy made me realize that maybe I've been an asshole. Look, I'm sorry. I'm relearning how to be a person and I know I'm doing a lot wrong.

If you were my friend before, it's... still overwhelming. I can't handle it all at once. But if you want to say hello and reintroduce yourself, I'm okay. Just don't touch me.

Sep. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: Sunday, 9/27, afternoon

I had just seen Gar The news about last night is tragic. Who could have done it, and when? I had only seen Gareth earlier that evening. We had crossed paths and chatted for a few minutes.

How close had I come to it being me? If they had just seen me first by the magical creature pens, I would've been the one who di

I think it's a good reminder that Something could always happen to us at any known moment.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: September 27th, afternoon

Today is a dark day at this school. Last night, one of our fellow hufflepuffs was killed needlessly and without reason. I don't know why anyone would think that these outdated ideals were something worth ending a life over. It's horrific.

But right now, it's time we remember the life that was lost. There's going to be a card in the common room for the rest of us to sign and I'll be making a gift basket for his family if anyone wishes to contribute. I also think that we should hold a small candle light vigil in the hufflepuff house. Anyone is welcome.

[Private to Roar]

Merlin's beard you better be safe and alive or I'm going to kill you.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : September 27, Noonish

I feel a bit numb right now. Gareth and I had just been on an adventure not to long again and now he is dead. I think I am going to go back to bed for a while, I am not ready to be up today.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Immediately after Emrys' post 9/27


[Private to Adi]
Can I sit with you?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Sunday, September 27th @ 9am

Well if that wasn't absolutely terrifying, I'm not sure what else is. I can't believe a student was killed. I didn't know him very well, but I'm so sorry for his death. I can't believe they got on the grounds... This is too close for comfort...

Sep. 26th, 2015



Private to Adrian Battye

Type : Journal
When : September 26, 9:02pm

Are you someplace safe?

Sep. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Midday Tuesday 23 September

It seems to be getting easier to laugh at the so-called rumours. Last time my sister was pregnant, now she's paying people to pretend to sleep with her. One needs to wonder if the scribbler author has even met Narissa. Meanwhile the author is clearly concerned with my supposed relationships. Or really, with everyone's relationships in general.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: September 23rd, morning

I would like to tell the stupid scribbler that they should simply mind their own business. Why even write this stuff?



[No Subject]

When: September 23rd, afternoon
Type: Journal

That is a lie . I would never... Whoever wrote that is a big, stupid jerk!!!!!! I earned Head Girl on my own!

I can't believe I'm so upset about a stupid rumor. I will be unavailable the rest of the day.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: Sept. 23, morning

Well, it wasn't entirely false this time around. Still hilarious though. Makes you wonder who is coming up with all of this and who is talking?

In more important news, such dirty lies spoken about Bella. The only teeth she has are in her mouth and I can verify this.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: Sept. 23, morning


Private )



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: September 23rd, breakfast

I haven't been running like I normally do, okay people?! I'll get back on that to counteract my apparent endless joy of food.

{Private to Link}

Be my best friend now, not my boyfriend.

Do I really look fat? I didn't think I'd gained any weight. At least, not much.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: September 23, morning

Seriously Scribbler?? I don't even look like a girl!

Sep. 22nd, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: September 23rd, morning

Merlin, not another Scribbler.

I'm not a violent person but if anyone asks me if my vagina has teeth I will hit you. As for the part about Ash... I'm not going to deny that.




Type: Journal post
When: Sept. 23rd, Afternoon

Yes, I secretly dress up as a princess and wait for some fat ass to save me. That is me in a nut shell.

Nico, I will want child support. You aren't getting off easy just because you're engaged.




Type: Journal post
When: September 23rd, Afternoon

Well I won't confirm or deny my rumour. Go ahead and enjoy the thought of me in a collar. There you go.

[Private to Belle]
Care to explain? And are you a virgin?