Posts Tagged: 'character:+link+hartwig'

Sep. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 27 September - Midafternoon

I understand why Headmaster Emrys has cancelled classes for the next two days; it is important for people to be able to grieve and to go to the funeral. But it also makes things harder too in other ways. I need something to do - something to focus on and something to keep busy with and classes always keep my interest and my focus. I just don't know what to do with myself right now and doing nothing isn't helping anything. I have homework to do but I just don't see the point in working on it when there are no classes for another two days. And I don't know what to do instead.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: Sunday, 9/27, afternoon

[Lots of angry French cursing]

[Locked to Students]

This is absolute bullshit. We've always been told that we are safe here and yet this happens. They got on the grounds, who's to say the next time they won't get into the castle? I'm not going to stay in my room hiding if that happens. If I'm going to be attacked I'm going to fight back.

I'm not good with a wand, but if someone is willing to show me I'll teach you how to protect yourself without one.

Sep. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: September 23rd, breakfast

I haven't been running like I normally do, okay people?! I'll get back on that to counteract my apparent endless joy of food.

{Private to Link}

Be my best friend now, not my boyfriend.

Do I really look fat? I didn't think I'd gained any weight. At least, not much.

Sep. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Wednesday, September 9th, morning

It bit me. This stupid thing bit me. I hadn't thought I'd ignored it, but apparently I have neglected it. Not cool man, not cool. I'd so rather it like screamed at me. Can we change the settings on it or something? Can we make it scream bloody murder than bite?

Anyway... guess what day it is?

What day is it? )

Sep. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: 9/8/2015, Evening

Sometimes, I do wonder how my fellow housemates are capable of having so much energy when none of them ever seem to sleep. Whether it's the incident of the evening, or any other caused by one of them, they're always up.

That being said, has anyone heard anything more about the Death Eaters? I'm up and curious about it. After all that happened, there seems to be a lot of quiet on the news front all of a sudden...

Aug. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: 8/25/2015, late evening.

Terrible thing that happened on Saturday. Just terrible.

I hope everyone's okay. I fear this won't be the last time either.