BtVS: Alternate Lives

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Posts Tagged: 'wesley+wyndam+pryce'

Aug. 7th, 2009



Um...Why Skylar's Not Going to the Slayer Meeting

Who: Skylar OT Anyone She Would End Up Contacting (Pat, Gwen, Wes, Ami, her Watcher)
Where: Starting at the Morrison Home, but will more than likely move.
When: Friday Afternoon

Gwen had already went ahead of her to go to the Slayer meeting. She was glad that Catherine had been the one picked out of all of them to do the leading. Skylar knew that she wouldn't want to be the one, and she didn't want Gwen to, either. They were selfish reasons, because it was for their daughter, but they were reasons none the less.

She was waddling around, looking for her shoes, when she realized that she had stepped in a puddle. "Where the hell did a puddle come from?" she mumbled, looking around. However, she quickly realized that, it wasn't a random puddle, but her water breaking. "Oh...crap." Why now?

She grabbed a phone and called the hospital, saying that she was on her way, and then started dialing the numbers to her nearest and dearest, so that she could let them know that, well, the baby was on the way.

Jul. 24th, 2009


Something to think about...

Who: Elizabeth, open to Wesley
Where: Her home, downtown LA
When: Friday morning

The last few nights had found Dr. Elizabeth Todd almost completely unable to sleep. Normally, the woman found sleep even during the most hectic work weeks, even when she had to catch a few winks in an On-call room in the ER. But since her chance meeting with Catherine at Avarice... she hadn't slept more than a few minutes. Mostly? Because of a bad combination of fear, trepidation, and guilt.

For two years, Elizabeth had kept watch over her little sister, 16-year old Selinda. Because their parents had threatened to have the girl put away somewhere, in a mental health facility, if Elizabeth didn't agree to keep constant watch over her. So... when Elizabeth was at work (which was almost constantly), she didn't allow the girl to leave the house, for fear of her doing something troubling or 'going crazy' again. Everyone, Liz included, thought the girl was insane, because of all her talk about vampires, and demons, and how eventually, she could have superpowers. And when the girl started 'accidentily' breaking things when she got upset or angry, everyone just took it as 'raged outbursts'. Liz had never been anything but nice and caring to the girl... but it had always been in a condescending manner. God, she felt sick now. Everything Catherine said: the rapid healing, the strength, the vampires... it all blended PERFECTLY with what Selinda had always said. Could it be... after all this time... her 'crazy' sister was right?

Liz called Wesley, probably the only person in her life she really trusted right now, and asked him to please come over immediately... that she needed to talk to him about something of vital importance. Hopefully... he wouldn't think they were BOTH crazy.

Jun. 24th, 2009


Watchers' meet and greet

WHO: Vito, OT any and all, Watchers specifically invited
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Chloe's Sugar Shack, downstairs

On Thursday afternoon, Vito headed to the coffee shop that was rapidly becoming Chloe's Sugar Shack and headed for the basement, which was becoming a makeshift Watcher and Slayer meeting and training space. He looked around at the bare brick walls thoughtfully; bookshelves were needed. Maybe he'd install something this weekend, with the owner's permission.

The invitations had gone out via email earlier this week, and they were concise and to the point:

I know there aren't a lot of us around, right now, but we haven't all met in one place in a while. It might be a good idea to get together and find out who's doing what. This is not a formal meeting, by any means, and attendance is not compulsory, but I'd like to meet my fellow Watchers and get some sense of what's been happening in Los Angeles lately.

He settled at a card table in the corner, back to the wall and eyes on the door, and took out an antique copy of the Decameron.



Hanging Out...

Who: Gwen and Wes
Where: Wes's Home
When: Evening

...and watching the worst movie in human history )

Jun. 6th, 2009



A Date?

Who: Liz and Wes
Where: The Hospital, then a Coffee Shop
When: Friday Night

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May. 19th, 2009



Things Start to Finally Get Better

Who: Wesley and Gwen
Where: Wesley's Home
When: The same night that Narcissa visited him

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May. 13th, 2009



Have We Just Entered 'A Christmas Carol' a Few Months Too Late?

Who: Wesley and the ghost of years past
Where: Wesley's home
When: Wednesday Evening

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Batshit Crazy

Who: Wesley and Giles
Where: Giles and Faith's Home
When: Monday Night

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Apr. 27th, 2009



Dark Nights

Who: Wesley and Ami
Where: Wesley's House
When: Tuesday Night

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Apr. 1st, 2009



Moroseness as a Bar

Who: Wesley and Liz
Where A bar
When: Wednesday Night

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Mar. 11th, 2009



Agreeing to Terms

Who: Wesley OT Lilah
Where: A lunch bistro near Wolfram & Hart
When: Wednesday Afternoon

After having his talk with Giles, Wesley thought long and hard about just what he should do. Well, the sane part of him said that he should tear up Lilah Morgan's business card into little pieces and forget the entire idea that had popped into his head. Instead of doing so, he finally broke down and called her, arranging a lunch date with her. He had talked with Molly as well about what he was doing. She told him that he was insane for thinking of this, but also seemed to agree that knowledge was needed. He just hoped that Giles would pull him back if things got too out of hand.

Now, he just waited for Ms. Morgan to show up, sipping at a glass of wine and waiting for her while trying to calm him own nerves. A part of him was screaming for him to forget this whole plan and get the hell out of there, but it just wasn't quite loud enough to drown out the duty of finding out about Wolfram & Hart, and his own general curiosity about what their archives might hold.

Feb. 18th, 2009



Picking Up His New Slayer

Who: Wesley and Molly
Where: The hospital, then a diner
When: Feb. 11 (Backdated)

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Who: Skylar, Pat, and Wesley
Where: Avarice
When: Wednesday Night

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Feb. 17th, 2009



What to Do?

Who: Wesley and Giles
Where: Giles and Faith's Home
When: Tuesday Afternoon

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Getting Paid a Visit

Who: Wesley and Pat
Where: Wesley's House
When: Thursday Night

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Feb. 11th, 2009



Hunting Grounds...

Who: Lilah and Wesley
Where: Bar downtown LA
When: Night
What: Lilah trying to win Wesley over

It had been your typical Thursday at Wolfram and Hart that is until Lilah received an interesting memo on her desk just after lunch. All the note said was, "Find and talk to Wyndam Pryce." It was signed by the Senior Partners. She looked the memo over and reread it a few more times. She didn't have to question why she was given this particular assignment, because she already knew why. In fact Lindsey'd been 'nice' enough to point it out to her on several occasions.

After tossing the memo and making a call to Lindsey to find out exactly where Wesley Wyndam Pryce liked to drown his sorrows these days, Lilah gathered up her things and told her assistant to hold all her calls. She then went down to the underground parking lot and got into her car. She threw her briefcase and purse onto the passenger seat, before pulling out of the garage.

Thirty minutes worth of traffic later, she was parked in front of Wesley's favorite bar. She took a few deep breaths and fixed her hair and make up, then stepped out of her car. She adjusted the shoulder strap of her purse as she made her way into the bar. Lilah walked confidently into the bar watching as every head in the place turned in her direction. She smiled loving that she had that affect on people.

As she walked over to where Wesley was sitting alone at a corner table, she flagged a waiter down and ordered a Vodka martini. Once she'd ordered her drink she took a good long look at the man in front of her. "They weren't kidding when they said he was the picture of pathetic." she thought as she moved closer to his table. "You mind if I join you?" She asked him, as she sat down across from him without waiting for an answer.

Feb. 1st, 2009



Checking on Molly

Who: Wesley and Molly
Where: The Hospital
When: Saturday Afternoon

Wesley came into the hospital just after he had been contacted about Molly. She had been hurt very bad, but, since she didn't have a Watcher herself, he had to be the one to come and visit her. While doing *slightly* better than before, he still had dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep. When he got to Molly's room, he peaked in. "Molly? Are you awake?"

Molly started awake at the unfamiliar voice, and tensed, milky white eyes staring straight ahead of her. She hated that her voice carried an edge of fear on it, but she couldn't help it. The vampire had scared her and the blind Slayer was feeling vulnerable, "Wh-Who's there?" Molly asked a little too loudly, propering herself up with her elbows, much to the distress of the rest of her body.

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Jan. 30th, 2009



The End is the Beginning

Who: Wesley, Pat, Killa Flash, Amata, David, Ben, Baily, and Skylar
Where: Wesley's House, then the Lair of Killa Flash, and then Skylar's Place
When: Thursday Night

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Jan. 23rd, 2009



Going a Tad Stir Crazy

Who: Pat and Wesley
Where: Avarice
When: Thursday Night

Dark Impulses )

Jan. 20th, 2009



Grieving Process

Who: Wes and Gwen
Where: Gwen, Skylar, and Pat's Place
When: A few days after Narcissa died

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