BtVS: Alternate Lives

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November 5th, 2009


To Bite or Not To Bite, That Is The Struggle

Who: Bella & Damon
Where: Damon's apartment
When: An hour or so after the dinner party scene.

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Old Friends

Who: Damon OT: Luke
Where: Damon's apartment
When: Thursday morning, Nov. 5th

He yawned as he stepped out of the elevator and into the private hall that led to his apartment and further down, his office door which held a newly frosted pane with his name, "Damon Braddock" and underneath, "Private Investigator." It was official. Now he just needed clients.

The vampire was exhausted from working three straight nights at Eden. But...he felt that Bella needed her space after the dinner party incident and Damon wasn't sure for the time being if he could trust himself around her. Whatever Lucian had given Bella that evening, posed some very interesting questions that Damon would have to ask his Slayer later that evening. However, he needed sleep before doing that.

Stepping into the apartment, the vampire went through his routine of dropping his keys into the bowl that was placed on the table a few steps in front of the entrance. Yawning again, Damon started to shrug out of his jacket.

Getting to Know You

Who: Neely and Deanna
When: Tuesday, Nov. 3rd (evening)
Where: Saints & Sinners

Getting to Know Every Single Inch of You )

Some Sort of Kindred Spirit

Who: Neely and Rachelle
When: Wednesday, Nov. 4th (afternoon)
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack

...Maybe )



Light of a New Day

Who: Mac, Buffy and Ash
Where: Ash's place
When: Morning(Tuesday November 3)

Slowly pushing the blanket off and away from her Mac made a slow roll off the couch that had served as a bed for her the night before to stand barefeet clad still in the black cargo pants and short sleeved tee she'd been wearing the previous night when found by Buffy. Last night hadn't found the raven haired teen all that talkative when she had been brought to the place of a friend of the girl that found her, but that had always been one of Mac's traits. Tired equaled a not so talkative mood. All she'd relayed to the girl and the guy named Ash who's place she had been brought to was her name was Mackenzie and that, for some yet unrevealed reason, she had to got out of L.A. so they wouldn't find her.

Mac's thoughts that morning when she woke were to quench the thirst that seemed to consume her at the moment and maybe filch a few bills to get a bus ticket to wherever, not that she was a thief by any definition of the word, but this was drastic situation for Mac and she felt the sooner she was away from Los Angeles the better things would be. Slipping her socks back on Mac wandered silently toward the kitchen to get some juice with the hope of being gone before either Buffy or Ash would wake.