BtVS: Alternate Lives

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September 16th, 2009



Wedding Planning

Who: Pat and Patience
Where: Pat and Patience's House
When: Monday night

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You Dastardly Woman

Who: Ben, Bella, and Patience
Where: Avarice
When: Tuesday night

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Dazed and Confused

Who: Patience OT Meredith
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack
When: Tuesday night

Patience had gotten off of work early and because Chloe had called to tell her and Pat about her open house of sorts at the Sugar Shack, she headed over there after leaving Avarice. Still dressed in her work clothes – which were somehow just a tad more revealing than what she usually wore – she sat outside on one of the benches, a little dazed.

She'd seen Bella tonight. And she had most definitely not been a newborn.

Worse. Ben had been hitting on her.

Patience shuddered.

What in the hell was she supposed to tell Pat? Should she not mention it at all? Sometime over the course of the night, the girl had disappeared from her seat at the bar, and she could only hope Bella hadn't ended up back in Ben's office…or anywhere else with him, really.

And what about Gwen? Skylar? Was she supposed to mention it to them, too? She knew they were grieving over the loss of Ami. But….

Christ, this was all so confusing.



Recruiting... the Ben way.

Who: Ben, open to Deanna
Where: The Heartbreak Lounge
When: Wednesday afternoon

Sure, the club didn't open to the public for a few more hours... but Ben knew some of the dancers that went on early got here about now, to get ready, prepare, all that good stuff. And one of those dancers was exactly the person Ben wanted to talk to. And since he TECHNICALLY owned the place now (just a few more signatures and it would all be official) he had every right to be here, in his mind.

He looked around, taking mental notes. A lot of work would have to be done, but overall the palce could be interesting. Add more room, maybe a second floor... the actual stage and table setup weren't too bad... he could really make something of this dump.

Waiting by the empty bar, Ben was focused. If Meredith was going to co-run this place with him, he knew there was one woman she would INSIST on hiring here. And that woman wasn't exactly someone Ben would have a problem bringing in anyway.

Time to have a little chat with Deanna.



Screwy, Messed Up Life

Who: Pat and Jack
Where: Pat and Patience's House
When: Nighttime

How Do I Explain This? )

Blind Leading The Blind

Who: Kat and Harrison
Where: Kat's house
When: Wednesday afternoon

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Promises, Promises

Who: Iris and Ben
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Avarice

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Female Bonding

Who: Chloe and Bella
Where: The Van Warren house
When: Monday afternoon

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