BtVS: Alternate Lives

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September 6th, 2009



OOC - Character Request

OK, I kept dreaming about Jack Delany last night, and it wasn't any sort of naughty dreams, it was character development dreams. So, I have to ask for this.

Some of you know all about Mere and Jack's pasts. Some of you have just been told it over the years that I've played with you, and some of it has been revealed in game. For the record, Jack's hometown is Sunnydale. His parents were hippies. When he was about fifteen, a new girl moved to town: Louise Thompson. Jack fell head over heals, and soon enough, Louise ended up pregnant. Her parents kicked her out, but Jack's parents took them in, because, well, they were just awesome like that. Mere was born when they were both about sixteen. For some reason, about two years later, Louise took off. No note, no nothing. So, the only woman whom Jack loved left him, causing him to have the serious commitment issues that he has to this day and seemed to pass down to Mere.

I'd freaking love it if someone was willing to play her. I originally, way back in the day, had the idea that she had been turned into a vampire, but that doesn't need to be the case. She could have just been overwhelmed and left. She wouldn't have been the first person to do just that, right? PB wise, I don't really have anything picked out, but she'd need to look A LOT like Mere. I would need someone who was willing to play her a good bit, though. So, no picking her up and dropping her to the bottom of the pile, please.

If you're interested, just drop a line here. I'd seriously love you forever if someone did this for me, though.



Surprise, Surprise

Who: Jack OT Louise
Where: Jack and Mere's House
When: Sunday Night, on the late side

Jack flicked the television off and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't sure what he was still doing up. Bars tended to be basically ghost towns on Sundays, so he wasn't bothering with them. Everyone else was busy with something or another, so it wasn't like he was able to call anyone and do something. No, it wasn't really worth being up right now, but he couldn't sleep. However, television was also sucking, so he couldn't even pass the time with that.

Mere wasn't even around right now. He wasn't sure what she was doing, but she seemed to be even busier as of late, and strangely not talkative like usual. She had stopped being the downright fucking frightening that she was going for a while, but now she was just quiet. It was starting to worry him as well.

He sighed and threw the remote to the side. He figured that maybe he could try working through some songs in hopes of helping him sleep. He was about to head to the garage when he heard a knock at the door. It was almost one in the morning. Unless they were...well, him, who the hell was wandering around right now?