BtVS: Alternate Lives

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June 26th, 2009



New customers, perhaps?

Who: Introducing Bette Matthews, OT anyone
Where: Shooting Star Comics
When: Saturday afternoon

Bette Matthews had been running Shooting Star Comics for about a year now. It wasn't a franchishe, in fact, it was just one solitary store, but was nice-sized, and sold comics, RPG books, and a good variety of toys and games as well. It managed to make her enough money to keep the store open and make enough money to use the store as her only job.

Still, the prospect of new customers always excited her, so she was thrilled when she looked across the street, and saw that the building formerly known as Java Joe's was being renamed, finally. The sign said 'Chloe's Sugar Shack'. HELL YES, she thought. A store that was surely going to be either a candy store, a coffee shop, or somethign similar. Place like that would almost inevitably bring her some new customers.

Not wearing one of her many beloved wigs today, the girl's natural, short blonde hair framed her face as she turned her CD player on, allowing Prince's "Purple Rain" to play at a low volume throughout the store, and took a stroll through the aisles, making sure the few customers walking around were serviced, and that everything was where it should be.