BtVS: Alternate Lives

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November 26th, 2008



Arriving...With a Little Something Extra

Who: Just Catherine
Where: Outskirts of LA
When: November 26, 1:04 AM

Catherine really wasn't sure what was going on at this rate. Things seemed to be in extreme flux in Sunnydale, so, giving up, she decided to move to LA. A few other the other people that she knew had taken off to there in the past few months, so it seemed to be the popular thing to do. None had come back, and she hadn't been told of their deaths, so she could only assume that things had went well. Her own parents were missing home back in Russia, so, she finally managed to convince them to go back. They would be safer there, at any rate.

She was mulling over just what she would do in LA when she started feeling weird. She wasn't sure if she was getting sick or what. It started as kind of a tingling at the pit of her stomach. Then it kind of turned into cramps. It got so distracting that she finally had to pull over. She thought she was going to be sick until she finally did a few deep breaths to try and calm down. Suddenly, it was almost as if she got all of her strength back, plus the strength of ten or more men. She felt like suddenly she could take on anything.

And then it hit her what had happened.

"Nyegodray," she swore under her breath. Just what she needed.



Getting Her Fortune Told

Who: Mere and The Host (Lorne)
Where: Caritas
When: November 25

Mere walked into the club, her guitar slung over her back. She wasn't sure what kind of name 'Caritas' was, but she had heard that it was run by a demon who could tell people their futures when they sung to them, so she figured it was the place that she needed to go. Her life had gotten plenty exciting lately, and she couldn't figure out for the life of her what to make of it. Between the vampire being-ness, Ash, Natalia, and Willow, Mere barely knew who to listen to. Maybe this guy could give her a point in the right direction.

As she walked in, almost as if on cue, The Host approached her, all leisure suit and green goodness. His red lips curled into a friendly grin as he slid an arm around her shoulders as if he'd known her for years. "Wooo! Holy stress, Batman, I can feel it coming off you in waves. You're new here... but obviously not here a moment too soon. Care to belt out a tune, lovely?"

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A plan in motion...

Who: Giles and Faith
Where: Giles' home, Los Angeles
When: Tuesday night