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Jan. 6th, 2009



Reinette was on the top of a skyscraper. She'd never seen a skyscraper before - she'd never seen a city like this. She'd seen Paris, but Paris in the 18th century was nothing compared to this. Up there, on top of the world, able to see for miles, and city extending as far as she could see.

Dec. 8th, 2008


Open to all

Rose was all bundled up, and looking more chipper then she had in a while. The Doctor just had his coat on, as usual. A good 6 inches had blanketed the town, enough to really play in not enough to trap people indoor is they wanted to get out. The worked on a snowman for a bit, when Rose turned to the Doctor and commented, "Snowball fights work better with more people. Where is everyone?"

Nov. 23rd, 2008



Rose rounded a corner at a run, ran into someone, and swung behind them, "You didn't see me."

A version of the tenth incarnation Doctor, one that felt wrong, strolled by the intersection a moment later, heading right past them.

Rose leaned back, her back against the brick wall. "Oh thank God."

Oct. 23rd, 2008



Reinette was seated comfortably in the library, nearly at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Oct. 11th, 2008



Oh goodness, she'd just kissed the Fireplace Man! How amazing was that? There was a definite lilt in Reinette's step as she belatedly made her way through the corridors to join her mother in the carriage.

Except. She stopped, and looked round, confused. That door should lead to the entrance hall, not into a long corridor that looked strangely familiar...

Oh. Oh. She was back in the strange place, outside of time and space. After ten years, she'd given up on ever returning.

But then, she'd given up on ever seeing the Fireplace Man - oh! The Doctor! She remembered now! - again.

She hastened towards the lobby of the hotel, excited and eager to see if anyone she knew was about.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


Open (a Jack would be nice)

Reinette was wearing blue today, for a change. She wandered through the park, picking flowers to take home for Nancy. There were all sorts of flowers here, far more types than she'd ever seen at home - and the Poissons had a pretty impressive garden at home.

She was transfixed by an almost luminous blue flower, something like a carnation but, well. Luminous purple.

"Excuse me," she said, when she heard footsteps on the path behind her. "Do you know what this flower's called? It's beautiful!"

Jul. 12th, 2008



Reinette was sitting cross-legged in a corner of the hotel lobby, surrounded by toys. There was her favourite doll, complete with several outfits and her very own parasol, a large spinning top, a selection of balls, a couple of big books of fairy tales and... half a rocking-horse.

Reinette was staring at it, looking very frustrated.

Jul. 8th, 2008



Reinette had discovered ice-cream. She was walking down the street licking an ice-cream cone with a rapturous expression on her face.

She beamed at the first person she saw. "Have you tried this?" she asked. "It's delicious!"

Jun. 26th, 2008



Jo sat under a tree, playing with a toy that a robot in a shop had given her after she said "Good morning," to it. She'd said it mostly out of habit, but she figured it couldn't hurt to be polite to them. Besides, the Doctor talked to Bessie half the time and at least the robots could understand you when you asked for something.

She guessed it was a toy, anyway. It had looked like a cat when she'd gotten it, but when she'd thought of a dog, it'd turned into that. Since then, it had been a horse, a giraffe, an orange-striped zebra, and was now kind of a cross between an eagle and a lion. She frowned at it. There was a name for a thing like that, but she couldn't remember it.

"Do you know what this is?" she asked the first person who walked by.

Jun. 24th, 2008


Open (Methos) - finished

Reinette was wandering through the park in a pretty pink dress and carrying a pretty pink parasol, pretending to be a grown-up young lady.

And keeping a sharp eye out for Jacks (wearing the coat = good, not wearing the coat = bad), blonds in black suits, and men with little beards.

Not that she was particularly scared of any of them. She was more curious than anything.

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Becky's Fluffy!Ten

Reinette had been here a few days and was starting to get a feel for her new surroundings, and how different they were from home. She wasn't at all homesick: she had her own bedroom, her own clothes, and her own doll, who was currently tucked up in bed while Reinette went exploring.

Her excitement only grew when along the street she spotted someone she actually knew.

"Fireplace Man!" she cried, launching herself towards him elatedly.

Jun. 14th, 2008



Reinette hurried into the dining room, still in her long nightie, and looked around anxiously. "Excuse me," she said, to the room at large. "Has anyone seen Francoise-Louise?"

Jun. 6th, 2008


Open (Nancy) - finished

The hotel door opened and a small, blonde girl wearing a long, white nightdress and clutching a big doll in 18th century costume stepped through into the lobby.

She looked around in surprise.

"Oh! Where's my bedroom gone?"