Paradiso Comm


ic comms community

Paradiso is an oc-friendly, panfandom game set in the middle of a social experiment being conducted by the higher powers of the island in an attempt to re-establish civilization. Characters will awaken on the island and will have no initial access to a steady food supply, electricity, hot water, or any other creature comforts; they will need to build, maintain, and expand their own working society with the supplies they can find and the skills they possess. Over time, if the gods and goddesses favor their "volunteers," they may offer some creature comforts along the way with a little touch of magic.

It is a sex game that will have adult situations and occasional mod-prompted plots.

April 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%7Ecaitlin+snow+%28notuptight%29'

Nov. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

Pregnancy sucks. A lot.

I don't understand how my mother managed to completely hide hers when she was expecting me.

Nov. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Alright, all of my makeshift prototypes for distilling vodka are ready, I've managed to bring together some potatoes, and I've already begun the early steps in distilling it. It won't take too much longer.

Actually, I may have a way of even making it faster, but I'm not sure. It's only been perfected over thousands of years, who could possibly perfect it anymore? Well, me, of course, but it's only a theory for now.

Until then, those of you who were doing your own distilling should come over and see if you can use any of it, and if I show you mine, you show me yours, it'll be good fun.

Oct. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

Has anyone made any headway into some alcohol making? If not, don't worry, I've put together a pot still, and have found necessary components to make a pretty decent fermentation process. No, it won't be perfect, but really when living in these sorts of worlds, what is perfection but having alcohol at all? So I can definitely put together some Vodka within a week, maybe two. I will need a lot of potatoes, how we doing in the potato department?

Also, any techies out there that live here, let's work something out. Let me know what you've got for a set up for power, for refrigeration, for power storage, and give me an idea what we need. If you want something you have here to work more efficiently, let me know. Let's get this place running smoothly that way, when we have the bigger complexes and needs, we're ready to go.

Help me not to be bored.

Oct. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

If not for the bonfires I'd forget what day of the week it is. I can't even remember what month it's supposed to be anymore. I kind of like it.

Oct. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Christopher Allen Chapel was born early this morning at the Medical Center. We're both fine and if anyone wants to stop by and meet him, we're at home. He's pretty damn amazing.

Oct. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is definitely an improvement from 1994. Please tell me someone has something in my sized that is NOT made of flannel.



[No Subject]

Is there an opening at the Infirmary here? I'd love to help if I can.

Oct. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

We should talk about what kind of holidays we want to celebrate here. And when and how. I mean, we haven't really established a calendar or anything other than designating the days of the week, but we could still come up with some things.

Or at least talk about the holidays we celebrated at home and what those celebrations looked like. I think all societies have holidays and festivals.

Oct. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Man, all these people having the same argument that I had in my world, but totally not knowing them, and yet totally knowing them, is kind of like watching a really trippy Oliver Stone flick. Which means something to some people.

Then all the other people having babies, and me being super awkward around babies... does anyone want to do any actual like, hanging out? Away from all that? I feel like we're one big happy family, and I'm the loner brother hanging out in his room all day playing WoW. Which I'm totally not, only because it's super not available around here.

Sep. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

Holy shot. Look what I woke up on this morning!

cut, not filtered )

Also, clothes! I almost feel like a girl.

Sep. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

You know, I think I really am going to like it here.

I'm sorry for just dumping everything on you like that. You okay?

Jim Kirk
Thanks for the swim. I think that's probably the most fun I've had in [...] a really long time. Which probably says something really sad about my life, but that's beside the point.

Do you ask all the new girls to go skinny dipping with you or just the really hot ones?

Heeeeeey, you. Think you can help a sister out?

Sep. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

Nice place you guys have here. Hi, I'm Thea Queen.

Sep. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

Add me to the list of newcomers from the Enterprise. I'm Hikaru Sulu but most people just call me Sulu. I guess that's about all I can think of say.



[No Subject]

I met some of you at the Bonfire the other night, but it's been suggested I use this to say hello to the community at large, so hello. My name is Dyson. It's good to meet you all.

[ooc note: He has an open at the bonfire here, but even if you don't feel like logging it, feel free to handwave your characters having met him briefly if they were there!]

Sep. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have major sunburn. I should know better. Pale people and the sun just don't work out.



[No Subject]

So, I've gotta say this place is pretty great.

I've really been enjoying myself since I got here. It's kinda great to find a place where nobody judges you or shames you for enjoying your body.

Sep. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Apparently the gods are happy with us again. There's a huge buffet of pizza and ice cream out here.

Sep. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

This place is amazing. I guess it could have been a desert and I would have been grateful because I was aware from Central City. I should have-



network post 1: leonard mccoy

This place ain't bad, I guess. Nice to have some solid ground under my feet for awhile.

I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself or something. I'm Dr. Leonard McCoy.



network post 1: rose hathaway

You know, when someone shows up claiming to be some kind of goddess and offers you a get out of jail free card new adventure on some island paradise, it usually seems like bullshit. I guess she wasn't actually kidding.

Anyway, hi. I'm Rose Hathaway. Nice to meet you all. What the fuck am I even