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Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Charlie
What: His version of 'moving on'.
Where: Bathos, around Seattle, and ending at a motel.
When: This afternoon-ish (Friday, the same day this is published).
Warnings: None.

Nothing could stand in his way now. )

Feb. 6th, 2011


Who: Corbinian, Charlie, and guest starring Oracle
What: Corbinian catches up to the Night Terror and is not polite.
Where: On the outskirts of the city.
When: After Quinn rescue.
Warnings: Violence. :D

wake all the children from their slumber before they wonder why their dreams have gone to hell )

Jan. 30th, 2011


Who: Luke and Quinn, with a bonus appearance by Charlie
What: A not-date.
Where: Movie theater, streets, then Bathos.
When: Backdated to last weekend (after the full moon and before all the National Guard/MK stuff).
Warnings: Awkward, cute, and ending with creepy.

The Saturday after the issue with the full moon came on too fast and Quinn hadn’t spoken with either Luke or Wren. )

Jan. 4th, 2011


Who: Charlie and Kayla
What: Calling for Help
Where: Bathos 201
When: About 3 am, after this
Warnings: Swearing, discussion of violence, injury inspection. Will update or lock if need be.

Something's wrong, shut the light / Heavy thoughts tonight )

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Who: Charlie Night Terror and Zinnia
What: A dream encounter.
Where: Dreamland~
When: Let's say tonight.
Warnings: TBD.

Never sleep again. )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Who: Charlie and Annie
What: A dream encounter
Where: Dreamland
When: Before Christmas some time.
Warnings: Charlie's a creeper. Annie's an evil child.

The question is who do you want to play with first? )


Who: Charlie Night Terror and Quinn
What: Nightmare encounter.
Where: Dreamland~
When: Earlier this week (after the not-yet-posted Aceso mission).
Warnings: Violence. Typical Charlie stuff.

There hadn't been a proper article about him in at least a month. )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Who: Charlie & Kayla
What: A random meeting.
Where: Bathos.
When: Today, afternoon/evening-ish.
Warnings: TBD. Honestly, I have no idea what's going to happen, but this is Charlie and Kayla sans inhibitions. You've been warned.

Fancy meeting you here. )

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Who: Max and Charlie Night Terror
What: Charlie wants to deliver a message with scary finger knives
Where: A nightmare (Childhood and Aubade)
When: A week after the masquerade (Future-dated to next week)
Warnings: Scary nightmare things, violence and fear

In her mind, she wasn’t in Thomas Brandon’s bathroom. )

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Charlie and Tristan
What: A dream encounter
Where: Some poor kid's nightmare
When: Tomorrow night
Warnings: Bad things

Welcome to my world, bitch. )

Oct. 9th, 2010


Who: Hazel and Charlie
What: Scaring Hazel half to death
Where: Nightmare
When: This evening
Warnings: It's Charlie. There will be major creeping.

she was the kind of person who was too stupid to know when to run )

Sep. 24th, 2010


Who: Charlie and Kayla
What: Making friends
Where: Kayla's dreams
When: Tonight
Warnings: Warnings for disturbing imagery, vaguely suggestive dialog, and everything that makes you squirm uncomfortably. (aka: Kayla's a friggin' creeper)

The more that you fear us, the bigger we get. )

Sep. 17th, 2010


Who: Sam and Charlie
What: First nightmare
Where: Sam's dreamscape
When: Tonight
Warnings: Literally Nightmare Fuel ladies and gentlemen. Enter at your risk.

Let's wail away the hours - let's spend an evil night together. )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Charity Ball

Who: Everyone
What: The Thomas, Inc. Charity Ball
Where: The Four Seasons Seattle
When: Sunset on Monday
Warnings: Any and all
Notes: A few ground rules! Anyone not wearing formal wear will be barred from entry to the ballroom. Anyone starting fights or using their abilities will be swiftly removed by hotel staff - picking fights is not the point of this event. Any posts between now and 12:01 AM on Friday need to be within the time span of this event, and there is to be no posting outside that span until then. Please list your character's location in the subject of your comments.

The history of the world my love is those below serving those up above. )