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Posts Tagged: '%7Ekilla+flash'

Jan. 30th, 2009



The End is the Beginning

Who: Wesley, Pat, Killa Flash, Amata, David, Ben, Baily, and Skylar
Where: Wesley's House, then the Lair of Killa Flash, and then Skylar's Place
When: Thursday Night

Read more... )

Jan. 27th, 2009



It's Coming Down to This

Who: Killa Flash, Amata, Gwen, and Skylar later
Where: The Underground Lair
When: Monday Night

The Beginning of Hell )

Jan. 5th, 2009


Battle plans

Who: Killa Flash & Frost
Where: Flash's underground lair
When: Monday afternoon

 Deep beneath the city, the vampiric gangster called Killa Flash was pacing methodically, back and forth, twirling his cane absently in his hand. He was waiting for his newest 'agent' to report back to him, to get her next assignment. Now, he thought... it was time to turn things up.

Agent was not an appropriate term for Frost, though.  It was more like rabid dog.  Point her in a direction and hope she went that way and didn't turn back.  Or get distracted.  But Frost was behaving lately.  Sort of.  She was fitting in her own versions of entertainment where ever she felt like - the boy at the graveyard included - and it was putting her in a decent enough mood.  So Frost walked in without so much as greeting her 'boss' and settled herself somewhere, sprawling on the nearest available surface.  Which, honestly, was probably the floor.

"Frost... there's my gal." He adored her... in that sort of way one would adore their prized attack dog.  "Time to let the Slayers know we mean business... the warning shot got their attention.. but now it's time to put the fear of... well... us into them. Now, tell me, gorgeous... if you're a fresh Slayer, still mostly untrained... what's the smartest thing to take from them to make sure they stay that way?"

Frost yawned lazily, and licked her fangs.  She was sated, for the moment.  "Their legs."

"I suppose I walked into that one. I mean their Watchers, baby." He smirked, knowing damn well he'd have killed others for so much lip. But with Frost? He had a mixture of awe, respect, and juuuust a tinge of fear, which he'd never show.

"Oh.  Want me to kill them?  I wanted to go to a club and stick me some longpig."  Frost pouted.  "Oh, I met one of them in graveyard.  Nasty little thing.  Smelled like ignorance.  I should've taken her legs and tossed them down a sewer grate."

"Good... the more they fear us... the more we defeat them before even engaging them in combat." He went back and forth between talking in an amazingly intelligent combat dialect and talking in the verbiage of a typical gangsta-rapper. "Now... I got a fun lil' game for you, boo. You gon' make a mess of one of the Watchers now. I had Amata do the research, and figure out the easiest target. We found one... that thinks she's far tougher than she is. She'll be a breeze for you to get to."

"How... creative do I get to be?"  Frost was choosy.  If it didn't interest her, she'd probably wander off and do something else completely.  Which was a dangerous prospect for both sides, really, considering that when she was left to her own devices, she tended to do things like burn families alive in their homes and nail priests to crosses.

"Well..." He stroked his beard and grinned evilly. "I need this to be pretty precise... but I'll make you a deal." He knelt down, cupping her chin cutely. "You tear this bitch's heart out, and leave her in tatters where I tell you to... and I'll find you a nice house full of children that you can kill however you want."

"Do I get to eat the heart?"  Frost was fully aware that her habit of eating hearts was disturbing to vampire and mortal alike, but that would hardly stop her in her escapades.  The fact that she'd asked could've, alone, been a sign of respect.  Or maybe she was just being polite.

"Of course... we want them to know you were there, after all." He stood back up, steepling his fingers. "The information on her is on my desk. Kill her exactly as it says on the paper... and we'll be well on our way to wiping out every Slayer in this goddamn city."

Frost gave him a look that clearly stated that she wasn't going to get up without something a little more motivating then a piece of paper.  She was comfortable, dammit.  "What's so fun about an easy watcher, anyway?"

"This isnt about fun, Frost... this one's about winning. The Watchers are all these girls have to turn to. If they start dying? The girls panic. And a scared Slayer becomes an easy slayer to kill." He explained.

"Pft.  That's no fun.  Fine.  I want a pet slayer.  They heal fast, and I'd feed it every day."

"Let's see what we can do. But first... you need to off this Watcher. Don't let me down, Frost... this is your chance to help make sure the Slayer line is destroyed forever."

Frost wasn't altogether sure she wanted that to happen, since it was just plain fun to mess with little slayer girls, but whatever.  "Fine.  But I'mma sticking longpigs at a club after."

"Good girl." Killa Flash grinned at her, a frightening, evil smile. "Go have some fun."

Dec. 18th, 2008



One Down

Who: Killa Flash, Amata, and Iris
When: Wed., Dec. 17
Where: Streets of LA, on the way to Iris and Pat's Place

More to go )

Dec. 11th, 2008


Plotting for destruction

Who: Introducing Killa Flash and Amata
Where: Underground lair, beneath Los Angeles
When: Thursday night, Dec. 11