
Posts Tagged: 'waverley+rowan'

May. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

By this point, you'd think I'd realise not to have so much stuff. Packing and unpacking is a bit of a drag. Especially moving up stairs.

Thanks for the assist though, neighbour. You're gonna have to find a way for me to pay you back.



[No Subject]

I heard someone babbling about a field trip away from Limbo that took place in February. Any chance that's happening again any time soon?

I'm surprised this place doesn't have more accidents or holes blown through the walls. Was it purposefully designed to be so bleak?

May. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

Kind of weird being in a different place after spending so much time at the Underworld facility.

I'm Tommy. I already got a warm welcome from my handler so that's something at least.



[No Subject]

Haven't been here long, but hot damn. This place would make one hell of a reality show. Real Supers of Limbo? Big Brother: Super Edition? Survivor: Limbo? I'm open to suggestions for the pitch I'm currently penning.



[No Subject]

Thanks for the presents, they're awesome. Really awesome. The firsts of my new collections.

How you doing?

Hey gorgeous, you still got my t-shirt?

I echo Jett's post, am definitely missing the clubs.

May. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

So, what's this place got over Texas aside from the fact it's above ground and I'm getting all the vitamin D I could ask for?



[No Subject]

Now that I've finally got settled in after a very long transfer from Florida I figured now was as good a time as any to introduce myself.

Ezekiel Raymond Masters or Zeke for short, pleasure to meet you all.

May. 25th, 2018



» filters

We need to talk at your earliest convenience.

[Team Davies]
[Waveryly, JP, Frankie, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I need 24 hours before I deal with shit. There's McDonalds in the common room of your suite, do not gorge yourself and don't fight over the happy meal toys.

Vargas, you don't deserve this.

I got the notification in the air, I didn't realise you were up for another transfer, let me know if you want me to reverse that and I'll start working on it.

There's some food in the suite and you've got a share in it.

Once you've gotten some rest and cleaned up, we need to discuss the mission, I'll need you to report to my office to discuss it.

I need a lot of alcohol. Like, a lot.



[No Subject]

[Private to Team Davies]
This place always so dramatic?

That your family? You wanna go for a swim and then get an ~adult drink?

This place is insane.

May. 24th, 2018



» public

I have never, in all my life, missed clubs this much.

Jesus am I feeling antsy though.

May. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

So if someone wanted to watch a movie in the big screen you guys have got here, is there a rota, does a formal request have to be submitted or is there just a DVD player hooked up to a projector somewhere?

Disappointingly, since you weren't actually part of my welcome wagon, you wanna give me a tour to make up for that oversight on the part of the welcoming committee?

I promise, no underwear will be thrown. Unless you ask really nicely.



[No Subject]

Well, things seemed to have settled again. But I may have just jinxed it by mentioning it, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Is it normal to feel a little stir crazy after staying still for this long?

May. 21st, 2018



» filtered

I have to head off base for a few days, the team don't seem to be too antsy, but given that rarely lasts, you mind keeping your eye on them?

I shouldn't be gone more than two or three days.

[Russell's Team]
[Waveryly, JP, Mauve, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Amber, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I will be off base for approximately three days. With the team shuffles we'll be reassessing training schedules, new details will be available next week. You can either have this week free, or work at your own pace.

Rachel is available should you require anything.

I'm making steps to have Miss Taylor assigned to my team. Given the hostilities with her sibling having them on the same team was an oversight by the higher ups. I still have to work things out with Handler Carson but it shouldn't take long.

Try not give Rachel shit while I'm away.

May. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who would I talk to about special diets?



[No Subject]

[Handler Davies]
I understand that I've been assigned to your team, I know that powers are permitted during the time in the hologym but is there anything that'd mean I couldn't shift in the pool as long as I don't, y'know, turn into a shark or crack any of the tiles, or damage the structure of it like I accidentally did the other one?

I'm dying for a swim.

Edit: With the talk on the network about someone needing a special diet, I assume that my notes from the Everglades has noted that I don't eat fish?