
Posts Tagged: 'sienna+anderson'

Jun. 7th, 2018



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Hello Ms Krause; my name is Dr Anderson, or Sienna, and your handler has requested that we make some time to have a little chat about your recent difficulties.

If you're free, I'd be happy to stop by your room tomorrow and we can maybe have a little chat and arrange another time to meet?

I hope you're doing well, Clara. How have you been?

I was wondering if there were any colouring books or crayons/pencils/pens you'd like? I know the leisure room fills up fast, and the shopette can get nice things, but I thought this might be faster?

Hello Ms Jameson, my name is Dr Anderson, or Sienna. Rachel forwarded your information on to me, I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you earlier, but I was hoping we could narrow down a time this week that we could chat?

Ms Ashford, I'm Dr Anderson, or Sienna, I do understand that Dr Romero started your sessions, and I know this is disruptive, I'm sorry, but we've assessed a few things and feel that maybe we could be a little more comfortable giving your current situation and struggles.

I'd really like it if we could get together to chat and see where you feel you're at with things. We don't need to do it in my office if you'd prefer another spot, but I usually find quiet areas are best suited.

Jun. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to Psych Team ]

Good afternoon,

I have an agent by the name of Abigail Krause who I would like to have visit one of you as soon as possible. Given her history with the institutions of mental health in the past, this will likely be a difficult and complicated session. I've attached a copy of her file to this message for you to take a look at -- you would obviously know much better than I how to best approach this.

She has said some things which troubled and worried me -- I believe she's feeling very guilty over not being able to foresee the accidents that have been cropping up around the base. I'm worried about how she might cope with this guilt.

I appreciate your help in this matter.

[Agent File Attached]

Kind Regards,
R. Cohen

Jun. 1st, 2018



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[Holly Page]
Ms Page, you need to get to the gym now.

Ms Theriot had a vision, something about Jett, Ben and explosions. She said he waited too long between explosions. I don't think there's time to stop it, but you need to get there quickly.

I might be out of office for a while, can you redirect my afternoon if I don't make it back by 2?

[Charlotte Carson]
I'm sorry for the delay, I had to look up who 'Ben' was, Mr Walker was in an explosion a short while ago, I believe he's okay, but I cannot tell for sure.

Ms Theriot's visions aren't entirely forthcoming with information. I advise checking the medical wing.

May. 21st, 2018



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[ Dr. Anderson ]
Sienna. I know you just took on someone from me, but can you do an assessment? I don't think my personality will work well with this one and, well, I'm trying to get ahead on my paperwork. I fell behind after the fat cats in D.C. decided they needed me to go be their golden girl again for a month. Bureaucrat hell. Do not recommend.

If you think this one would be willing to work with me, I'll keep her. I just want her initial assessment to be with someone a little more positive and a little less, well... me.

[attached: Agent file - Francis Taylor; Initial Assessment Notes: Francis Taylor ]

[ Dr. Russel-Popov ]
Adelaide. I've got a hell of a patient for you, if you're willing to run an initial assessment? He fits right into my expertise, but I would feel more comfortable if I got a second opinion. If you think someone else would be a better match, just let me know. I'm trying to catch up on a lot of paperwork that I fell behind on and he and his sister were brought to me with bright red neon signs that said, "MUST DO NOW!"

[ attached: Agent file - Josiah Taylor; Initial Assessment Notes: Josiah Taylor ]



[ Psych Team / Scott Deacon ]

I've finally touched base with Nicolette Ashford, per Mr. Deacon's contact.

I'm sorry that I failed to inform you about this, Scott, but she has skipped three different sessions prior to my dropping in on her Sunday night. I don't think this is her being intentionally defiant so much as she chooses to try to address her problems on her own. She rescheduled each missed session and I wanted to give her enough space to feel comfortable, but two weeks is plenty of time. I have arranged a new meeting for assessment after lunch today and I believe she won't miss this one. If she does, I will make sure you know immediately. I expect her to comply or learn the results of her noncompliance.

MY NOTES will always be available in her file for our team and her handler. While I do believe that every patient has the right to privacy, I feel that leaving her handler out of the loop when it could affect an agent's safety is a bad choice. My notes will be updated with anything else I discover during her assessment.

That being said, is anyone here more versed in phobias and anxiety than I am? My specialty is trauma due to the manifestation of abilities, but anxiety itself is a whole other monster. If there is anyone who is better with anxiety disorders than I am, I yield to you. I have no real world experience with the treatment of phobias and, though she's never stated this to be a true phobia, I feel like her childhood fear may also be compounding the issue. The recent shift of agents and handlers coinciding with her anxiety may also be one of her triggers, but I'll know more once we sit down and have a good session. She's a woman of few words so I hope I can get more out of her than "yes, ma'am."

May. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to Sandy ]

My office. Now.

[ private to Evan ]

We meet immediately to discuss what happened in the common area.

[ private to Sienna ]

Would we be able to meet later to discuss one of the agents on my team? I'm going to be making appointments between the two of you very soon, when you have had some time to go over her file.

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ grey ]

Is Clara alright? Your opinion mostly, but do you think she would feel comfortable enough to let a doctor come see her? She wouldn't have to go to the infirmary and I'll let you stay in the room.

[ psych team ]

As per Mr. Deacon's request. I'd like to put both Kelly and Chloe into therapy. I'd also like Miss Theriot's schedule to be pushed up as soon as possible. Thank you.

Apr. 25th, 2018



Private Messages

Private to Drs Romero & Anderson )

Private to Aidan Hartley )

Private to Victor Sinclair )

Private to Dove Wilson )

Private to Raven Pereria )

Private to Jett Danvers )

Private to Scott Weston )

Private to Jonathan Ryland )

Private to Indigo de Rosier )

Apr. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

I do hope you had a nice birthday, I happen to have a rather lovely bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses that are calling our names for after work, if you happen to have a free night.

Paul is entertaining his mother and the kids have dual sleep overs planned, so I'm in desperate need for an adult night.

[Lucas Frost]
Mr Frost, I have received Ms Theriot's file regarding her treatment from the Everglades facility and I am keen to meet with her. Personally, I think this may take a length of time to properly address and treat, but I would like to make steps to gaining Ms Theriot's trust in order to get her on the path to recovery.

Obviously, I don't want to make arrangements without checking with you regarding her schedule.

Whoever is responsible for the desserts in the cafeteria, it is entirely your fault that my diet is shot to bits.