
Posts Tagged: '%7Edavid+maddox'

Jun. 12th, 2018



[Filter: David Maddox]

Hi David

You don't know me, but my name's Chloe and I killed my brother died earlier this year. I'm sorry for your loss and I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and if you ever wanted to talk or if there's anything I can do, just let me know.

It's real tough and I don't know if your friends and stuff have already reached out but I just wanted to say that I know how it feels so if there's anything I can do... So yeah.

- Chloe Deacon, 407D.

Jun. 8th, 2018



» public & filter


All personnel are to make their way directly to the cafeteria. Agents, be sure to have checked in with your handlers before then or during.

Staff members; please monitor and assist as you can.

This is not a drill nor is it a request.

[Saffron's Team]
Please confirm your status.

Jun. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[Team Gupta]
[Tundra, Shade, Powerhouse, Umbra, Wallflower, Tiny & Triplet]
Until further notice, hand to hand will be held in the courtyard where power off training is completed. I understand the gym being temporarily out of commission will impede some aspects of training, however if you require additional or alternative methods, please ask.

As I am sure you are aware, powers are unpredictable. Do not extend behaviour in which you would be distressed by were you in the same position.

May. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

By this point, you'd think I'd realise not to have so much stuff. Packing and unpacking is a bit of a drag. Especially moving up stairs.

Thanks for the assist though, neighbour. You're gonna have to find a way for me to pay you back.

May. 27th, 2018



» filters

[Team Gupta]
[Tundra, Shade, Powerhouse, Umbra, Wallflower, Tiny, Calypso & Triplet]
Your training schedule is prepared, barring any issue this will be your time slots for the foreseeable future.

All hand to hand and personal training will take place in the gym, be there on time. Weapons training will be completed at the range. On Monday, I expect everyone on the courtyard by the hologym promptly. This week will primarily be assessing where your abilities are at and what needs further attention.

You can ask questions now, or on the day.
Training Schedule

I'm sure your handler informed you, but the administration error removing you from your team was fixed. It shouldn't happen again.

That said, I am sorry your temporary placement on my team caused you distress.

May. 23rd, 2018



» public

Hello all. I am Handler Gupta, you may address me as such, or Saffron.

I've been transferred in to assist in handling the ever growing teams of agents at this facility, for those of you transferred to my team, I understand it's daunting and you've likely grown used to where you had been, however, this change was not made off the cuff and some of you may find that my handling suits you better than that of your previous handler.

This is not to be disparaging to your previous handler, simple that we all have different approaches to matters.

If you have questions about your placement, you will find me in my office for the next two days. You will have until Monday to settle into your new rooms and teams. Monday at 10am we will meet outside, on the courtyard for assessments.



[No Subject]

Moving day!


It's been fun.


Same team, no more excuses not to spar. And we've never played with me amped up!

May. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

Who wants to hit up the hologym? I want to test my durability and strength. Who wants to hit me?

[telepathic message to hotshot]

I'm going to be completely honest with you, my brother being here is fucking me up.

May. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]


It's been crazy around here lately, if anybody wants to join me for a casual game of basketball you're more than welcome to.


Hey, so I saw Julian got transferred, you okay?

May. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Is it over? Is it safe to come out now? Or are we going to expect some other crazy shit to happen?

Apr. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

When there's a constant 'ringing' sound in your ear? You know you might've gone a little too rough when it comes to training.

Apr. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Jesus Christ. I leave for a while on a recon mission and come back to find all my shit gone.

Apologies to whomever is in my room now! I shadow-stepped inside because I couldn't get the door open. Stupid, I know, but I was so damn tired that I didn't even think about the locks changing. I don't know if you were in there, but once I realized my shit wasn't in there, I left. I hope I didn't freak you out too much.

The handler on the return trip failed to inform me that I'd been relocated. He wasn't a local so I'm sure he didn't know either. Also, seeing as Juliet didn't return, I'm fairly sure I got reassigned with the relocation, but haven't had time to sort through nearly a month's worth of messages. So... Hello, new handler(s)?

Apr. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

It's literally astounding to me that this has to be said

Matter of respect, kidlets

Apr. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I need to hit something. Anyone up for an impromptu sparing session or ten?

Mar. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]


Does anyone know if 'slang' has changed over the course of four years? I didn't understand it when I was teaching high school but someone mentioned something about 'fam' and 'bae' and I'm pretty sure I sat in the leisure room for an hour trying to figure out what the fuck 'bae' means. What happened to the days of 'radical' and 'tubular, dude'.


I love you. I miss you. I'm thinking about you.
Are you okay? I heard something some time back from Raph.


You want to...eat dinner together? Catch up?

Mar. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Private to David]
Juliet and I just came back from a field trip. We were in a riot. She's in one piece.

I have to see Dr. Romero but I need to see you after.

Jan. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

Archery practice. Sundays, 0900.

If you want to learn, now's your chance to sign up. Guns, knives, and superpowers aren't the only choices.

You lot need an identity.

Not only for team-building purposes, but for simplicity's sake. As a unit or a group, you need to come up with a moniker that sticks, because we will be starting team-centric training next week. You train together, you sleep together, you eat together. All that Semper Fidelis stuff.

Hellions, Raiders, Spirits, Rangers, Warriors, Wildcats, whatever you think works. Not the Patriots. As a New Yorker, I won't accept that. Someone just come up with something other than Castle and Winter's Superpowered Regiment Agents (CWSRA). It's not very catchy.

So what do you know about P

How's your team after the shake-up? You gained Alice from me and I don't think I received anyone in return. I smell senior bias.



[No Subject]

Anyone interested in watching the Superbowl with me this weekend?

[Private to [info]briny]

Not sure if it's possible, but do you think I'd be able to try using my powers abilities mind thingies on animals? Like... if you got a cat or a dog in here, could I try it on them? Or use it for practice?

Jan. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

You guys seem to party a lot more than my other facility. Not saying it's a bad thing. I'm completely stocked up on orange soda because of it. But doesn't this concern anyone else? Or is it just me?

Jan. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

I know critiquing the Regiment is strictly frowned upon. We all do it anyway. But has anyone else noticed the lack of Orange Soda in the shopette? I ordered it right when I got here and I'm still disappointed my request hasn't gone through. It's my only vice. I need it.

Limbo strangely operates a little differently than the Everglades facility. We didn't get to request things. Or scheduled training. If anyone wants to sharpen their skills before they hit the field, I can make myself available to meet in the Hologym. If not, well...hopefully you're just as skilled as you are confident.