
Posts Tagged: 'crystal+jameson'

Jun. 8th, 2018



» filtered

[Matt Deacon & Riley Hunter]
I felt it prudent to inform you both, two psychic signatures on the base just blipped out. It tends to mean people are dead.

There's also a rather interesting flare up of psychic bleed on base, presumably from one of the two deaths. I can scan for where if you'd like, I would prefer not to as it is rather invasive and disturbing. But, if needs must.

May. 31st, 2018



[Team Filter]

[Lydia Fitch, Simon Fitch, Summer Fitch, Henry Hughes, Lovelie Davis, Goldie Keen, Crystal Jameson, Xavier Chambers, Syreni Jones, Precious Jagger]
Morning everyone.

As your assessments have been completed, your psych evals are finished and reviewed and you've all had a little while to settle into Limbo and the way we do things here in the Regiment - whether you approve or not - Matt and I have drawn up a training schedule.

Goldie, Mira, Xavier and our newcomer, Crystal - welcome to the team, will be training with myself and Matt on alternate weeks; I'll be training you for week 1 and 3, Matt will be handling weeks 2 and 4.

The rest of you can see the split in the schedule.

Weapons Training will be at the range, hand to hand will be on the third floor of the gym on the matted area, and your ability training will be in the hologym.

Please be prompt for your training sessions, we've not schedule too many in and most of you have a significant portion of the week where we aren't putting in any formalised training. Please make sure that you use the gym at least once a week as we aren't forcing you to do any personal training time but it'll be easier on you when we do group exercises if you maintain at least a base level of fitness. Speak to either me or Matt if you'd benefit from a more structured gym routine and we'll help.



Mira, you have hand to hand training between 3:30 and 4:30pm every Friday with Matt & myself on alternate weeks. I understand that this is daunting, but we will be working on purely defensive moves for you so that should something happen, you are able to defend yourself.

I'd also like to teach you how to disarm a different range of guns and how to disarm an armed opponent. I know you don't necessarily feel that having enhanced hearing is much of a boon, but I'm pretty sure we could make it work for you.



Welcome to Limbo, and to the team. I know you've been here for a while and you're an old hat at this but I think this might be your first facility move?

If there's anything Matt or I can do to help, please let me know.

