
Posts Tagged: 'matt+deacon'

Jun. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ matt & riley's team ]

By now you've probably caught on to the announcement made earlier this morning by Handler Gupta. We're asking all agents to head to the cafeteria where we can make a headcount of all under our care. For Mr. Hunter and my own peace of mind, we're asking you do a head count as well here.

Please check in and then head to the cafeteria. Details will follow.



[No Subject]

[Scott’s team]

Sound off for me, guys. Need to know if you’re all present and accounted for.


You guys okay? There's been an incident, which I'm sure you're aware of by now, but I need to know you're in one piece and safe especially after Louis.

Jun. 4th, 2018



Handlers Riley and Deacon

I've signed up for the dog training. The first meet up is tomorrow at 9:30 am. I hope this is okay.

May. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Why am I being moved? I don't want to be moved...


They moved me...

May. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to: handlers ]

If there was a Super on the outside I believe ought to be incarcerated and had information on how to locate that individual and his activities, who would I be directed to speak with? I'd like a name.

May. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]


Couple days late I know, but I've been battling a paper demon it seems - you doing okay?


Hey Bambi, how you doing? I managed to get some of your things sent over by mom so figured I could swing by later and drop them off


Mom and dad send their love and Charlie wanted you to know that your little hellbeast is doing just fine.


What do you say to getting offbase for a while? Maybe you, me, Evan, a couple of the others. I think we all deserve some time off and drinks.


Thinking about getting offbase for a while, to unwind and take a load off with a couple others - you want to come?

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ Team Hunter & Deacon ]
{Xavier Chambers | Lydia Fitch | Beatrice Luther | Rowana Shire | Lovelie Davis}

I'll be honest and clear, none of you are going to be doing any side training until a proper assessment is finished with either myself or Handler Hunter. Assessments will be run this week and the alternating days will be for assessments with the psych team to see if you're fit for the field.

The infirmary and Dr. Statford and Dr. Popov are also doing physicals. These are mandatory. Reach out to either one of them whenever possible to set up the appointment. If you do not, an appointment will be made for you.

- Deacon

[ Deacon Girls ]

Hey How are you both?

You two doing alright? All things considered.

Apr. 28th, 2018



Mr. Hunter and Mr. Deacon

There is a woman offering training on Saturday, I would very much like to do this if it is alright with you both.

Apr. 26th, 2018



[Private: Matt Deacon]

Alright Cap? Settling in ok?

So we've got a bunch of files from our new transfers to read - if you haven't already, nerd. And I found an empty office we can use. We even have a desk each.

Wanna grab some beer and we can sort out a training schedule and shit?