
Posts Tagged: '%7Ealex+montega'

Jun. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

How you enjoying access to your voice?

Archery lesson this weekend?

You got any more music recommendations?

How are you settling in? Hopefully not getting lost.

Any plans for the weekend?

May. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

Thanks for the presents, they're awesome. Really awesome. The firsts of my new collections.

How you doing?

Hey gorgeous, you still got my t-shirt?

I echo Jett's post, am definitely missing the clubs.

Apr. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Private to Alex]
Hey, so I think you left your socks at mine - you want them back?

...talk about a sudden explosion of apparent drama

Apr. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

After exploring Limbo a little better I definitely enjoy the gym and the leisure room though let's be real life on the outside still ranks higher, but you make do with what you got

Apr. 2nd, 2018



[Private: Mike]

Not to rush you or anything, but... how’s the making that thing going?



[No Subject]

Any good recommendations on music to get you in the right zone for training?

Apr. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

[Private to Alex]

So you've got me intrigued, what exactly did you have in mind?



[Filter: Michael Winter & Hazel Dagan]

Um, hi. So if I wanted to have my powers - or my mind control thing - turned off, how would I go about doing that? Just temporarily. For a little while.

Mar. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

I know I'm not meant to be biased but... I'm rather glad to be out of South Dakota. Lovely place, I'm sure. Once you get used to it. Not sure I'd ever get used to it though.

[Private to Hazel & Michael's Team]
[David Maddox, Will McCall, Vasily Markov, Indigo de Rosier, Evelyn Bowen, Cleo Moore, Carly Cassidy, Paige Scott & Alex Montega]
I understand that you all just lost Mr Castle as a handler, I'm updating myself on any and all activities he'd put in place with Michael that were popular or that you seemed interested in. With luck, we'll be able to continue them.

My name is Hazel, I'm the replacement here to help Michael with your training and situation. If you need anything or have requests, please feel free to find me. Once Michael has me up to date, we'll be addressing training and simulations to run as a team.

Until then, if you have any questions, my door is always open.

[Holly, Rachel, Juliet & Charlotte]
So, I might've just got here, but I'm pretty sure we should set up a girls night to get away from this place for a couple of hours.

All in favour?

Mar. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

It's typical that out of all the jobs I pulled and places I worked over that I'd be caught because somebody couldn't keep their mouth shut

The saying is "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" but I'm thinking I should have been doing that with my "friends" this whole time

Shitty time to learn that lesson

Mar. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

So it was suggested to me that I should introduce myself on this thing since I'm new to the facility, and pretty much everything that comes with it.

My name's Alex. What do I need to know about this place? Other than my 'handlers' are Michael Winters and Connor Castle?