
Posts Tagged: 'lydia+fitch'

Jun. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ matt & riley's team ]

By now you've probably caught on to the announcement made earlier this morning by Handler Gupta. We're asking all agents to head to the cafeteria where we can make a headcount of all under our care. For Mr. Hunter and my own peace of mind, we're asking you do a head count as well here.

Please check in and then head to the cafeteria. Details will follow.

May. 31st, 2018



[Team Filter]

[Lydia Fitch, Simon Fitch, Summer Fitch, Henry Hughes, Lovelie Davis, Goldie Keen, Crystal Jameson, Xavier Chambers, Syreni Jones, Precious Jagger]
Morning everyone.

As your assessments have been completed, your psych evals are finished and reviewed and you've all had a little while to settle into Limbo and the way we do things here in the Regiment - whether you approve or not - Matt and I have drawn up a training schedule.

Goldie, Mira, Xavier and our newcomer, Crystal - welcome to the team, will be training with myself and Matt on alternate weeks; I'll be training you for week 1 and 3, Matt will be handling weeks 2 and 4.

The rest of you can see the split in the schedule.

Weapons Training will be at the range, hand to hand will be on the third floor of the gym on the matted area, and your ability training will be in the hologym.

Please be prompt for your training sessions, we've not schedule too many in and most of you have a significant portion of the week where we aren't putting in any formalised training. Please make sure that you use the gym at least once a week as we aren't forcing you to do any personal training time but it'll be easier on you when we do group exercises if you maintain at least a base level of fitness. Speak to either me or Matt if you'd benefit from a more structured gym routine and we'll help.



Mira, you have hand to hand training between 3:30 and 4:30pm every Friday with Matt & myself on alternate weeks. I understand that this is daunting, but we will be working on purely defensive moves for you so that should something happen, you are able to defend yourself.

I'd also like to teach you how to disarm a different range of guns and how to disarm an armed opponent. I know you don't necessarily feel that having enhanced hearing is much of a boon, but I'm pretty sure we could make it work for you.



Welcome to Limbo, and to the team. I know you've been here for a while and you're an old hat at this but I think this might be your first facility move?

If there's anything Matt or I can do to help, please let me know.



May. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

I heard someone babbling about a field trip away from Limbo that took place in February. Any chance that's happening again any time soon?

I'm surprised this place doesn't have more accidents or holes blown through the walls. Was it purposefully designed to be so bleak?

May. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to: handlers ]

If there was a Super on the outside I believe ought to be incarcerated and had information on how to locate that individual and his activities, who would I be directed to speak with? I'd like a name.



[No Subject]

Do the right thing he said.

Help save your mom and sister he said.

And then when it really came down to it he didn’t say or do anything.

My fault I guess for trusting him but not like I had a lot of options and pretty fucking sure your parent is not supposed to steer you wrong.

Anyways, name’s Simon, dubious honour to be here.

May. 5th, 2018



» public

So, while my mom is taking a little time out of being my shadow (and so you know where I'm gonna be mother dear), I will be in the leisure room for the next hour or so with my full beauty supplies offering manicures, eyebrow plucking and facials.

Honestly, I know we're stuck in the middle of nowhere with very little to do, but how about remembering the self care? I have top beauty tips to share, so, stop by?

Unless you're part of the drama-club, in which case, take it to the gym? Where sweaty people go to be sweaty?

May. 2nd, 2018



» public

What the actual eff is all this? This thing doesn't even have snapchat, like come on.

I really need a frappe if I'm gonna live like this.

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ Team Hunter & Deacon ]
{Xavier Chambers | Lydia Fitch | Beatrice Luther | Rowana Shire | Lovelie Davis}

I'll be honest and clear, none of you are going to be doing any side training until a proper assessment is finished with either myself or Handler Hunter. Assessments will be run this week and the alternating days will be for assessments with the psych team to see if you're fit for the field.

The infirmary and Dr. Statford and Dr. Popov are also doing physicals. These are mandatory. Reach out to either one of them whenever possible to set up the appointment. If you do not, an appointment will be made for you.

- Deacon

[ Deacon Girls ]

Hey How are you both?

You two doing alright? All things considered.

Apr. 26th, 2018



Private Mesages

[ Private: Scott Deacon ]

Hi, so you don't know me but I'm a new transfer in, junior handler. I've been working with your brother Matt for a few years.

I'm sure you're sick of hearing it, but I'm sorry for what happened recently. I promise I'll look out for Matt, and your sisters as best I can.

And my name's Riley, by the way.

[ Private: Kelly Deacon ]

Hi Kelly, I'm Riley. I've worked with your brother - Matt - for a few years. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened recently and if there's anything I can do to help that you don't wanna talk to your handler or your brothers about, I'd like to step up.

If you need it. Which I'm sure you don't, but the offer's there.

[ Private: Team Hunter & Deacon ]
{Xavier Chambers | Lydia Fitch | Beatrice Luther | Rowana Shire | Lovelie Davis}

I know I sort of welcomed some of you, but I'd like to do it officially. Welcome to Limbo, all, and welcome to the team. I'm Riley, one of your handlers. Matt's the other one, I'm sure he'll say hi in his own time. We've come over from Maine, and want to work with you guys to make your time here more pleasant than not.

Once we get settled, we'll pull together a training plan, but would like to do assessments to see where everyone's at. You guys can have the rest of the week and the weekend to settle in and we'll do assessments starting from Monday.

- Riley



[No Subject]

So this is Limbo.

The name is apt considering we are all in a situation where we appear to be caught between two stages with very little clarity on what happens next.

They seem to think that Limbo is better than jail, presumably because I can be reached in jail whereas here I cannot.

Apr. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

According to my twelve-year-old tour guide, apparently this place doesn't have a fully stocked bar. How has there not been a mutiny?