
Posts Tagged: 'carly+cassidy'

Jun. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

hi, i'm new, i'm valentine, nice to meet you. this is my first one of these things. do we all go round in a circle and talk about our powers? i'm pretty awesome at music, if that's the case.

y'all got a b-ball court here or just the hologram gym, or whatever?

Jun. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

[Holly and Gabi Flores]
I mentioned this to Doc Popov and he said I should speak to you guys. I know there are a lot of repairs to do on the gym and I can't really help with those. However, I would be happy to help with clearing the debris. With my abilities, I think I could be a lot of help.

[Ethan and Carly]
Are you guys okay?



[No Subject]

[ amber & june ]

Are you two okay?

[ carly ]

You doing alright?

[ public ]

Well...so much for starting June quiet. May I ask that nothing happens in August?



[No Subject]

How you enjoying access to your voice?

Archery lesson this weekend?

You got any more music recommendations?

How are you settling in? Hopefully not getting lost.

Any plans for the weekend?

May. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Does anyone like something called dubstep? It's kind of like house music. Maybe

May. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, things seemed to have settled again. But I may have just jinxed it by mentioning it, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Is it normal to feel a little stir crazy after staying still for this long?

May. 10th, 2018



ยป public

Going from all hours of your day being filled to having a lot of free time is a little strange to get used to.

On the plus side, I'm finally learning how to knit. So, if anyone wants really ugly scarves and hats? I'm your girl.

May. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

People keep having fights and kidnapping around this place and yet I'm so dangerous I have to be permanently gagged?

This is some bullshit.

Apr. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private: Ethan ]

If I told you I was dying from lack of attention would you come watch Les Mis with me?

Apr. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

A week or two it was kidnapped clones and spice girl music. This week it's supers losing control and giving others a fucked up a headache.

Eager to see what next week has to offer.

Apr. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

Are there any places around here that need help -- by which I mean, the kind of help that could potentially come with pay? I'd appreciate being able to order and buy things that go beyond the scope of my shoddy Regiment-allotted-allowance.

[ private: Will ]
How are you holding up?

Apr. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Wow... just wow... I need to go on missions more often. Maybe when I come back next time there'll have been a fire or gas leak. Or an invasion of angry bees!

Apr. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]


I was going to introduce myself now I've moved all my stuff in but honestly, this is more interesting than Maine ever was and I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. Don't remember there being this much intense drama in so few days.

Anyway, my name's Gabi. I've come to help fix your stuff, computers, hologym, anything that doesn't work I'm gonna try my hand at fixing. Unfortunately, that doesn't cover plumbing. So. Still gotta call someone else for that.

[ Filter: Staff ]
I'm aware that there's a cafeteria here, but I'm a huge fan of getting to know people over food. So I'll be knocking something up in the kitchen of the staff's suite 2 this evening if you guys wanna join me?

Apr. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

I feel.. Like a proud mother...

Image result for animated ice sculpture gif

Apr. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've been on a nearly week long bender. Or at least I think it's been a week. What day is it again?

Apr. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Any good recommendations on music to get you in the right zone for training?

Apr. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

So many new faces, you'd almost think there was a revolving door on the entrance to Limbo

Still it certainly keeps things interesting, nothing like new blood to liven things up

Holler to all the newbs

Mar. 31st, 2018



[No Subject]

Limbo hasn't changed much since the last time I was here, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing

Lots of new faces but that's to be expected

Anyone I used to know still around?

Mar. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[ public (meant to be private to Carly but Will fails ]

[ PIC ]

I'm bored. You should come over.

Mar. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

I know I'm not meant to be biased but... I'm rather glad to be out of South Dakota. Lovely place, I'm sure. Once you get used to it. Not sure I'd ever get used to it though.

[Private to Hazel & Michael's Team]
[David Maddox, Will McCall, Vasily Markov, Indigo de Rosier, Evelyn Bowen, Cleo Moore, Carly Cassidy, Paige Scott & Alex Montega]
I understand that you all just lost Mr Castle as a handler, I'm updating myself on any and all activities he'd put in place with Michael that were popular or that you seemed interested in. With luck, we'll be able to continue them.

My name is Hazel, I'm the replacement here to help Michael with your training and situation. If you need anything or have requests, please feel free to find me. Once Michael has me up to date, we'll be addressing training and simulations to run as a team.

Until then, if you have any questions, my door is always open.

[Holly, Rachel, Juliet & Charlotte]
So, I might've just got here, but I'm pretty sure we should set up a girls night to get away from this place for a couple of hours.

All in favour?