
Posts Tagged: 'kyra+lawson'

Jun. 8th, 2018



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All personnel are to make their way directly to the cafeteria. Agents, be sure to have checked in with your handlers before then or during.

Staff members; please monitor and assist as you can.

This is not a drill nor is it a request.

[Saffron's Team]
Please confirm your status.

Jun. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

Don't suppose it's possible to volunteer to help out in the garage? Even if its just unpaid which is bullshit maintenance work? Limbo may be above ground, but I am still dead-freaking-bored.

Or, alternatively, we can just play a collective and rousing game of Fuck, Marry, Kill.

May. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

Haven't been here long, but hot damn. This place would make one hell of a reality show. Real Supers of Limbo? Big Brother: Super Edition? Survivor: Limbo? I'm open to suggestions for the pitch I'm currently penning.



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[Team Gupta]
[Tundra, Shade, Powerhouse, Umbra, Wallflower, Tiny, Calypso & Triplet]
Your training schedule is prepared, barring any issue this will be your time slots for the foreseeable future.

All hand to hand and personal training will take place in the gym, be there on time. Weapons training will be completed at the range. On Monday, I expect everyone on the courtyard by the hologym promptly. This week will primarily be assessing where your abilities are at and what needs further attention.

You can ask questions now, or on the day.
Training Schedule

I'm sure your handler informed you, but the administration error removing you from your team was fixed. It shouldn't happen again.

That said, I am sorry your temporary placement on my team caused you distress.

May. 23rd, 2018



» public

Hello all. I am Handler Gupta, you may address me as such, or Saffron.

I've been transferred in to assist in handling the ever growing teams of agents at this facility, for those of you transferred to my team, I understand it's daunting and you've likely grown used to where you had been, however, this change was not made off the cuff and some of you may find that my handling suits you better than that of your previous handler.

This is not to be disparaging to your previous handler, simple that we all have different approaches to matters.

If you have questions about your placement, you will find me in my office for the next two days. You will have until Monday to settle into your new rooms and teams. Monday at 10am we will meet outside, on the courtyard for assessments.