
Posts Tagged: '%7Ejosiah+taylor'

Jun. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

So go on
and I will refrain.
And I'll keep on running this never ending race.
Maybe next time will be the right time,
and maybe next time will be your time.

There is something that I must confess to you tonight,
to you tonight.
And that is I expect nothing less from you tonight,
from you tonight.

Jun. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filter: Bonehead]

How ar

Jun. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, if you're feeling shaken after whatever that was I did make strawberry shortcakes this morning.

There's a plate in the kitchen space by the DVD library.

[added later]

[Private to Frankie]

Are you alive?

[Private to Holly]

Hey, you were all up in my biz before - was there a headcount after the big bang?

May. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Officially nineteen! Anything I should consider adding to my bucket list as I enter the last year of the "teens?"

Within reason, of course.

May. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

What do you call a skeleton who stays out in the snow too long?

A numbskull.

May. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

Books. What's your favorite? True crime requested. But I can take high brow shit if you got one of them to refer. I'm reading at a twelfth grade level these days.

May. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

We've had a bunch of clothes donated to the facility and purchased from retailers. The latter are now in the Shoppette at a reduced rate, but the former will be located in the leisure room for free on a first come, first serve basis. I've got a whole corner sectioned off, and I tried to organize everything by size. There's actually a lot -- check it out ASAP!

[ private to Gage ]

Your bourbon has arrived in the shop! Your guy from the store sold it to us quite cheap once I mentioned your name. I'll make sure to keep it on the shelves from now on.

[ private to Hazel & Ariel ]

I'm leaving this notice for both of you, since it's pertinent -- the Shoppette now has a section devoted exclusively to canines. There's not a lot of bulk there yet (since I only have the preliminary order for Dusty), but in about two weeks, it's going to be absolutely packed. I hope this helps!



[No Subject]

We need more cast iron in the kitchen. How else am I supposed to make my three cheese mac n cheese?

Oh yeah, PS: hi. I'm Joey. I'm new. I cook.