
Posts Tagged: 'p:+sam'

May. 25th, 2018



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We need to talk at your earliest convenience.

[Team Davies]
[Waveryly, JP, Frankie, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I need 24 hours before I deal with shit. There's McDonalds in the common room of your suite, do not gorge yourself and don't fight over the happy meal toys.

Vargas, you don't deserve this.

I got the notification in the air, I didn't realise you were up for another transfer, let me know if you want me to reverse that and I'll start working on it.

There's some food in the suite and you've got a share in it.

Once you've gotten some rest and cleaned up, we need to discuss the mission, I'll need you to report to my office to discuss it.

I need a lot of alcohol. Like, a lot.



[No Subject]

[Private to Team Davies]
This place always so dramatic?

That your family? You wanna go for a swim and then get an ~adult drink?

This place is insane.

May. 23rd, 2018



» public

Hello all. I am Handler Gupta, you may address me as such, or Saffron.

I've been transferred in to assist in handling the ever growing teams of agents at this facility, for those of you transferred to my team, I understand it's daunting and you've likely grown used to where you had been, however, this change was not made off the cuff and some of you may find that my handling suits you better than that of your previous handler.

This is not to be disparaging to your previous handler, simple that we all have different approaches to matters.

If you have questions about your placement, you will find me in my office for the next two days. You will have until Monday to settle into your new rooms and teams. Monday at 10am we will meet outside, on the courtyard for assessments.



[No Subject]

Why am I being moved? I don't want to be moved...


They moved me...



[No Subject]

Moving day!


It's been fun.


Same team, no more excuses not to spar. And we've never played with me amped up!

May. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[Alejandro Vargas]
Too ashamed to talk to me?

May. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

Who wants to hit up the hologym? I want to test my durability and strength. Who wants to hit me?

[telepathic message to hotshot]

I'm going to be completely honest with you, my brother being here is fucking me up.



[No Subject]

On a scale from 1 to 10, how enjoyable would a base-wide game of Capture the Flag be for people? Voluntary entry into the game and hard rules about powers enforced, naturally.



[No Subject]

Books. What's your favorite? True crime requested. But I can take high brow shit if you got one of them to refer. I'm reading at a twelfth grade level these days.



[No Subject]

I'd love to personally thank whoever the asshole is who ate the rest of my birthday cake, even though I was intending to share it with my friends.

Exceptionally considerate of you.



[No Subject]

[ public ]

Because I am basically the technology faerie in disguise. If someone happens to wander into the leisure room, you might be able to find a game console or three. Remember to share kiddies. That shit is expensive as fuck.

[ holly ]

Since the office nymph has been surprisingly put on mission, I need your help with some lab stuff in her place. I'd choose an agent but since it has to deal with you-know-what, it's case sensitive material and I've gotten them to...send the remains of the subject since I tested the fuck out of the blood samples you got for me and got no where fast.

But maybe like a bad case of indigestion because of the amount of energy drinks I hath consumed since. Side work usually doesn't agree with me, you see. By the way the guy you captured got hella dead hella quickly. I just need you as the muscle when I do the autopsy. Weak gamer wrists and all.

[ garbear ]

I'm not going to leave the infirmary for a while. Could you be a dear and bring me more Red Bulls? There's a shiny quarter in it for you if you do.

[ wifey ]

I won't be around for the next couple of days. I actually have to work! Can you believe this? I'm having Garrett bring my energy drinks with the hopes he doesn't scold me about it. But I just want to say I love you. And I'll miss you and I hope this doesn't turn into something like The Thing where we actually think the body is dead but the mutation is still alive and it's chest cavity springs opens and bites into my arms.

But in other news, my face will probably still be pretty?

[ hunter ]

I got a year supply of your medication in stock, Mr. Hunter. You'll get refills through me with as much discretion as you would get at your pharmacy. I really hope this helps.



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I have to head off base for a few days, the team don't seem to be too antsy, but given that rarely lasts, you mind keeping your eye on them?

I shouldn't be gone more than two or three days.

[Russell's Team]
[Waveryly, JP, Mauve, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Amber, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I will be off base for approximately three days. With the team shuffles we'll be reassessing training schedules, new details will be available next week. You can either have this week free, or work at your own pace.

Rachel is available should you require anything.

I'm making steps to have Miss Taylor assigned to my team. Given the hostilities with her sibling having them on the same team was an oversight by the higher ups. I still have to work things out with Handler Carson but it shouldn't take long.

Try not give Rachel shit while I'm away.

May. 18th, 2018



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I feel you should know that the top brass just issued me an assigned mission regarding three of your agents. One of which is Avery Jones.

I've requested information on why they're pushing a non-field ready agent, but I'm not getting a lot back from them yet.

[Avery, Theo, Ash]
Your presence is requested tomorrow at 1400 in the conference room.

Can you get someone to watch the range next week for a few days?

May. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered away from Josiah Taylor]

Does this place have any recreational activities? Like yoga or something?

Are we allowed to have plants?

Who wants to learn origami with me?

Is drinking a recreational activity?



[No Subject]

[ private to: handlers ]

If there was a Super on the outside I believe ought to be incarcerated and had information on how to locate that individual and his activities, who would I be directed to speak with? I'd like a name.

May. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]


Who wants to predict on the next disaster that hits this place?

[Handler Cohen]

Any chance that you have something mission wise coming up soon? I could use the breather.

How is your "necroplasm"?



[No Subject]

[ frost's agents ]
{ ruby, jade, wyatt, kelly, clara, theo, avery, isabella, ash, chloe }

New training schedules will launch later on this week. If you have a personal preference on who you would like to train with. Please let me know. For the sake of pairing off, you cannot be paired off with someone you are related with. Let me know if there's an area you want to focus on more.

I'll be touching base with everyone about seeing that you all have a beginning session with either Dr. Anderson or Dr. Russell-Popov sometime this month.

[ avery ]

No offense to your friend. But if you need some space, feel free to hang out in my room. Church is lonely and getting bored of seeing my face constantly.

[ theo ]

I need some exercise.

[ holly ]

How're you holding up?

[ ellie ]

Just checkin' in

May. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]


I saw you reached out to Jett on the network. Thank you- that was a big step in the right direction. I'm really proud of you for that.



[No Subject]


It's been crazy around here lately, if anybody wants to join me for a casual game of basketball you're more than welcome to.


Hey, so I saw Julian got transferred, you okay?



[No Subject]


If anybody wants me I'll be helping out with the renovations on the 8th floor

[Evan's team w/o Syreni as he's already all over that]
Jason Winter, Hector Gomez, Garrett Stratford & Orla Applegate

How's everybody holding up?


You avoiding me, nugget?


How goes solo handling?


Know any good remedies for a week long headache?