
Posts Tagged: 'p:+mj'

May. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filter: Evan's Team]
Jason Winter, Hector Gomez, Garrett Stratford, Orla Applegate & Rowena Shire

Bearing in mind what has happened lately I've arranged for pizza to be delivered to the suite this evening. Tuck in and enjoy, training will kick into high gear this coming week


[Filter: Gabi]

Hey, how's the leg?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Scott's Team]
Junebug Kirby, Tamsin Toledo, Derek Holt, Jamie Rowan, Casssidy Porter, Sterling Hunter, Emerson Matthews, Ariel Merrick & Thomas Graham

Everybody say a warm welcome to Thomas Graham who joins us from the Everglades however we bid a farewell to Gideon who has now been transferred to another facility.

Thomas - any questions or concerns let me know.

For now the training schedule has been updated and there's a new category called 'unsupervised' which means I no longer need to be present for your sessions as you've proven that you are more than capable of being responsible for your training. This does mean I expect you to follow the schedule as laid out for you and if for any reason I find out that you've been slacking then you'll become very familiar with my face. Don't give me any reason to haunt your every step.

- Scott

[Filter: Mason]
I need to talk to you. Swing by my office.

[Filter: Dr Russell]
I wanted to check in on how the members of my team are progressing in their therapy. Any update that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.


[Filter: Family]
Chloe, Kelly, Matt & Marion

Anybody else want dinner tonight? I'll be cooking.

[Holly & Evan]
I'm cooking tonight, for the family, want to join us?



[No Subject]

So this whole behaving myself thing is boring.


Surprise yet more new arrivals, go figure. Wonder how long it is before somebody else rocks up?

May. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

So, what's this place got over Texas aside from the fact it's above ground and I'm getting all the vitamin D I could ask for?



[No Subject]

Now that I've finally got settled in after a very long transfer from Florida I figured now was as good a time as any to introduce myself.

Ezekiel Raymond Masters or Zeke for short, pleasure to meet you all.

May. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Private to Team Davies]
This place always so dramatic?

That your family? You wanna go for a swim and then get an ~adult drink?

This place is insane.



[No Subject]

What do you call a skeleton who stays out in the snow too long?

A numbskull.

May. 24th, 2018



» public

I have never, in all my life, missed clubs this much.

Jesus am I feeling antsy though.

May. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Evan's Team]
Jason Winter, Hector Gomez, Garrett Stratford, Orla Applegate & Rowena Shire

Looks like everybody's had a shuffle and as a result we've lost Syreni Jones but gained Rowena so welcome to Rowena to our newly renovated suite.

Any questions or issues you know where I'm at, but we'll be going back to our regularly scheduled training now that everything has settled down.

Rowena - I've sent that information to you separately



I know you've been transferred but I know at least one of those handlers really well and he's a good guy. The other, he's rough around the edges, but he means well.

I've passed over all your information and they're aware of your sessions with Dr Romero as well as the current restriction in place around your powers.




[No Subject]

[Filtered to Scott's Team]
Junebug Kirby, Tamsin Toledo, Derek Holt, Jamie Rowan, Casssidy Porter, Sterling Hunter, Emerson Matthews, Gideon Barnes & Ariel Merrick

Hi all,

As you are aware there have been some changes in the teams and as a result we've lost some people and gained others so I wanted to touch base before we got too far along in the shuffle up.

I'd like to firstly welcome Derek and Jamie to the team, if you have any questions or concerns then my door is open.

As for the others who remain with me glad to have you and I have updated the training schedule to take into account our new members.

This can be found here

Ariel - I've dropped off a paper copy of the training schedule in braille at your room.




[No Subject]

[Calvin Banner]
You didn't have anything to do with this transfer, did you? We're in the same unit now, along with Vargas.

ETA [Public]
Today is a game of musical chairs, but without the music.

May. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

So if someone wanted to watch a movie in the big screen you guys have got here, is there a rota, does a formal request have to be submitted or is there just a DVD player hooked up to a projector somewhere?

Disappointingly, since you weren't actually part of my welcome wagon, you wanna give me a tour to make up for that oversight on the part of the welcoming committee?

I promise, no underwear will be thrown. Unless you ask really nicely.



[No Subject]

Well, things seemed to have settled again. But I may have just jinxed it by mentioning it, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Is it normal to feel a little stir crazy after staying still for this long?

May. 21st, 2018



» filtered

I have to head off base for a few days, the team don't seem to be too antsy, but given that rarely lasts, you mind keeping your eye on them?

I shouldn't be gone more than two or three days.

[Russell's Team]
[Waveryly, JP, Mauve, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Amber, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I will be off base for approximately three days. With the team shuffles we'll be reassessing training schedules, new details will be available next week. You can either have this week free, or work at your own pace.

Rachel is available should you require anything.

I'm making steps to have Miss Taylor assigned to my team. Given the hostilities with her sibling having them on the same team was an oversight by the higher ups. I still have to work things out with Handler Carson but it shouldn't take long.

Try not give Rachel shit while I'm away.

May. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

Bones is in lock up. I'm going to deal with this in a different way to how I dealt with Sandy so don't do anything I would do until you hear from me and we'll be good.

Is every handler's solution to behaviour they don't like to stick somebody in lock up? I ask because that's exactly what happened to my friend, Frankie. All because she punched her asshole brother who I'm pretty sure didn't help the situation.

May. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Poorly wrapped present & homemade card left at Kat's door]

"Happy Birthday, Kat. We really hope that you like these presents and the card, Clara had crayons. We might be stuck here but we're stuck here together and better here than Chesire.


Clara, Danny & Grey"

May. 18th, 2018



» filtered

I feel you should know that the top brass just issued me an assigned mission regarding three of your agents. One of which is Avery Jones.

I've requested information on why they're pushing a non-field ready agent, but I'm not getting a lot back from them yet.

[Avery, Theo, Ash]
Your presence is requested tomorrow at 1400 in the conference room.

Can you get someone to watch the range next week for a few days?

May. 17th, 2018



[Private: Jay]

Do you prefer chocolate brownies or like... some other flavour?



[No Subject]

Do the right thing he said.

Help save your mom and sister he said.

And then when it really came down to it he didn’t say or do anything.

My fault I guess for trusting him but not like I had a lot of options and pretty fucking sure your parent is not supposed to steer you wrong.

Anyways, name’s Simon, dubious honour to be here.

May. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

This place is balls.