
Posts Tagged: 'p:+squid'

May. 28th, 2018



[Private: Russel Davies & Rachel Cohen]

Hi both

Mrs Fitch provided Matt and me with a name of someone to be arrested... I've passed it up to Director Vance and asked to be kept informed so I can feed even a little bit back to her. She's... difficult but I'm hoping that I can take a few steps to help smooth things over.

This is a big one to help her trust me, and Matt by extension.

Can you guys help? I know that if a mission is sent out to catch the guy it won't be me that's put on it. But can you keep an ear to the ground? Let me know if/when the intel's acted on so I can tell her that we've listened?

Cheers, both.




[No Subject]

Has anybody seen Avery? I went by her room and she wasn’t there. Normally I wouldn’t worry but after the recent mission I’m worrying.

May. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ theo & ash ]

Seriously....what the fuck happened?

[ avery]

My office. 2100.



» filters

[Team Gupta]
[Tundra, Shade, Powerhouse, Umbra, Wallflower, Tiny, Calypso & Triplet]
Your training schedule is prepared, barring any issue this will be your time slots for the foreseeable future.

All hand to hand and personal training will take place in the gym, be there on time. Weapons training will be completed at the range. On Monday, I expect everyone on the courtyard by the hologym promptly. This week will primarily be assessing where your abilities are at and what needs further attention.

You can ask questions now, or on the day.
Training Schedule

I'm sure your handler informed you, but the administration error removing you from your team was fixed. It shouldn't happen again.

That said, I am sorry your temporary placement on my team caused you distress.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Evan's Team]
Jason Winter, Hector Gomez, Garrett Stratford, Orla Applegate & Rowena Shire

Bearing in mind what has happened lately I've arranged for pizza to be delivered to the suite this evening. Tuck in and enjoy, training will kick into high gear this coming week


[Filter: Gabi]

Hey, how's the leg?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Scott's Team]
Junebug Kirby, Tamsin Toledo, Derek Holt, Jamie Rowan, Casssidy Porter, Sterling Hunter, Emerson Matthews, Ariel Merrick & Thomas Graham

Everybody say a warm welcome to Thomas Graham who joins us from the Everglades however we bid a farewell to Gideon who has now been transferred to another facility.

Thomas - any questions or concerns let me know.

For now the training schedule has been updated and there's a new category called 'unsupervised' which means I no longer need to be present for your sessions as you've proven that you are more than capable of being responsible for your training. This does mean I expect you to follow the schedule as laid out for you and if for any reason I find out that you've been slacking then you'll become very familiar with my face. Don't give me any reason to haunt your every step.

- Scott

[Filter: Mason]
I need to talk to you. Swing by my office.

[Filter: Dr Russell]
I wanted to check in on how the members of my team are progressing in their therapy. Any update that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.


[Filter: Family]
Chloe, Kelly, Matt & Marion

Anybody else want dinner tonight? I'll be cooking.

[Holly & Evan]
I'm cooking tonight, for the family, want to join us?

May. 25th, 2018



» filters

We need to talk at your earliest convenience.

[Team Davies]
[Waveryly, JP, Frankie, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I need 24 hours before I deal with shit. There's McDonalds in the common room of your suite, do not gorge yourself and don't fight over the happy meal toys.

Vargas, you don't deserve this.

I got the notification in the air, I didn't realise you were up for another transfer, let me know if you want me to reverse that and I'll start working on it.

There's some food in the suite and you've got a share in it.

Once you've gotten some rest and cleaned up, we need to discuss the mission, I'll need you to report to my office to discuss it.

I need a lot of alcohol. Like, a lot.

May. 24th, 2018



» public

I have never, in all my life, missed clubs this much.

Jesus am I feeling antsy though.

May. 23rd, 2018



» filtered

Sandy, I really like having this link, and I'm really glad you trust me like this, but I'm getting one hell of a stream of consciousness that's really making me worry right now.

Are you okay?

May. 21st, 2018



» filtered

I have to head off base for a few days, the team don't seem to be too antsy, but given that rarely lasts, you mind keeping your eye on them?

I shouldn't be gone more than two or three days.

[Russell's Team]
[Waveryly, JP, Mauve, Alejandro, Andreaa, Jagger, Amber, Calvin, Aaron & Caden]
I will be off base for approximately three days. With the team shuffles we'll be reassessing training schedules, new details will be available next week. You can either have this week free, or work at your own pace.

Rachel is available should you require anything.

I'm making steps to have Miss Taylor assigned to my team. Given the hostilities with her sibling having them on the same team was an oversight by the higher ups. I still have to work things out with Handler Carson but it shouldn't take long.

Try not give Rachel shit while I'm away.

May. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Handler Davies]
I understand that I've been assigned to your team, I know that powers are permitted during the time in the hologym but is there anything that'd mean I couldn't shift in the pool as long as I don't, y'know, turn into a shark or crack any of the tiles, or damage the structure of it like I accidentally did the other one?

I'm dying for a swim.

Edit: With the talk on the network about someone needing a special diet, I assume that my notes from the Everglades has noted that I don't eat fish?

May. 18th, 2018



» filtered

I feel you should know that the top brass just issued me an assigned mission regarding three of your agents. One of which is Avery Jones.

I've requested information on why they're pushing a non-field ready agent, but I'm not getting a lot back from them yet.

[Avery, Theo, Ash]
Your presence is requested tomorrow at 1400 in the conference room.

Can you get someone to watch the range next week for a few days?

May. 17th, 2018



» filtered

Hi there! I'm Dove. Handler Kingfisher asked me to reach out to you, so maybe we could hang out and get to know each other?

Hey... so... Have you thought about that thing we talked about? With our shared time with powers?

May. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

This place is balls.

May. 14th, 2018



» public & filters

A while ago, Miss Danvers expressed an interest in setting up something akin to dog training within the facility, something engaging to keep agents busy during down time and off training. In the last few months, working with Miss Danvers, we've been able to set up a preliminary course in which our facility will host a twelve week training program for young dogs to become service animals.

This is the first step of the program where our suitability is tested, if it's successful, we could be granted a full time place as a training facility.

Now, there are nine open slots for volunteers to do this. I will be choosing each member based on your suitability for the program, behaviour and control are factors in this, as we are being entrusted with some very sweet but dependent animals. If there are more than nine of you looking to join, we'll draw names at random. If you aren't chosen for this session, please don't be disheartened, there's always next time.

If you are interested, please leave me your name, and if you have any questions, please ask.

We got it! The animals arrive June 1st. We just have to get kennels and supplies for their care, hire a vet. But I can pull that together in time.

The tenth slot is of course yours. Thank you so much for all your work on this, and I'm very excited about going forward with this.

I absolutely hate adding to your work right now, I know you're all likely very busy. But I need some help with a few things.

Steph, I need dog supplies. I have a small grant to fund it, but I haven't a clue where to start, food, beds, toys, leashes. The whole kit and kaboodle as they say. Do they say that?

Gabi, Noah, you do wonderful work but I need a truck or van that can hold ten animals. Now, I've been looking online, and I think I can purchase one from an old animal shelter but it's in terrible condition. Do you magicians think you can help me fix up a fixerupper?

Obviously, you will all be blessed in my eyes, and I will owe you big time. You'll basically be able to name your price?



[No Subject]

[ frost's agents ]
{ ruby, jade, wyatt, kelly, clara, theo, avery, isabella, ash, chloe }

New training schedules will launch later on this week. If you have a personal preference on who you would like to train with. Please let me know. For the sake of pairing off, you cannot be paired off with someone you are related with. Let me know if there's an area you want to focus on more.

I'll be touching base with everyone about seeing that you all have a beginning session with either Dr. Anderson or Dr. Russell-Popov sometime this month.

[ avery ]

No offense to your friend. But if you need some space, feel free to hang out in my room. Church is lonely and getting bored of seeing my face constantly.

[ theo ]

I need some exercise.

[ holly ]

How're you holding up?

[ ellie ]

Just checkin' in

May. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to Grey ]

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on investigating what we discovered in your file from Cheshire. Although I'm not sure how much closer this gets us to discovering how you wound up at Cheshire, I have discovered who Elizabeth Dare is.

[ private to Sandy ]

How are you doing, Sandy?

May. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]


can i stay in ur room 2nite plz?


do u have trayning 2morro? can we go 2 brekfast?


ty for sitting with me wen cal was busy.


r u ok? do u want 2 get sum lunch?


u gd? we shud hang out or sumthing. if ud like.


i saw ur room is broken. im sorry. was that coz of wat hapened? r u with wings?

[Grey | Dove | Aidan]

hi. sorry if ur heds felt wierd on thursday. thats my bad. shud feel better now.



[No Subject]

Just a reminder to everyone; unless you're helping out with the repairs and renovations, please stay off the 8th floor. It's not safe right now. The things we've managed to recover from the rooms most seriously affected will be put in the leisure centre so you guys can reclaim them. Anything that can't be salvaged, we'll note down for replacement.

If you need anything or want us to grab something out of your rooms, let me know which room number and what it is that you want and we can get it for you.

Gracias, all.

I've left your birthday gift in the 6th-floor kitchen as it was delivered for you to the 8th floor, which is currently out of commission.

May. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private to Hazel ]

Hey! Heads up. I've been asked to speak at a conference in Seattle on the 26th. I'll only be gone overnight, so hopefully it will actually be a quiet weekend? If it's not, I will expect regular updates from you.

[ private to Indigo ]

Interesting news! Last weekend of the month, I have to go to Seattle to speak at a conference. They told me I could bring an "assistant." Want to come and get off the base for a while?

[ private to Jason ]

Living situation going okay, bro? By which I mean, is the friend you're sharing a room with still tolerating a guest?