
Posts Tagged: 'hector+gomez'

Feb. 5th, 2018



Filtered to Agents

Hi there.

New month, new list time.

Just send me a list with the stuff you folks want; movies, shows, music, etc.

For the new people...well yeah. Same. If you want something just let me know. I'll download and burn you whatever, so you can watch it.



Jan. 30th, 2018



[Private to Eric/Juliet's team - Otto, Amber, Adrian, Hector, Raphael, Nicolette, Precious, Ruby]

Well this is exciting!

It looks like the higher ups have decided to shake things up a bit; so now we've got some new faces in the mix. I believe I've had the chance to meet most of you at some point, but for those of you I haven't met please let me say welcome to the team! I am Eric, and my partner/co handler is Juliet.

Over the next week or so I'll set aside some time to get to chat with you all one on one. We can grab a bite to eat during the meal times, and just get to know a little about one another. My hope is to make your time here as pleasant as possible, while also helping to ensure that you are all well equipped and ready for the field; so you can come back safely from the missions we are assigned. Should any problems arise, or you simply have a question, please feel free to reach out and let me know.

Jan. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Although I'm hardly expecting a fully-stocked library to suddenly appear in the facility, the Shoppette is not exactly brimming with literature for purchase. Any chance there are people here who have some books they wouldn't mind loaning out or swapping briefly? Perhaps not as good as a library loan, but it would get something in circulation.

Jan. 15th, 2018



[Private to Agents(and Juliet): Amber, Adrian, Hector, Raphael, Nicolette, Lucy, Ruby, and Samantha]

To welcome the new arrivals, celebrate the successful rescue and recovery of one of our agents, and just as a thank you for all the hard work you agents do; we are having a little catered informal soirée.

Please feel free to offer suggestions on the manner of food, and drinks, you'd be interested in having catered.

Jan. 10th, 2018



[ PMs ]

[ Private to Hector / [info]escence ]
Still wanting to learn how to dance? I’m working out my daily schedule and I thought I’d ask before I finished it up. I like to plan ahead and I figure you might need a good hour or so. If you’re still not sure, that’s fine.

[ Private to Adrian / [info]incandescents ]
Are you still wanting to take up dance lessons? I’m working on a few things and pinging back those who were interested.

[ Private to Bryan / [info]null_n_void ]
Haven’t seen you drop by. Still interested in learning more than a little waltzing?

Jan. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

How is it possible that they're showing us The Greatest Showman in the theater here before Coco? A movie about a con-artist profiting on the marginalized for the benefit of populist demagoguery? A LITTLE ON-THE-NOSE, MAYBE? Sure, Hugh Jackman, but the music? Not the greatest. And after hearing a few songs off the latter's soundtrack, I'm deeply upset that we aren't watching that instead.

Making an official plea for the next film brought in.

I really wish they'd bring back the suggestion box and not whine this time about "too many requests to satisfy."

[ Private to Evie ]
How are you doing?

Dec. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

I can only do so much dancing alone and I'm fucking through bored of it. If anyone would like to take up dancing this year, specifically anything that involves hip hop, please look me up.

I'm also willing to teach anyone who has the will to learn since my last partner was transferred out of facility. My New Year's resolution is to teach the least graceful person here to dance in any style of their choosing. Takers?

Dec. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

So Monday is not just the first day of a new year. It's also the Wolf Moon. You been warned.
Needy. If you're busy, I can ask Beau.