
May 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Anyone have any tips to getting to sleep? I think I've watched all the late night tv I can handle. Failing that, anyone interested in a late night game of poker?

Deacon says to get with you for my assessment schedule. I'd like to get it done and over with.



[Filter: Dr Popov & Dr Stratford]


I'm just about out of suvorexant, I was wondering if I needed to go see a doctor off base to get it refilled or if that's something you can do for me?





[No Subject]

When Scotty and I combine our abilities we make pretty thingsin the hologym.

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ยป public

What the actual eff is all this? This thing doesn't even have snapchat, like come on.

I really need a frappe if I'm gonna live like this.