
April 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[ private: staff ]

Myself, Striker and Osteo have returned from Hawaii. Fortunately, we were successful in apprehending the Supers responsible for Agent Kirby's death. They are now at a holding facility and being processed.

Thank you to those who were watching over my agents while I was gone, it's very appreciated.

[ private: team ]
[team: Sandy Jameson, Susan Wright, Tyler Parish, Kat Parish, Abigail Krause, Beau Thibodeaux, Gage Mercer, Prudence/Max Reid, James Levitt, and Grey Street]

Hi everyone -- I've returned back to base. Tomorrow we have a mandatory team meeting in the gym at 9AM where I will be letting you know about your new, official training schedule for the foreseeable future.

[ private: Susan and Abby ]

Welcome to the team, ladies. If you would like to discuss anything before tomorrow, come by my office this afternoon. I'll be around, although admittedly somewhat jet-lagged.

[ private: Sandy ]

I have a friend in the Everglades currently investigating your friend's old handler. There has been no status update yet, but when there is, I will let you know.



[No Subject]

I do hope you had a nice birthday, I happen to have a rather lovely bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses that are calling our names for after work, if you happen to have a free night.

Paul is entertaining his mother and the kids have dual sleep overs planned, so I'm in desperate need for an adult night.

[Lucas Frost]
Mr Frost, I have received Ms Theriot's file regarding her treatment from the Everglades facility and I am keen to meet with her. Personally, I think this may take a length of time to properly address and treat, but I would like to make steps to gaining Ms Theriot's trust in order to get her on the path to recovery.

Obviously, I don't want to make arrangements without checking with you regarding her schedule.

Whoever is responsible for the desserts in the cafeteria, it is entirely your fault that my diet is shot to bits.



[Private: The Outsiders]

[Private: The Outsiders]

rachel found out were they took paige. she sed we can write 2 her if we want?

[Private: Scotty]

i told her wat they did 2 u. shes gna make sure the guy gets it.



[No Subject]

[Delivered to Penny's door]

A card signed by the kitchen staff that reads:

Happy Birthday! There is a surprise for you in the common room fridge.

[Common Room Fridge]

A pink box, inside it contains a strawberry shortcake and a smaller box with two strawberry shortcake kabobs w/a small note that reads:

A small experiment. Let me know what you think. I may add them in to holiday week of treats.

On both boxes there is a note that reads:

Property of Penny Wallace. Anyone else takes will answer to Chef.



[No Subject]

It's on days like this that I wish I had some kind of sonar-related abilities.

My knees would have thanked me for that.



ยป public

Ever tried sunbathing when you can't actually take a tan?

I feel like it should be a day for laying on a rock in the run. Maybe it's the reptile brain kicking in.

At least it's getting warmer all around.



[No Subject]

Wow. It's sad that I forgot today was my birthday. If anyone needs me, I will be in the common room eating strawberry shortcake.

Mira, you legend, it looks amazing.



[No Subject]

[Private to Lucas]

Seeing as you have both my sisters on your team I wanted to ask if you'd referred them for grief counselling given the recent bereavement in the family?

If you haven't I think you should, they definitely need some help with processing our brother's death




[No Subject]

Does anyone know if the nurse office is opened tonight? I have a really bad headache suddenly.