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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 23rd, 2013

Added filter against evil...

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Okay, why when I asked someone how to get home to California they told me to just look on this website?

September 17th, 2011

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Looks like we've got ourselves a bad case of the psychopathic crazies on the loose. Not that being crazy is always a bad thing. Still.

Know how we civilized people deal with those types back in Gotham?

Here's a clue: it has nothing to do with Arkham Asylum. Or, well, some will say that it does, but it doesn't. Not really.

I've got a better way.

September 15th, 2011

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Kansas? What is this a really human attempt at being cute?

September 10th, 2011

filterd against evil.

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So, I totally wish I took Elle's and pretty much everyone else's advice and didn't Google myself.

On the bright side...yeah, nevermind.

My dad I can't believe
This totally sucks

September 7th, 2011

Filtered Against Evil (because Sam will be a grumpy goose)

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I can't even
I don't know how to
How does anyone deal with

It's one thing to know your life is fictional.

It's another to see your darkest moment played out for the entire world to see.

Dammit it was like living it all over and I don't know how to

(OOC: Why yes, BBC America WAS showing Army of Ghosts and Doomsday today...)

September 5th, 2011

Filtered to anyone that might know about immortality

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So. Hypothetically speaking, how would someone find out whether they're immortal without actually trying to kill themselves to test the theory, I wonder?

Anyone? Bueller?

September 4th, 2011

filtered against baddies.

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So this is probably a long shot, but anyone here an expert on genetics?

September 3rd, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter!

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Hi! Im Penelope Johnna Halliwell but everyone calls me Ladybug or PJ. I guess Im new here or something like that, but the town is pretty!

Before I got here I had just finished my first week of school and we had to do like a bajillion intro games that are totally lame but they kinda make sense in things like this I guess. So!

1. Im 11 yrs old
2. Im allergic to nuts
3. Im part witch part cupid (I cant believe I can say that!!!)
4. I have 2 sisters
5. My fav color is purple

Your turn! Name 5 things that I dont know about you which I know nothing so shouldnt be too hard.

[OOC: A delayed anti-evil filter was added to this post a little while after it was put up thanks to instructions from Mel!]

September 1st, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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It's not every day you open up a box of Cocoa Puffs and find Frosted Flakes.

[ooc: Backdated a bit, because work consumed my sooooul and kept me from posting!]

August 31st, 2011

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It took me awhile to figure out what's going on here. The computer definitely helped and reading about all of the other confused people.

So, hi. My name is Boone. I'm stuck here too.

August 30th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Future reference? Just because I'm helping doesn't mean I'm in charge. Everything that you all rely on, whether it be the complex or the camp, was formed by a group of people. It's also run by a group of people. Not just me. I may be a little more vocal about helping people at times, but it's only because I don't want you guys getting hurt. It has nothing to do with me wearing the leader hat. I'm not.

August 29th, 2011

filtered against baddies.

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I got called the Neutrogena Girl today. That's definitely a new one. I don't even use Neutrogena.

Guessing this goes with the whole fictional/face/weird thing? I am so NOT googling myself! I'm enough of a freak already

No Evil Here!

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Yes, I now keep a spray bottle next to my bed.

Yes, it is full of holy water.

Yes, it is labeled Demon-B-Gone because I was bored on the trip home.

Don't judge me!

August 26th, 2011

FIlterAGAINSTASSESSSWHo dont liek drunkness

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whyyyyyyyyyyy DID I FORGET MY TAZER



cometoteh baaaar


August 21st, 2011

filtered against baddies.

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Does anyone have a video camera they'd be able to lend me for a bit. Don't need anything fancy, just a camera.

I'll make cupcakes in exchange.

August 19th, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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And a very craptastic happy birthday to me.

August 12th, 2011

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So does someone wanna explain where I am? And how I got here.

There is no way I am believing that crazy homeless guy

Or maybe I'm the crazy one

March 4th, 2010

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Filtered to apartment residents and friends of the complex 18 & over
It's recently come to my attention that some of you don't have any sort of basic training, sure, some of you do, hell, I'd say most of you do, but not all of you, and you sure as hell aren't all on the same page for what's going down here. I know there's a couple people there doing some teaching, the traps and the incantations and some self defense, but I'm pretty sure you're going to need more than that.

I'm proposing a week-long hunter-skills boot camp. Because if y'all can't learn it from me in a week, you can't learn it at all. I can work out time and transportation once I know who all's interested. It'll be weapons and lore mostly, since that should be about all you need. Leave me a note here if you're interested.

Filtered to Sam & Dean Found a couple routine hauntings in your neck of the woods, if you're still teaching the newbies how it works.

February 28th, 2010

Filtered to Apartment Teenagers

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So, since I'm still under house arrest I was wondering if I could talk someone into doing  a little shopping for me today.  Don't worry, it isn't anything embarrassing. 

Edit: Only Dawn and I aren't leaving and it's because of a crazy goddess that sees Dawn's blood as the way for her to return home to her hell. And since Dawn and I kind of look exactly alike she thinks I'm Dawn too.

Edit 2: It seems that unbeknownst to me there was some spell placed and I can go out. Would have been nice to know, just saying.

February 27th, 2010

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Um...slight problem. I got tripped by the usual kind of cheer bitch during training and 'hurt' my leg. Like its gross, blood and a bit of bone and everything. But problem is I can't just fix i cause they're all crowding around me and talking about calling 911.

Can someone come get me? Otherwise they'll set the leg and it'll heal and we'll have explaining to do
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