War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



April 30th, 2013

no evil

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I give up trying to read anything tonight and apparently the internet is also against me. I can't figure out drunk words online.

April 4th, 2013

Filtered from Lucifer

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This place is awfully dull sometimes. Is it really all just ale and feeling sorry for yourselves? Where's the battle, where's the fight against the great evil.

The closest I've seen was the dear begger queen conversing with him about the wonder and mystery of dragons and things she could perhaps set on fire. Always fun to watch Targaryans prove my points for me.

February 16th, 2013

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Wench, where are you, more to the point...where am I?

She Wolf this is hardly fair given our deal.

August 23rd, 2012

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[Filtered against evil, Katherine and Gaia]

Hypothetically, say someone had thoughts of publishing a book while here. What are the chances it would attract too much attention?

Also on a separate note, I wish to make an offer I made some time ago I just got side-tracked by the bastard Irishman trying to kill me and Myka and dealing with my daughter's death. I had made the offer of installing an anti-gravity trap within the main entrance of the complex for added security in the event we are attacked by things like those Autons again and some try to get inside the complex for some reason. The anti-gravity trap basically renders an area devoid of gravity, causing anyone and anything within it's range to be stuck to the ceiling when it is activated. If anyone is fearful of potentially getting caught within the area of effect, I can easily make your shoes magnetic so you wouldn't be affected.

If anyone not living at the complex would like me to install one, or more, within their residence, I would be more than happy to oblige.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I would not do this without consent from everyone. It was a thought I had when we were confronted with a mass attack that the usual magical wards do not protect against.

For those who do not know me, I am Helena Wells, better known as H. G. Wells. Yes, that H. G. Wells.

[Filtered to non-evil aligned characters that have killed in cold blood/taken lives on purpose]

This topic is hard to approach, but I do not think I am the only one here who has a dark past in this regard. Is it ever possible to get the inner darkness under control again? Provided control was able to be exerted before, of course.

[OOC: Also to all in House Warehouse, tonight you were serenaded by angry/dark music. So there's probably some of Beethoven's heavier symphonies, "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from Peer Gynt, among other things that I'm too lazy to look up right now.]

July 26th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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So now that he's dead, can we focus on the greater threat?

How does one find and stop death itself


Might we speak?


...I'm considering informing him. Joffery I mean? This might end well, this might end with threats to your life, hard to tell with the boy sometimes. But he has been doing better hasn't he?

July 11th, 2012

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The boy won't talk. And if he does, I'll kill him. Him, Ned Stark, the King, the whole bloody lot of them until you and I are the only people left in this world

July 6th, 2012

Filtered to Isabela

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All the tension.

Tell me Isabela, would you see this man die for his crimes? This world and its justice confuses me, in Westros he'd be dead already.

June 27th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Katherine, and Moriarty

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I was told that this device was a creation of science and that through it most of those in this land can see it. I find it absolutely amazing the amount the world has changed in a little more than a thousand years. I look forward to learning about all of it and perhaps getting to meet, if not know, the majority of those who communicate on this network.

My name is Lancelot of of Camelot. I was wondering if anyone knows of positions that may be open at their places of work. I admit that I do not have many skills outside of swordcraft ... and the ability to muck out a stable. However, I am willing to learn and I work hard. I wouldn't require much by way of payment.

Thank you those who took the time to read this. I greatly appreciate it.

June 14th, 2012

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You are still alive and kicking, yes?


Or is Justice in control? Just to make sure...

Hello? Is Anders there? Can I please speak to Anders?

...and I actually do want to talk to you this time. And not that stick in the mud


May 30th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I'm going to take the initiative here since people seem to be running around after their own. Which is understandable but unhelpful.

What resources do we have? What groups do we have out looking? Where are you looking? Is there a plan of attack?

If you have a group together already list them here. As well as the names of those missing.

Organization is the only way in which this will work.

May 29th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Fuck this, I can't
I won't lose her again, dammit
How many times do I have to

Abby's missing. I went by her flat this morning. Rex hadn't been fed, she'd never leave Rex uncared for. If she were working or something, she'd have asked me to do it. And if the Seal took her, wouldn't it have taken him, too?

I checked the videos from last night, she never came home. And there's plastic people running around. Freaking plastic people. What if she's...

Okay, no. I'm going out looking. Can you shoot these things? Has anyone tried yet? Or do I need something stronger? I don't care what I have to do. Claudia, Vic, can you watch the room for a while?

May 25th, 2012

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I Ares, God of War accept Loki's arrangement and will not attack any mortal unless otherwise provoked or in justifiable self defense of myself or my champion. for now

Apparently threatening entrails gets you warm welcomes. I'll remember that next time.

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I wish to spar. Anyone interested.

The training building is coming along quite well. Wishes for all the gold in Casterly Rock have their uses

May 15th, 2012

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My sister has been taken home. And here is the price for my sin, my betrayal.


You still have me. For what that is worth to you. You'll be safe here.


So it seems the Seal saw fit to return Cersei home.

I'm going to need a day or two.She was fucking Lancel, our cousin, she's been fucking him for gods know how long. I was a fool Isabela.

May 14th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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That makes three Horsemen now, does it not? One more left and then Hell breaks loose? I can't say I'm very familiar with the Christian bible in this respect.

April 25th, 2012

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Joffery is extremely ill now, he keeps no food down. I'm not sure what the best thing to do for him is. Should I bring him to the healers or can he be dealt with here? I am not a father, I can't even seem to....

[Healers (aka medical personnel, healers anyone like that]

There is also...

I don't know if its relevant but my hand has been loosing feeling. My sword hand. I don't understand why and its probably not as severe as what you're dealing with but without it I am nothing

April 14th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine also Cersei, Isabela and Joff

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I think if I believed in the Gods I'd be cursing them now.

Or maybe they do exist and they just really have a grudge. Can't say as I'd blame them, I've never been very complimentary.

So here's to you, Old, New, Ridiculous fire gods. I mean really, who worships fire. I'd bet Aerys would if he'd known about him. Maybe instead of killing him I should have just shipped him to Asshai or whatever entirely ridiculous place

Do your worst Gods. Do your blasted worst

...For the record I do just mean the ones from home. I've never had a problem with either of you fine gentlemen here.

April 11th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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Miss Hardy told me people have been asking what the plan is in regards this training building. Well it has been acquired, all we need now is to decide what we need in it and get to work. I assume we can hire people and do the supernatural parts ourselves. I have money enough.


How are you my love, you've been quiet? And I feel guilty even though I...


You'll be taking some of the training on offer. For this fight you will need to be strong. Your mother is here after all

April 4th, 2012

No evil and Isabela doesn't give a shit about filtering against anyone else right now

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Well at least I didn't come back yesterday, yes? I'd still rather be at sea, but I just thought I'd come to check if the next Blight had broken out yet. I'd normally have some innuendo to make about this, but I am coming up blank. Must be losing my touch.

March 23rd, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Katherine/Moriarty

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Now that things have finally returned to some measure of normal. I have still the premises to adapt for training and centralizing some of our tactics to this town.

Everyone that offered to help, shall we say tomorrow, from mid morning? You can come, look around the area, work out what is needed to best make it work to the best of our abilities.
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