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War Is Coming Communications.



March 17th, 2012

filtered against evil and moriarty

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This house mother left behind is not that bad. quiet
I can deal with quiet
it's all the emotion I do not wish to feel that
too many options
Large for one I suppose, but not entirely terrible.

I owe you an apology

March 12th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty and katherine

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When you are heir to the throne of a consortium of planets renowned for their backstabbing politics (literally, except, no, that would be too straightforward, and really not painful or crazy enough for them. It would be something more like...poisoned hair pins shoved into your kidney during a waltz which you would then have to finish before seeking medical attention because stopping in the middle of the dance would offend at least a dozen people who would then also try to kill you) you kind of get a sixth sense for when someone is contemplating murdering you horribly while also smiling at you and being rather nice.

So today in geometry Aly Turner leans backwards, smiles at me, and says "Allana! We missed you at practice the past couple weeks. You know what we should totally do? We should totally have you do some stunts today! You can be the flyer! We're just so glad you're finally back."

So I'm pretty sure I'm going to be dropped on my head and then stepped on after school today. It's been nice knowing all of you. Kon, you're in charge of feeding Daisy.

March 8th, 2012

family filter

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..I don't know what to do with this house. It's too big for me to live here by myself. too many

filtered against evil and moriarty

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For anyone outside my family who would need to know - Grand Leia and Luke have gone home. So have Arya and Ava except Ava hasn't gone home she's I swear, if a single karking one of you says anything about her I

Mom and Dad
My whole life she's always
The version of Grandpa here probably doesn't even
Can I stay ov

February 14th, 2012

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Okay, Jabba. You've got your point across and I'm tellin' you, I've got your money. If you just give me a couple of days I can give you twice what I owe you. Come on. This is no way to treat one of your best smugglers, is it? I don't even know where I am.

January 25th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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I can feel a lot of other Force users here. I should have said hello earlier, but I've been recovering from injuries and adjusting to suddenly finding myself here.

I'm Luke Skywalker, to those who didn't sense me before. I just wanted to say hello. Leia filled me in on what's going on here and everything.

January 14th, 2012

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Hello? Nandi? Kaylee? Zoe? Mal? Is anyone there? I'm not sure what happened or how I got here, but this isn't Nandi's place anymore. Did I pass out?

This is a really old computer. I haven't seen something like this in ages. Something isn't right here.

December 31st, 2011

Family Filter

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This whole new year thing seems a little hokey to me, but I thought I'd wish you all the best in this next year.

December 25th, 2011

Christmas gifts from Han Solo!

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to Allana Solo adopt a wolf from the Wildlife Adoption & Gift Center
to Anakin Solo F-15 Eagle Scale Model Kit
to Jacen Solo a box of pears, cherries, caramel corn, nuts etc - Delicious stuff!
to Jaina Solo Link text
to Leia Organa beautiful earrings for a beautiful lady
to Tenel Ka Djo ($25 Barnes and Noble gift card)
to Mal Reynolds (Beer of the month club, membership for one year)

December 18th, 2011

filtered against baddies

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Let's never do this song and dance crap ever again.

December 10th, 2011

filtered to family

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I'm not good at this, so

What is it you all want for Christmas?

December 5th, 2011

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Where is my daughter?

I can't sense
*I* can't sense her
If anything...
I will rip this world apart piece by piece if anything

Whoever has taken her, however you have blocked me. I strongly suggest you tell me now.

Because she's not dead. She is not

December 3rd, 2011

Han's gift for the birthday girl

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[Han totally gets Allana's affinity for animals, so for her birthday he made a donation to the ASPCA in her name and also purchased this necklace: http://www.aspcaonlinestore.com/images/products/201/97481-1041.jpg?1320158054 It's on the site listed as 'The Unbridled Spirit Necklace' which he thought fit her nicely.]

November 14th, 2011

to Jacen

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What do you say we go for a drink? I'll get the tab.

September 17th, 2011

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Looks like we've got ourselves a bad case of the psychopathic crazies on the loose. Not that being crazy is always a bad thing. Still.

Know how we civilized people deal with those types back in Gotham?

Here's a clue: it has nothing to do with Arkham Asylum. Or, well, some will say that it does, but it doesn't. Not really.

I've got a better way.

September 16th, 2011

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This is unacceptable. There is nothing strong enough to contain the God That Is.

You will cease this prattle immediately or be blessed with a pain worse than your frail mortal selves can handle.

August 17th, 2011

to Leia

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I'm really going to have to dress up for this, won't I?

July 21st, 2011

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The Millennium Falcon tastes like grape.

[ooc Ani discovers star wars fruit snacks]

July 17th, 2011

Filtered to Mom and Han.

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Are you busy?

July 11th, 2011

to Leia

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Did I do anything crazy during Famine? I remember poker, beer, and scratching Daisy's stomach a lot.

Also, I, uh, wasn't very helpful during that time. I thought I'd, you know, apologize.
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