War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


June 4th, 2010

Filtered to Martha

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I think I may have to step down from the medical staff soon. I'm losing so much

May 8th, 2010

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Martha could you come eto the medical Bay plesA?

[ooc: so it wasn't such a good idea for zach to mess with a doll's memories and claire thinks she's having a mental breakdown. she might be, actually.]

May 3rd, 2010


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We've got a missing person on our hands.

We need to run a search on the whole building. Now.

If this is another death, I swear
The blood

April 29th, 2010

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If anyone is missing a set of keys, a set was just turned into lost and found.

Also, Halloween was last month, folks. No more running through the hall in costumes. No running, period, as it's not the safest thing to do around here.

April 18th, 2010

Filtered to Martha and Wyatt

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Earlier today, at the end of the innoculations...I forgot how to give someone a simple shot. It's why I left so suddenly. I still can't rememb

April 16th, 2010

Filtered to the complex and friends of the complex

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We're scheduling another round of flu shots tomorrow between 10 and 4 for those who haven't gotten one yet, and would like one. If you don't live in the complex, but still want a shot, you are welcome to come by as well.

April 6th, 2010

Filtered to Dr. Jones

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I'd like to speak to you soon, if I may? It's very important.

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Any doctors or people with medical training want to make a little extra cash? I don't want to deal with the hospitals and questions they might ask. All I need is a little patching up.

March 30th, 2010

Filtered to Apartment Heads, Combat Squads, Magic Squads, Off site back ups

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Apparently Glory has something of mine, or that use to be mine. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but when they actually say that to me it's usually true. I think Spike got kidnapped. Again

I just temporarily invested in a shiny weapon. So we're leaving. Anyone with magic. I want a location on Glory. I don't care if you have to all work together to form one massive spell of insanity, find her. And then anyone who wants in? We're leaving.

March 21st, 2010

Filtered against baddies

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Oh god I....I can't take this I can't deal with the thought
I need somethi
I need to talk to someo

Going out for a drink...if anyone wants to meet me, or needs me, I'll be up the street hopefully getting plaster.

March 20th, 2010

filtered against baddies.

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Any news on whatever attacked that orphanage?

It's weird. Being here and not being able to do anything about it. I wasn't a cop or anything, but you spend a couple years in the military fighting death and chaos in other countries and you can't help but feel a little...useless when stuff like this happens. I was supposed to have been glad that it was all behind me.

I guess I'm still getting used to civilian life.

March 8th, 2010

Complex Residents

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I realize that I did call for testing before, but I need to do follow ups, just to determine for certain that we're all in the clear. Appointments will be Thursday and Friday. Please let me know when you can come.

[Adults, over 21]
Thinking of another pub night. Or maybe a story session. The lot of us have to have some interesting things to tell, right? May as well share some of them. So what are everyone's thoughts?

I know you don't want to do this, but I have to give you a full screening. You're the last one on the list and I've put it off as long as I could, but we can't wait anymore. It isnt safe.

February 27th, 2010

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Um...slight problem. I got tripped by the usual kind of cheer bitch during training and 'hurt' my leg. Like its gross, blood and a bit of bone and everything. But problem is I can't just fix i cause they're all crowding around me and talking about calling 911.

Can someone come get me? Otherwise they'll set the leg and it'll heal and we'll have explaining to do

February 18th, 2010

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I don't understand what's going on here. Am I somehow...I wasn't imprinted, was I? This looks nothing like the dollhouse. I'm a little scared.

I just tried to call Ms DeWitt, and Mr Dominic. I got a message that their numbers are disconnected. Would someone please tell me what's happening here?
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