War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



May 7th, 2010

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Why is there glass all over the freakin' place?

May 4th, 2010

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It was there!!! I saw it! Right before she... she... And that's not the weirdest part! HOW DID I KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?!

I... I need to ask for a transfer. But... Bloody hell I don't want to go down to the station and make a statement I want to crawl into bed, do something to forget. She just... she didn't even stop, she didn't hesitate. It was... a fluid a straight motion... Not going to be able to sleep at all tonight. Her eyes they just... her poor kids.

Oh God, I feel sick...

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I just fell asleep at my desk and had some really strange dreams about that guy who is always making eyes at Marian. Why would we be fighting alongside each other With swords? Maybe it's because subconsciously I want to. Is this what everyone has been talking about? Strange dreams that make no sense?but sort of do at the same time

May 3rd, 2010

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Hey guys, I got married!

Do we have any empty boxes?

May 2nd, 2010

Filtered to Tony

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By the way, you have to fend for yourself when it comes to dinner tomorrow night. I won't be home.

April 30th, 2010

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Bobby" )

Is the air conditioning on the fritz or something? I keep getting these sudden chilly areas in my office. I'm not understanding this. I really hope I'm not getting sick. Only thing is that I feel fine...

April 29th, 2010

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If anyone is missing a set of keys, a set was just turned into lost and found.

Also, Halloween was last month, folks. No more running through the hall in costumes. No running, period, as it's not the safest thing to do around here.

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Hey, nobody told me anything about the costume party.

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Is there something seriously off with the coffee?

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Is something screwed up with the a/c today? It's freezing in my office, but the thermostat's set where it always is. Bumped it down about ten degrees, but it didn't seem to help much, yet. Weird part is it doesn't sound like the air is even on

Better cold than hot, I guess.

[OOC: I assume temperature fluctuations goes along pretty well with the seeing-things aspect of the plot. Also I'm literally having this happen right now, but that's nothing new this place is totally possessed.]

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So hey, if you haven't considered it, you guys should really think about joining the office American Idol betting pool. The more people we get, the more money you can earn when you get it right at the end, right? Right.

Expect pretty fierce competition because hey, I'm saving up for travel expenses to the 2011 auditions but losing to me would be for a good cause.

April 27th, 2010

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I love training the newbies. They'll do just about anything you tell them to, including jumping jacks for "character building".

Well, only the ones that give me 'tude.

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I think I want to go to Olive Garden for lunch today, but only if someone feels like going with me. Any takers?

April 26th, 2010

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So I was peelin' this orange... just cause I was hungry y'know.

And I thought about it. It sounds HORRIBLE. When you peel it I mean it's like riiiiiipppp, and even with the segments...

I kinda don't wanna eat it now.

April 24th, 2010

filtered against the ill-intentioned

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Marian and I have sent out wedding invitations to everyone at the apartments, and we would also like to invite those of you who live elsewhere; if you would like us to send you an invitation, please let us know where to send it.
((ooc: And then just RSVP at this post! :)))

[Much and Allan]

Gwen and I are going looking for suits tomorrow-- are you available to come along?

April 13th, 2010

filtered against baddies.

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I'm watching some movie and I'm pretty sure that one of the guys in it lives here. He kind of has a...hot temper from what I'm seeing.

Doesn't make me feel very comfortable.

April 12th, 2010

filtered against baddies.

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Harley is running! Who wants to go for a drive?

You know, preferably away from any location where we might be eaten to death and stuff. Because that's not on my agenda.

April 8th, 2010

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My bike was up and running for a grand total of two minutes and thirty-three seconds today. Now that is what I call progress.

Age old question for you guys: if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

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I'm off to camp this week. If anything maintenance-like needs doing, uh, just do whatever you did before I was put in charge of it.

April 6th, 2010

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No offense, Virgil, but I prefer being in my own body.

I've been working on fixing up this old motorcycle I dug up at a junkyard. Got it real cheap. And it's...really bad. But I'm not giving up on it yet.
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