War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


September 4th, 2011

filtered against baddies.

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So this is probably a long shot, but anyone here an expert on genetics?

August 31st, 2011

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I often wonder how you all do it. How you all adapt to a world that's got to be so very foreign to you all. I'm proud to know each one of you.


Heard you made yourself known around here.

...I'd thought you were dead.


The family is getting bigger, nervous yet?



August 29th, 2011

[Filtered against evil]

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I really miss the days when a trip to the grocery store didn't require a trench coat, a hood, long sleeves, and long pants. I don't suppose anyone knows of a website that can get shoes in a size 42? I wasn't wearing any when I was pulled here and unfortunately shopping for anything a pair poses...more than a few problems given my freakish app physical situation.

Filtered Against Evil LOL DEMONS

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So. Basically. According to this website I have a shit ton of demons living in me. Like. Actual demons, not the "everyone has their demons" kind.

And by "a shit ton" I mean I have 144 of the fuckers. That's if my math's right, of course, there's so many that I may have lost count somewhere in the mess. Oh, and it's 144 out of 293 and two bonus ones that I couldn't figure out how to add in.

Here's the list of the demons people have in them according to that site. It's seriously ridiculous.

Look it over then tell me how many you have!

Long list is long )

August 23rd, 2011

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I should probably work on getting a job. And an ID and that stuff.

Anyone know anywhere that's hiring waitresses?

And is there anything fun to do around here. I love Charles and everything, but he can only be sort of interesting at best all the time.


Hi! That's stupid Did you get all settled in and everything?

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People don't go to sleep in one place and wake up somewhere totally different. Not unless something shady is going on.

So what's going on?

August 19th, 2011

[Filtered against baddies]

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Now that I'm somewhat closer to settled, I'd like to request permission to take a look at the building's security systems. I have a few ideas about upgrades, but I'll need some hands-on time to be certain they're feasible. Who would I need to speak to about that?

August 12th, 2011

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You know, sometimes I do hate it when I'm right. While stumbling into an unstable wormhole connected to an alternate reality was the hypothesis I kept coming back to, I really didn't want it to be the right one. I almost wish it was Mastermind. At any rate, based on the timestamps listed on a few of your posts, I gather I'll be here for the foreseeable future, so would someone mind showing me to this complex I've seen mentioned? I can only blend in with the dark for so long before the sun comes up, and unless I've missed my guess, your reality isn't prepared for a very visible mutant in broad daylight.
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