So, I kind of have something to tell you. I'm not sure how to really do it, or if you're gonna like it, but it's not something I can just, you know, not tell you, so I figured I should just get it over with it's kinda important, so. Um.
Ben's my son. I had the complex doctor run a test, and it came back a match. I know it's not exactly how you probably thought having a grandchild would be, 'cause, I mean, Lisa and I aren't even anything, and you didn't get to see him as a baby or anything and, I mean, neither did I, but it's okay, right? I mean, you're not ma
So, uh. Yeah. Sorry
I've gotta talk to you about something. And then you're probably not gonna want to talk to me anymo It's ...sort of really important, and I won't be too surprised if you're pissed or something. And, yeah, I'm being an ass and doing this through a message instead of in-person, but I just thought it might be easier.
Ben's my son. I didn't know until today, I swear... and me and Lisa were never a serious thing. Even if she ever comes back, it's not... it wouldn't be an issue. For us, I mean. I suck at this, I know, I just w
I'm sorry.
So, you were right.
Say 'I told you so' or anything like that and I'll Christo your ass
[Jo, Darcy R., Adam & Mel, Cas, Anna]
So, figure you guys should probably hear it from the source, before it's a whole big public thing. Ben's my son. Like, officially. I got a test done, and everything.
So... yeah.
Well... I told everyone.
Fingers crossed this doesn't explode?
[ooc: I'm assuming Dean will tell Sam before this post, in their other current exchange on Sam's post, thus... this. Yep.]