War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



September 18th, 2011

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Of all things, I am apparently supposed to be a vampire in this world. I guess the rumors circulating in Mystic Falls were true. And I am learning so much about what is and isn't acceptable in the bedroom. Once you get past the violations of etiquette and strange vehicles, Lawrence is not all that bad.

September 19th, 2011

Filtered to Nathan

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For what its worth if anything.

I've been where you are, the seal has made the man I love wind up fake married to someone else for a few weeks. Creepier still they had kids. It still makes me twitch even if I knew it wasn't anything he wanted. But you just need to remember its not her. Its some other version of her. And I can always hex him for you? If it'd make you feel better?

September 18th, 2011

Filtered Against Evil

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Just so everyone's aware? This Damon is completely human. And innocent It's actually fucking adorable. Weird, but adorable.

September 15th, 2011

No Evil Welcomed Here

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So I have a very important question to ask you all.

What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?

[Filtered to Roger, Maureen, Collins, and Angel (Kurt can read, too, cause he's awesome)]

So what if I said an amazing friend (who happens to be pretty wealthy) was feeling super generous and hooked me up with a warehouse space to use as a studio? No Benny, no fighting for it, no protests, it's just there.

I don't even know where to start.

[Filtered to Roger]

Get your ass out here and eat something. Withering away isn't going to make it any better.

September 13th, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter

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Managed to get myself a little loan, thanks to the fake I.D. stuff, so now I've got everything I need to get this photography stuff back on track, start making some money maybe.

So - if anyone needs photos for something, events, whatever, lemme know. I'll give a 'pulled through a magic seal into the apocalypse world' discount, 10% off.

[Neighbor Kid (aka Kyle) and Nathan]

Hey, you guys feel like carrying heavy objects around all day tomorrow? I need to get the darkroom stuff set up and I'm way too lazy to do it alone. Getting myself a couple of big strong men to do all the work for me seems like a good plan, but I don't know any so you guys will have to do.

September 10th, 2011

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hey im shawn. im new here

what am i suposed to say now?

September 5th, 2011

Filtered to anyone that might know about immortality

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So. Hypothetically speaking, how would someone find out whether they're immortal without actually trying to kill themselves to test the theory, I wonder?

Anyone? Bueller?

Filtered Against Baddies

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Alright. I've been cooped up trying to work on some shit for too long now. I'm suddenly in the mood to go somewhere. Anyone up for a night out?

And anyone know if any tattoo shops are open this late?

September 4th, 2011

Filtered against bad guys

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I wanted to check on things back home and see if there were anymore of these games, sue me and apparently, some guy wrote a survival guide on what to do incase of zombie attacks. Seems like a joke. Where was it when we needed it?

Half tempted to read it though just to see how much the guy cooked up for the sake of fiction.

filtered against baddies.

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So this is probably a long shot, but anyone here an expert on genetics?

September 2nd, 2011

Filtered against baddies

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So if I threw a party, would any of you actually come I'm thinking about throwing a party. Anyone interested in coming if I do?

September 1st, 2011

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Heaven... I'm in Heaven... and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...

Hello, everyone... Did you miss me?


I missed you, Dean.

August 31st, 2011

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It took me awhile to figure out what's going on here. The computer definitely helped and reading about all of the other confused people.

So, hi. My name is Boone. I'm stuck here too.

August 25th, 2011


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Has anyone seen Epiphany?!



filtered against evil

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...hey, so when we say that people have been sucked through a seal to a world where they're sometimes fictional we mean people from other places right? We don't mean that Lawrence itself was sucked through a seal and anyone who comes here becomes fictional? Because I was in book store today and I saw the weirdest books, I swear, the names of the ghost hunting brothers were actually Sam and Dean. There was even one that took place in my hometown, but, uh, at that point I got freaked out and hopped on the network to ask this.

DELAYED filter against the evils of evilness!

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If I could have a dollar for every time Bobby looks at me and says, "Boy, for someone so smart you can be damned stupid", I won't ever have to repair another computer as long as I live.

Frankly, though, if he teaches me to save my ass? He can call me whatever he wants.

OOC: Connor popped back in and added the filter...later. If your demon saw it, good for them! If they were too late, they fail.

Filtered against baddies

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Oh, forgot to update, my camp week is up. Been back since around Sunday. I've learned so much at that place. I feel more ready now if a situation should ever arise that needs me to use what I've learned.

I'll be in the security room if anyone needs me. I might also be able to do a patrol route once in a while too.. but maybe later. So long as it's not the Mojave. Because patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter. We won't go quietly, the Legio Ha, kidding on that part. It's a video game reference. Brownie points if you know where it's from. :)

August 24th, 2011

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I miss Frank Merlin, I miss Neville too, my little Neville that is How do I even miss my War?

Do others get homesick here? Probably a stupid question I think I even miss Mad-Eye at this point, I thought of him when I put my wand behind my ear today. That's pretty bad, actually, so others shouldn't follow that example.

I'm sort of ready for the hunting 101, but I need to find other things to do as well. To help out around here.

August 12th, 2011

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You know, sometimes I do hate it when I'm right. While stumbling into an unstable wormhole connected to an alternate reality was the hypothesis I kept coming back to, I really didn't want it to be the right one. I almost wish it was Mastermind. At any rate, based on the timestamps listed on a few of your posts, I gather I'll be here for the foreseeable future, so would someone mind showing me to this complex I've seen mentioned? I can only blend in with the dark for so long before the sun comes up, and unless I've missed my guess, your reality isn't prepared for a very visible mutant in broad daylight.

July 30th, 2011

[Filtered against baddies]

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So, in light of everyone's current predicament, I'm swinging back through Lawrence with the first batch of this self-made whiskey. Now, I'm not just giving this away because I'm not an Imperial Mission, but since I like you guys so much, I think I can give anyone that wants to give it a shot a discount. Guaranteed to make you forget what gender you are or your money back. One free shot will be given, of course. I'm not expecting anybody to buy blind. Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if your liver packs up it's shit and leaves. Also, I've got maybe a few jugs of the stuff, so supplies are for the moment ridiculously limited. If this actually works out I might consider changing that, but until then, get it while the getting's good.

I'm done playing this game. So while I'm in town, what exactly do I need to do to prove to you I'm ready?
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