Posts Tagged: 'st+john+allerdyce+%28616%29'

Jul. 23rd, 2019



Private ➞ John

You - didn't get any mail today, did you?

Jul. 18th, 2019



Hey, listen. I love you all. I do. And I'm really, really glad you're all feeling better and back to yourselves.

But I'm gonna be really honest. I'm mostly just glad I don't have to make any more soup. Possibly for as long as I live.

Jul. 15th, 2019



This is most certainly not the bathroom at the Starbucks. Got my new phone (thx, btw) and found my room... but I'm still a little confusiterrified about where I am and what's going on. Anyone wanna fill in the details?

Jul. 14th, 2019



And here I thought I had seen everything. This wasn't my intended destination. Anyone care to explain?

Jul. 8th, 2019



So did everyone forget to wash their hands or something? This all seems to be the opposite of good.

I had like, a sniffle? I sneezed a little. I think I'm okay now.



Now that I've gotten this thing to work

I know I am new here, but I see where there are some sick people. I have experience as a war nurse, so if anyone requires assistance caring for the ill I would be happy to step up.

Might help me find a way home

Jul. 7th, 2019



Private --> Kitty

Hey. Are you okay?

I... I think you shouldn't come by for awhile.

I think I'm dying again.
I don't want you to catch this.

I can't control my abilities at all.
It's like Legacy all over again.



Uhm. So - Seems to me like there's a lot of people who aren't feeling great lately? Anyone need anything? Help? Soup? i'm pretty great at making soup?

maybe comment in even if you don't need anything just so we know you're not like...dead or something

Jul. 5th, 2019


Hey, everyone,

New month, new Starklandia project. Tony Sr.'s been doing an admirable job getting the medical center stocked over time, but as we all know: emergencies and injuries are never things you plan, and it's always better to know as much as you can before one starts kicking.

To that end: it'd be useful to have a medical history on file for everyone.

I understand that for some of us, these feel like very private things, so if you're only comfortable giving bare bones, that's completely fine. They of course won't be widely circulated; this is for everyone's personal protection. I'll keep them on file and if we ever establish a medical staff, share it there.

I'd suggest starting with blood type, any known allergens, any medication you have been on or would need to avoid, major illnesses, and prior surgical history for those of you with basic human biology. For those with alternate considerations, whatever you know your most urgent needs would be in an emergency where you didn't have the ability to communicate them, please start there.

If anyone has questions or wants help writing things up, I'm in the library all day.

As ever - thanks for the time.

Jul. 6th, 2019



Is there a doctor in the house?

Jun. 9th, 2019



Private -> Pyro

Checking in to see how you're recovering. How's the head? Also, how did the date go?

Jun. 5th, 2019



Private ➞ Kitty

I shouldn't have been snooping, but I was, because I'm me, and I totally saw that thing with that Star-Lord guy.


You okay?
Wanna talk about it?



Oh my god does the universe seriously think I've got nothing better going on?? I didn't ask for an alternate dimension pit stop.

I'm one hundred percent man enough to stop and ask for directions to the way out please and thank you.



Hey so I've been working on gathering some data and I could use a little help from the community at large. I'm trying to get a better idea of the patterns of the doors, if it is totally random, or if there is some larger pattern we can't see because we're all looking at it as individuals rather than as a group.

I can only gain so much information with my own trips through the doors, and I'm working on a sensor to gather some other information for me, but what would really go a long way to helping is if we could keep a list of the kinds of places we're going.

You can tell me here, and then in the future just shoot me a message about where you've gone, maybe how long you were there, anything interesting you noticed - like if you wished to go to an ice cream shop and then opened the door and you were in one - something like that.

Anyway let me know, I've got Dum-E organizing things so you know things are slow going, but we can make this work.

May. 27th, 2019



Private ➞ John

So what's happening now that party plans seem to have been cancelled?

May. 26th, 2019



Private from Tony Stark (MCU)

since when did i become the freakin' party planner?

So, apparently, it's Grandpa Stark's birthday this Wednesday. John and Kitty managed to secure some burger supplies (thanks guys), but does anyone else have suggestions? I'm not even sure if this should be a surprise or not considering, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

Steve? Nat? You know the guy more than I do.

Little Tony? Wait- it's not your birthday too, is it?

Edit: Change of plans. Cancel the party ideas for the big guy! Little Tony still wants to celebrate, so any ideas for him? We probably do need snacks or drinks provided if anyone's willing to bring them.

Private to Cap. Rogers (MCU) and Jan (AVAC)

Okay, don't kill me, but Natasha suggested I ask you about this. I realized I probably fucked up in even introducing the idea of a party for Big Tony, and I know Little Tony wants to do something to celebrate. Normally I'd just eat my own hat for this one, but I don't want to disappoint either and I don't know either of them well enough to not screw it up, I think.

Can either of you help? Maybe take over?



Private ---> Carol

...I have a favor.

I have a mountain of meat for a cook out. Condiments and the nine.

I'm going to provide a barbeque for the people. BUT no barbeque is a barbeque without booze.

Can you help?

May. 25th, 2019



Private --> Kitty

Hey, you doing okay?

This day was a little rough, and... I was just worried about you.

May. 18th, 2019



I'm bored and looks like I missed two parties. What the hell?!

I need a little action. Who's in?

May. 16th, 2019



Hey, does anyone have a hamburger. I'm dying and I have like five dollars??