June 2013



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Posts Tagged: '%7Bkohaku%7D'

Jun. 30th, 2011



Who: Roy, Azula and Cygnus
Where: Cygnus Dorms
When: Day 249, afternoon
What: punishment

This is Cygnus, right?

Jun. 25th, 2011




Who: Anyone!
Where: The Arena
When: Day 247, right before curfew. 
What: A game

[The harp sounds, calling you to the arena as the to. Today, Veiled sits the throne. Veiled holds a small frown, and her harp in her lap. She also has a hand of cards in her hand.]

[ mingle - ends at 6 PM PST | tables - SIGN IN HERE | rules & demonstration | extra credit | sleep tight | endgame | memories]

Jun. 19th, 2011




Who: Cygnus + any stalkers
Where: Cygnus dorms
When: Day 245, early morning
What: Returning home from raptor attack.

[covered only by a borrowed black Ophiuchus cloak, Kohaku sneaks back to Cygnus after the raptor attack]

[she might've made it inside without anyone noticing... except for that rattle which was attached to the door noting her entrance]

[OOC: backdated about a day for lateness. D:]

Jun. 11th, 2011



Who: Ophiuchus
Where: The dorms and eventually elsewhere
When: Day 244, late evening

[It appears that the raid upon the South Block had not been overlooked by the Judges. For those who had stayed in possible could hear and feel the raise in temperatures from the stairwell leading to the chambers of the Guardian. And as those of Ophiuchus began to trickle in, injured, roared into a blaze of anger...

And then dimmed, almost to a cool silence.]

All unitsssss return to me. Thissss is quite enough.

Jun. 9th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 244, evening
What: There sure was a raptocalypse 8(

[As evening falls, it's time to deal with those pesky bloodstains, debilitating injuries and frostbite. Cheer up kids, chicks dig scars!]

((OOC: Feel free to abuse this post for all your aftermath threading needs :|b))

Jun. 7th, 2011



Who: ???
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 244, later afternoon --- ?
What: dundunduuuun

[where ever you are outside, you may get the distinct feeling that SOMETHING is watching you :)]

((BEAST EVENT 8) Please put your location in the title of your comment, unless you are just running all over the place for some reason.)

[Navigation (relative-ish to team/location proximity) (thanks to Chika-mun! |D)
DelPavo: By the river (Rapunzel) | South of the cove | By the lagoon (Feathers)
Canis/Ursa: Near Canis | Canis (Curls, Bones) | Near Ursa | Between Ursa and the river (Aura, Molotov, Aven)
Fields (Nutcracker)
Pygnus: By the lake (Dove) | South of Pyxis | Near the lake (Ruby)
Lizardking: Near Lacerta (Allen) | River between Pygnus and Lizardking | Just outside Lizardking
Cetus/Orion: Tunnel near Cetus/Orion | Outside Orion
Lyvus: Near the river (Lyvus) | Lyvus
Hydracula: Hydracula
Ophi: Cave near Ophi (Arianna, Azula) | between river and Ophi dorm | Between Ophi and Dorm area (Parrot)
Northeastern wall (River, HitGirl, Thorn)]

Jun. 6th, 2011




Who: Any blanks!
Where: Down by the riverrr
When: Day 244, later morning!


[by them is a box full of foam swords]

Hey, all you blanks with flowers! Have a friendly duel and win some more points!

May. 10th, 2011




Who: Taiki, Apple, anyone
Where: In front of Cygnus and Pavo dorms, respectively.
When: Day 237, evening too!!
What: Dehiatus

[Apple has been deposited in front of Pavo. He looks a little dazed! But as armless and okay as he was before.

And a stumpy-horned kirin you may or may not recognize is trotting up to Cygnus. A goat/the Kid may be with him... and maybe even riding on the kirin, who knows how that works 8Ua]

[warning for being flaky and slow]

Apr. 27th, 2011




Who: Pyxis, anyone
Where: At the foot of the Pyxis treehouse
When: Day 235, morning
What: Someone new

[Pyxis's new girl is making a mini game out of the narrow steps that leads from Pyxis to the ground, skipping a few steps here and there. Her attention is split between finding her way down and taking in her surroundings]

... what is this place?

Apr. 19th, 2011



GAME 143

Where: THE ARENA!!
When: DAY 233, AFTERNOON!!

[There are little cubicles with Apple IIe computers set up today.


((ORGAN TRAIL! 8U> This is a loser game, but winner teams can play for prizes. Wins go to high scores and maybe also whoever made me laugh the most with their playthrough. ANYWAY, you have 24 hours to deposit scores, which is to say, until 5:30pm PST tomorrow.

Mingle | Playthroughs | Final scores))

Apr. 18th, 2011




Who: Weed, others
Where: The river by Cygnus
When: Day 232, Eveningish
What: fail!fishing and flower-picking

*Weed is alternately picking flowers/plants, and attempting to catch fish bare-handed. Only one of these is going well*

Dammit all to hell. This is why I fucking like vegetables.




Who: Pyxis, visitors
Where: the Pygnus commons
When: Day 233, late morning
What: practice

[Miranda has been working at the base of the Pyxis dorms for the last twenty minutes or so. She's set up horribly warped and useless glassware on various rocks, balancing them carefully. There's about ten pieces in all. She studies it a moment before picking up a metal rod about as tall as she is. Walking back over to the first, she takes a deep breath and brings the rod down hard on the glassware, shattering it.]

Apr. 13th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn!11 . . .or maybe just Badger and Victory
Where:EVERY DORM!11 + Ophiuchus!1
When: Day 231, later afternoon
What: FLOWERS 8U and missions maybe

[THERE IS A KNOCK AT YOUR DORM or maybe they met you on the way, idk. But a lawyer and a demon are delivering hand-picked flowers to every team, Ophiuchus included (Though only because lawyers need missions!1)]

Maybe we should just leave them at the door and go home. . .




Where: Lake
When: Day 231, evening
What: Obnoxious Cepheus Fishing

And if I had one wish
I'd wish for a fish
I insist upon fish for my wish

I'll sing and whine if then I could dine
On something as delish as a fish

I could beg for them to jump into my lap
Or I could blow it off and take a nap
I could be more clever and use a net
But they'd eat right through it I bet

Oh fish why must you be so tricksie~
I just want to eat you little fishie~

Apr. 10th, 2011




Who: De-titled blanks?
Where: Back at the Arena?
When: Day 230, evening?

[As you return to the Arena, your titles fade and you begin to feel like yourself again.]

It's interesting to look through the eyes of another, isn't it? Or through the title, as it were? Did you have fun?

Apr. 8th, 2011



Game 141

Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When: Day 230, afternoon?

Is a person born or made? What impact does the way that others perceive us influence the selves deep down in our hearts? And what if you were to look through the eyes of another? What do you think you'll learn?

And... how shall I grade what you did? Hmm...

۞ Which team can stay the course with the titles they are given?
۞ And which can reclaim those that originally belonged to them?
۞ Which team will take any title they prize?
۞ And which will have the most taken?
۞ Who can make the most trades?
۞ And whose final titles will win the Judge's favor?

((SIGN-IN/RECEIVE TITLE | How to play | How to WIN

Once you have received your title and read the info, feel free to use the rest of the post to interact in and/or make your own posts for the rest of the weekend. Prep was here if you missed it.

You are free to jump into/sign up for this game anytime, but you gotta GET EXCEL'S ATTENTION to get your title! :|b))

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Game 140

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 229, noonish
What: [On the throne today is a smiling youth, face ringed by black curls. He has a harp-like instrument in his lap and a pen behind his ear. It's been a while since any have seen him, but, perhaps, to the oldest and most keen observers here, he seems perhaps a touch thinner than last time. The Arena is not terribly decorated for his appearance, indeed, if not for the statue sitting there, one would not be sure this was really a call at all.]

Good afternoon, duckies, good afternoon! Who's ready for some wholesome (and platonic!) self-exploration and completely non-fatal fun, hmm? I know I certainly am.  Yes, I'm sure you've all been having just unbearable amounts of fun, but you know, let's just- . . .

[clears his throat]

Ahem. Sorry, I was saying, let's just slow it down.  Maybe, oh, I don't know, talk about our feelings a while.

((Technically, yes, this is a loser game, but anyone can play.))

Mar. 31st, 2011




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 228, later afternoon

"So many feelings, yet the formula is the same," the Judge wondered out loud. She had already guessed the ending, and not because she'd read it many times before.

The fallen begin to rise, but not as they were.

There was also a snowglobe.

((OKAY GO AND PICK THINGS FOR THE NEXT ROUND AS NORMAL/PICK TEAMS FOR OUSTING. This time please put your choice for ousting AND picks for team attack under the "Choices" comment in your post. Having a seperate poll got confusing. You can also derp around as animals in this post if you died previously. Please feel free to yell at the shepherd for whatever reason and i will get back to you lol whoops))

((A THING HAPPENS AND ALSO OPHI // ENDGAME/REVIVAL/MEMORIES (delpavo, pygnus, orion/cetus) // all posts on the Judges's journal are unlocked))

((ALSO ALL GAME RELATED INJURIES ARE NOW HEALED unless you want them for the lulz then go for it. BUT FOR THE MOST PART, ALL BETTER))


Who: Selendis, anyone
Where: Lyvus dorms
When: Day 228 afternoon, between game rounds
What: People are coming and going so much these days! Finally, an alien has just parked herself in front of the dorm's doors. When there's nothing else to do, she's just concentrating on...apparently nothing.

I must admit some surprise at the length of time it is taking for developments to proceed.




Who: Blanks
Where: The arena
When: Day 228, later afternoon

The blanks were hurried back to the arena by the shuffling, scurrying cardboard cut outs. They seemed quite impatient!

It was time for them to cast out a wolf from their beloved farm. This disguised rascal would no longer cause any pig or sheep or cow any harm! They would make sure of it!

A sheep held the ballot box. Which would the animals exile?

"This is beginning to be a bit predictable. . ." the Judge sighed as she continued to read.

((ooc: VOTE FOR HYDRACULA OR CETUSORION you have til 10pmish!!))