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Posts Tagged: '%21days+270-279'

Oct. 13th, 2011




Who: Lizardking
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 279, night
What: idk man

[Red is eating a snack

I almost typed snake

he'd eat a snake too I'll be honest he's not very picky these days]

Oct. 12th, 2011




Who: Sparkling vampires
Where: The baths
When: Day 279, evening

[The torches are starting to dim, signalling that evening is upon us. And yet, out of the corner of your eye, you might see a trail of something glittering... a path of sparkling dust on the ground and occasionally on the walls, leading all the way towards the bathhouse.

As you approach, you can hear someone puttering about inside, mumbling to himself. And if you're close enough, you're going to see this vampire covered in glitter, scrubbing himself furiously and leaving a puddle of sparkling things by his feet.]

((OOC:Dehiatus! ALSO, going to bed, picking up threads tomorrow!))




Who: Whomever
Where: The lake ...
When: Day 279, early evening

[ Elliot borrowed one of Orion's spears and is now perched a rock attempting to do some fishing ...

... and still attempting ...

and then he loses his balance and falls into the water. Good thing the water's shallow!]

Oh, for goodness' sake.

((sort of night in the life ish

... now in the right comm good fucking lord))

Oct. 11th, 2011



Who: anyone
Where: the arena
When: Day 279, late afternoon
What: minigame

[The sound echoing out from the arena this afternoon is, at least, not as irritating as the car alarm Uraeus used last time. Once you get there, it's pretty easy to spot the large steel structure that's appeared in the middle of the space. Judging from the size of it, the fact that from this angle it's mostly an uninterrupted wall with one entrance in the centre of it... well, that sure does look like it might be a maze.

And Edge has just come out of it, crossing something out in the journal he's got with him. He looks kind of irritated, but then what's new?]

((Mingle / Instructions / Maze running (NOW CLOSED) / Endgame / Winners: Orion, Ursa, Pyxis))

Oct. 10th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 279, late afternoon

[She hasn't been gone that long. You probably haven't even noticed. But her stomach has noticed. And it has taken control.]


Oct. 9th, 2011



Who: Just a couple lizardqueens
Where: en rout to Cetus
When: Day 279, afternoon

Mm, thanks for coming with me. Do you know anyone on those teams?

Oct. 10th, 2011




Who: whoever
Where: outside Orion
When: Day 279, afternoon

*a raptor--or at least an uncannily realistic life-sized cutout of such--has been carefully arranged to look as if it's ringing Orion's doorbell. ...But since they don't really have a doorbell, Cheer has banged on the door herself*

Oct. 9th, 2011




Who: Jinx and others
Where: Cepheus
When: Day 279, afternoon

[knock knock.

who's there?


orange who?

orange you glad it's one of the Vulps you guys actually like knocking on the door?]

Oct. 8th, 2011




Who: Hydracula and visitors
Where: Skullcrusher mountain
When: Day 279, mid-late morning

[It's just as the pandemonium is clearing up, a special knock sounds out on the Hydracula dorm's door.

Between them, they seem absolutely unhurt... and carrying something in a swath of green and orange blankets between them.]


Who: Anyone
Where: Out of doors
When: Day 279, morning

[ For most Blanks, it's another new day in Sabra La Tau. Plants to be gathered, animals to be hunted for, tools to be made or perfected, explorations of those yet-to-be-traversed back tunnels... perhaps Conversations to be had, though maybe not out in the open. ]

[ For the more observant, the air might feel just that little bit colder today.... and for those closer to the north, with more well-honed instincts than most, there's a vague sense of unease. ]

[[ OOC: Put locations in the titles of your comments! Otherwise, feel free to also treat this as a general post for other shenanigans of your own :|b ]]


Who: anyone
Where: Monsterhunter
When: Day 278, evening

[Cetus, you let your new girl wander off on her own. Thankfully she's come back, and now she's experimentally bouncing a ball of some sort outside. A ball full of confetti.]

It looks so pretty like this!

Oct. 7th, 2011




Who: Any blanks
Where: THE ARENA :x
When: Day 278, afternoon
What: minigame :x


[there is Lightning Rod, looking kind of grumpy but really, it's hard to tell with the kid. when people are gathered, he just points to the scene]

[There are also FOUR CANONS!! loaded next to them are CANONBALLS!! only it's easy to see that they are fake and filled with water and/or confetti]

[there are also 4 TARGETS:
-A lifelike, but fake and oddly adorable terapede. its legs and mandibles are wiggling
-a cardboard cutout of Mirror (with glassy moe eyes!)
-a scale model of a RAPTOR!!1 wearing a pink bow for some reason
-a pinata that looks suspiciously like Izaya. he is waving happily!!]

[finally, there is a play pit of balls. plastic, colorful balls. just there.]

This game is too easy, I'm not gonna even explain it to you guys! I mean, come on.

[OOC: TEAMS PLACE YOUR ACTIONS IN THE APP. COMMENT: Terapede / Mirror / Raptor / Izaya / . . .ballpit. . .]

Oct. 6th, 2011



Who:  Rapunzel and whoever
Where:  By the lake
When: Day 278, afternoon
What: Chess lessons

[Anybody who has seen Rapunzel by the lake is surely used to the sight of her surrounded by lizards. What's new today is the clearly handmade chess set she is showing them, sitting cross legged and picking each piece in turn as she paints the final details. The lizards are listening with rapt attention.]

...can only move one space at a time, and if you lose the King it's game over so you have to protect him. This piece goes next to it, it's called the Bishop. The Bishop can move any spaces it wants but it can only go diagonally- Across these squares, like this.


Who: Edge
Where: the sky wall
When: Day 278, late afternoon
What: things

[Having gone back and forth between Ophiuchus and the dorm area roughly ten million times today, Edge has apparently decided upon getting back down to the Arena that the best thing to do is... head out again. Which is why he's currently standing in front of the painted wall in the north-east, watching it in the light of his single torch in silence for a while. But not for long.]


Who: Beardog, Edge, people who want to point and laugh
Where: Ursa
When: Day 278, Afternoon
What: Uniforms :3

[Diamond is sitting in the kitchen and trying to go through the mushrooms she collected earlier in the day and determine which are actually safe to eat.]

It seems like such a waste to not use them all... Maybe the bad ones can still be used for decoration?

Oct. 5th, 2011




Who: Lacerta
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 278, Afternoon

[HEY. LACERTA. LACERTA. HEY LACERTA. If you find yourselves at home right now, you may also find an ermine staring expectantly at you.]

Oct. 4th, 2011



Who: A few Pyxidies, any who notice
Where: outside the Ophiuchus entrance
When: Day 278, mid-day

[The kids in red have am abundance of fresh, cleaned game. Someone got up early! They are setting up a cooking fire close to the entrance of the Ophiuchus Barracks.]

Hmm~ do you think we should ring the bell before or after we start cooking?


Who: Whoever dares approach the Lepus tower
Where: Right outside Lepus
When: Day 278, late morning
What: Doors :(

[There's a rattling noise from the front door of the Lepus tower this morning. Someone is trying to remove the bar on the door but seems to have a little trouble.]

Please... Just open.


There we go!

[And now she's cautiously stepping outside to try to see what kind of place this really is.]


Who: Orion and whoever
Where: Monsterhunter
When: Day 278, Morning
What: Memories and stuff

[Looking at the gummy bear he got after the game]

What the hell are we supposed to do with these anyway?

Oct. 3rd, 2011



Who: whoever!
Where: near the dorm areas, near fresh water!!
When: Day 278, early morning

[ An Ursa is fishing!! He looks like is is brooding while fishing. What up!! ]