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Jan. 7th, 2012



[Endgame. The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.

It's ongoing mission, is to get a hell of a lot of people home. Deal with disturbingly well mannered velociraptors as roommates. Help get old ant workers used to two feet again. And occasionally jettison Horn off into space at random intervals.

To boldly seek out new universes and parallel dimensions. To party hard as it has never been done before.]

Oct. 16th, 2011




Who: Parrot, anyone
Where: Everywhere 8U
When: Day 280, afternoon
What: SANTA (No, not you, Santa)

[After mind fixing shenanigans in Lacerta are done, Parrot has an idea. Screw resting. He's gone back to Ophi and now there's a Parrot, dressed in a Santa outfit, lugging a sack of goodies around Sabra. He may be knocking on doors too.]

Ho, ho, ho! Come get your candy!

[Okay, maybe he mixed up the seasons a bit]

((OOC: Sleep and work times. I'll pick up over the week))

Oct. 12th, 2011




Who: Sparkling vampires
Where: The baths
When: Day 279, evening

[The torches are starting to dim, signalling that evening is upon us. And yet, out of the corner of your eye, you might see a trail of something glittering... a path of sparkling dust on the ground and occasionally on the walls, leading all the way towards the bathhouse.

As you approach, you can hear someone puttering about inside, mumbling to himself. And if you're close enough, you're going to see this vampire covered in glitter, scrubbing himself furiously and leaving a puddle of sparkling things by his feet.]

((OOC:Dehiatus! ALSO, going to bed, picking up threads tomorrow!))

Sep. 25th, 2011



[Game 163]

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 275, morning
What: A game

[The bleating of goats call you to the arena once again. The statue of a young boy sits on the throne, his chin resting on his hands. There is a simple, wooden raised platform right below the throne that serves as a stage. Decorating the ground in front of the stage are enough cushions and pillows for everyone to sit on. Circling the stage area are simple panels in team colors. On them are three buttons. The Kid sounds tired... bored...]

Let’s be honest today.

[Mingle | Game Start (team posts go here) | Stage | End Game | Memories (Hydra, Pyxis (Cygnus), Cepheus, Lacerta, Orion, Lepus, Apus, Lynx)]

Sep. 16th, 2011




Who: Nutcracker, anyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 272
What: A mission!!

[This is the most awkward mission. Nutcracker is walking around the dorm areas in search of, well, girls to kiss. There is at least one girl on each partner team, right?]

((OOC: Tifa's mission is to kiss a girl OR two boys on each partner team + Ophi. Feel free to hop in. I'm up for hilarity, doubles, and misunderstandings and will try to accommodate them aalll. Hit me up at zehroh at gmail if I'm not on IRC. Feel free to use the post for mingle o/))

Sep. 10th, 2011



Game 161

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 270, noon
What: Messenger Game

[The Call to the Arena is a jaunty tune, cheerfully trilling down the scales of a pan flute.

When you arrive, the Messenger sits on the throne, looking markedly better than the last time you'd seen him there. He sits, leaning forward, with elbows on his knees and expression mischievous. He holds a finger up to his lips, in a "shhh" gesture.

You find yourself unable to speak. ♥]

((OOC: Loser game, but any and all can attend! One hour mingle as usual, expect two quick rounds after. IRC or EMAIL ADDRESS in sign in needed for this game.))

Sep. 5th, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: The DelPavo cove
When: Day 269, noon
What: Wading home

[If she weren't clutching her hand to her head in the international sign for 'I need asprin', she'd probably, actually, look just the same as she did when you last saw her.]

More than a week. Less than two . . . still no bridge. Less than two. It had to be going forward, didn't it? More than eight, but up to thirteen . . .

Aug. 27th, 2011



Who: SQUIDRATS!!! and friends
Where: Back at Delphinus
When: Day 266, Late afternoon



Who: Anyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 266, noon

[Wherever you are, whatever you're doing the world around you just burst into a small pandemonium. The squidrat in your pantry just SHOT out and out the door, the one that was sneaking up on your fish ABANDONED THEM and just ran.

Out walking, one may have just raced by...]

Aug. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: the arena
When: Day 261, late afternoon

[Sometimes you just can't go half an hour in Sabra without something breaking the peace. Relatedly, there's a gratingly loud noise coming from the arena. If you head down there, two rough circles have been sketched on the floor. This thing is standing inside one. Two Uraeus are loitering around the other one, discussing important matters.]

We're not using this noise again.

[Mingle | instructions | OPTION 1: punching bag | OPTION 2: punching Parrot | end.]

Aug. 10th, 2011




Who: uhh...
Where: umm...
When: Day 261, afternoon
What: errr...

[If you were near the northern outskirts of the habitated area, you might have heard the crash; a whir of pure speed, a cut-off profanity in sonic boom, and then the crunch of flesh and bone against solid rock.

Or in other words, Lucky done A-T'd herself into the wall.

It's not long before she's wandered back into the lit area, skating around in confused zig-zags. Her clothes are dirty and tattered, and blood runs down her face. It probably look worse than it is, really.

Really, the only surprising thing is why this didn't happen sooner.]


Aug. 7th, 2011




Who: People not on merry adventures
Where: Various places
When: Day 260, morning
What: 8T

[ this is a post about those left behind or otherwise uninformed about certain shenanigans of a potentially dire nature happening this fine moderately doomy morning.

Life goes on! ]

(( OOC: MOONTIME POST oshi. Locations in titles! ))

Aug. 6th, 2011




Who: Mission Goers
Where: Delphinus Dorms
When: Day 260, Morning
What: Preparations

[The summons come by squidrat, little scraps of paper with left in exchange for scraps of food (stolen, naturally). The notes simply read "Meet at Delphinus" and have only been delivered to those who spoke specifically to Scowl previously. Who they choose to bring along (or who chooses to follow them) however is an entirely different matter.]

[OOC: Consider this a large mingle before the event! Nishi will be beginning that herself in a few hours.]

Aug. 1st, 2011



Who: DelPavo
When: Day 259, morning

[there is a dirty, exhausted one-armed blank making his way to Pavo.

For the observant he's wearing the old uniform, and through the dirt and whatnot it's not hard to tell he's wearing Pavo's color. And then there's the hair - dirty, but still very big.

. . .

It appears that he's following a black cat]

Jul. 30th, 2011



Who: DelPavo
Where: On the way back to the geardorm
When: Day 258, post game
What: Fallout

[HEY EVERYBODY RAPUNZEL GOT A HAIRCUT oh and also everyone's sad from that game too]

Jul. 28th, 2011



Who: Pavo + visitors
Where: Geardorm
When: Day 257, afternoon
What: Memories

[Oh we've got memory back up again, I guess it's time to take these]

Jul. 23rd, 2011



Game 156

Who: Everybody~
Where: Arena
When: Day 255, eveningtime
What: :3(\

[ The OMINOUSLY FOREBODING CALL OF DOOM that summons you to the Arena this evening......... the giggling of teenage girls in triplicate. And a dramatic sigh or two. As you arrive you might just be in time to catch part of a conversation: ]

--and it’s been like, y’know, so boring lately, right? Ugh. And I mean all that dark emo stuff’s kinda hot sometimes, but it gets like so totally old when like, everyone’s doing it. So not cute.

I know, right? It’s totally up to us now. Let’s do something fun for a change.

[[ Links: Signup here!! | Mingle | Groups | The Setup | Rules | Group threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4Kids | Catwalk of Shame | Endgame |

Jul. 17th, 2011




Who: Feathers, Syaoran, a fish
Where: The river south of Lyvus
When: Day 254, morning, while the game ends
What: Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

[Even waking late, it's not . . . too long a walk to Pyxis and Cygnus. Just to make sure they weren't left behind.]



Game 155: End

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 254, Morning
What: :)

[Back to the arena once more, colored torches still lighting the area. That same encouraging urge to bring your dead and injured along is there as well, and Game Master sits on the throne again, but this time his gaze is turned towards a large pedestal placed at the base of the throne.]

Welcome once more, blanks. You will find your outcomes in your rooms. Go now, and see which of you were rewarded, which of you fell into debt. Will you be satisfied with the way you wielded your fates? And for your dead . . . how many of you, I wonder, will be able to pay the price?

((Mingle/Healing | Revivals | Team Posts: Hydra | Vulpecula | Pyxis | Cygnus | Monoceros | Lepus | Lacerta | Cepheus | Canis | Ursa | Orion | Cetus | Pavo | Delphinus | Lynx | Corvus))

((POSTS ARE NOW UNLOCKED ♥ Also: Orbs may be shared for revivals only. You may not share them to purchase any of the other items in the post-game "store".))

Jul. 16th, 2011



Game 155: Day Two

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 253, Early Afternoon
What: :)

[Back to the arena of colored torches you go. Those with dead or injured will feel a strong compulsion to bring them along as well, feeling a strange assurance that this is the right thing to do. Game Master is seated in the throne again, hands folded before him as he regards the approaching blanks from beneath his hood. He seems to be sitting a little straighter today . . . and today, he speaks.]

So many interesting decisions yesterday, and yet . . . it feels lacking. I’ve been disappointed. A change of plan is in order, I feel.

Today and today only will I be gracious enough to return your dead to you. Following this round, you will each be required to exchange a number of orbs in order to see your dead comrades returned to you. A mere price of ten orbs for the lives of your loved ones. Will you play with more seriousness? Perhaps you'll be able to afford the cost if you choose to do so.

You may begin your next round as soon as your dead are returned to you.

((Mingle/Revivals/Healing | Team Posts: Hydra | Vulpecula | Pyxis | Cygnus | Monoceros | Lepus | Lacerta | Cepheus | Canis | Ursa | Orion | Cetus | Pavo | Delphinus | Lynx | Corvus |
The OOC post from the previous game; ignore parts 3 and 4 as we are shortening/condensing the game!))