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Jan. 7th, 2012



[Endgame. The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.

It's ongoing mission, is to get a hell of a lot of people home. Deal with disturbingly well mannered velociraptors as roommates. Help get old ant workers used to two feet again. And occasionally jettison Horn off into space at random intervals.

To boldly seek out new universes and parallel dimensions. To party hard as it has never been done before.]

Jan. 6th, 2012



Who: ???
Where: ???
When: ???
What: ???

[You are in white space, floating gently on your back. It's comfortable and warm. The lassitude in the air seeps into your muscles, letting you truly relax. Pushed by something unseen, you rock gently in that empty space, as if floating on small, rolling waves.

Everything is calm and comfortable. What were you just doing? You can't quite fish up the memory but you have a vague, muted anxiety that it was important.

Something urges you quietly to just give it up, just forget.

As you drift... you see someone sitting next to you, calm, understanding...]

Claude | Lenalee | Tazendra | Edward | Maya | Zelgadis | Trixie | Chrono | Alice | Chaz | Rory | Rapunzel | Kenshin | Kurow | Arson | Scowl | Tailmon | Red | Mitsuru | Crown | Razzy | Badger | Shiki | Itachi | Yayoi | Akin | Sharks | Kazuha | Jinx | Lucky | Merry | Ikki | Link | Aoko | Aeris | Kaito | Taisuke | Hizumi | Flonne | Quartz | Parrot | Jace | Kurono | Anchor | Bombastic | Trigger | Flames | Amy | Thistle | Haruto | Allen | Violet | Dean | Almaz | Gray | Blaze | Kohaku | Tifa | Mikiya | Lotus | Poppy | Emil | Apple | Peter | Elgala | Albert | Emiri | Erik | Charles | Impmon | Kururu |




Where: The Arena
When: >(

[Lightning arcs through the air, spreading out just over the heads of the gathered blanks with deafening thunder. Where it strikes the walls the marble chips and cracks, leaving small craters dotting the pristine surfaces. The face of King's statue is contorted in plain displeasure. Each time you blink, his gaze falls on a different person.]

That is quite enough. Let's have no more of these childish shenanigans. My patience has worn thin enough already, blanks.

Will you be handing over the keystones, yes or no?

[React || TRICKSTER || King Keystone Retrieval ]




Who: All Ophi, traitor and loyal, all Blanks. Good ended DO NOT hear the call, but can come
Where: The Arena
When: :)
What: Ladies and Gentleman, we understand that you have come to bear witness to the sound of drums and bass.

[As you enter the arena today, it is like you have stepped into a gala floor. Round tables with black and white checkers are arranged in a semi circle around the southern corners of the room, leaving the vast majority of the marble floor open for dancing. Austere marble pillars break the expanse of the floor in neat rows, affording a couple a moment of privacy as needed. Against the east wall, a bar is set with several classy appetizers, and a single platter of ten shrimp next to a crystal punch bowl.

At the very end of the expansive room, a black marble stage has a band set up, and ready to play. Behind that, stretching up and up, is a regal black throne. No one sits on it yet.

The double doors close after the last of you with a certain finality.]

Welcome, my dear blanks. And welcome to your guests as well! Quite unexpected to see so many familiar faces again. It does bring back memories, doesn't it?

I do hope you'll find the festivities to your liking. I know we've had our differences in the past, but I've put quite a bit of effort into ensuring that everything goes perfectly. As long as everyone, and that does include the delightful guests you've brought along, stays on their best behavior, I think we'll get along quite nicely.

((OOC: WE BEGIN! First event begins in an hour 8PM EST.)

[ Mingle || HORN!!!! || Rules :) || PART TWO])

Jan. 5th, 2012



Who: ???
Where: The Arena AND BEYOND
When: Day ۞۞۞

[There is, in many ways, a strange anticipatory silence and darkness in the Arena before games. It's often hard to put a finger on, and those who've gone in and searched the ruins or forages for small branches, might have a hard time defining why THEN is different. A bit like they should be holding their breath, or be wary at their own torchlight.

However, today, instead of the spreading of a false environment of a Game... a shower of lights materializes in the Arena, near the South Block doors... as it fades, it leaves behind a group of people who never really expected to be here again.]

Dec. 31st, 2011



Who: Everyone
Where: The Southern Fields
When: Day 303?? Late
What: A little squiddy said...

[Should you have followed a squidrat that STOLE YOUR THING! YES THAT THING! or just one that was acting oddly, or even just a Delphinus who knocked and said there was a picnic arranged...

You eventually find yourself in the soft light of the southern fields, surrounded by wildflowers and the wary shret looking at you balefully from the ceiling.

In the red glow of the saltwater pools here... seems multiplied, many pockets of water scattered throughout the field, a breeze surrounding them... If you look INTO one, you seem to see somewhere else... hear the SOUNDS of another world...

But before you get that far, there really IS a picnic!

A few checkered blankets have been spread across the soft moss, and are filled with salads, a few fruity, girly wines and drinks, fruit slices, cubed cheese, egg custard, a variety of cold cut sandwiches. (and a few loaves of fresh bread and pies.. because Link is Link.) ... there is also a very, very burned thing of cole slaw. The squidrat by it is eating it PROUDLY.]

((OOC: GOOD END COMMUNICATION! GO. GOOD ENDERS, feel free to start a thread with your name, you'll be visible and audible in the pool, both of your connections are a little wavy and watery though...))

May. 29th, 2011



Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 242
What: Good Ends

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing to every part of Sabra. A regal crescendo of notes and then anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is that strange darkened landscape again...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation between up and down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and two pathways each covered with a lush carpet: Orange and Black with Silver lining. One bears the sigil of the canny fox, curious and careful and the other shows two twined serpents wrapping around each other in the weave. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table, filled with punch, and several large party platters.]

[However, should you follow either of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]

May. 27th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: On top of SKULL MOUNTAIN
When: Day 241, afternoon to evening
What: so about that undead judge-controlled zombie raptor and its friends

[Those out and about in the early afternoon may have seen the combined members of Hydra and Vulpecula (minus a few) coming home from the east, looking dusty, occasionally bloody, and more than a little haggard.

A few hours later, wounds are cleaned up, the unconscious have been put to bed, and the occasional figure in green or orange can be seen on the hat's rim. One, in fact, has been there almost consistently, sitting on the beams of the pulley and looking east.]

May. 21st, 2011




Who: Hydracula & Friends
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 240, afternoon

[If you are inside Hydracula right now, you might notice the huge, fedora-skull-shaking THUMP up on the roof. Or maybe the hammer-like pounding that follows it. If you didn't know better, you might think it sounded like the secret knock.]

May. 15th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 238, evening (after the game)
What: :)

[You know, there are some people you just really don't want to find sitting on the roof with a sword when you come home while bodyswitched! Because, you know, even if you manage to convince him of who you really are which is dubious enough in itself, there's still no guarantee that he's not going to stab you]

[But hey, look, it's Guillotine, he hasn't been around in a while, didn't you miss him? ♥]




Who: Lizardkings and visitors
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 238, evening
What: Someone slept through the game's call so he stayed home, read, and ate snacks

[Man I'm having a relaxing, quiet day]

May. 14th, 2011




Who: Game goes
Where: The Arena
When: Day 238, Afternoon
What: A game! :)

[The arena today has had a large section of it walled off, apparently. Where the ruins normally lie has been blocked off with a wall that’s much too high to see over, and any attempts to sneak a peek will send people tumbling down or leave them with a headache (should they attempt to use magical methods).

The throne is filled with King’s majestic self, and there is a small buffet table with the fixings for simple sandwiches before it; sliced and roasted lizard meat, a few types of cheese, hearty bread, and more cabbage than anyone really cares to see. There’s also a large tureen of punch.]

[Mingle || THE SWAP || Rules and Groups! || Endgame || Memories || ONE LAST THING ABOUT SWAP DURATION]

May. 10th, 2011




Who: Hydacula & visitors
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain AND BEYOND
When: Day 237, evening

TEAM MEETING! Also the grub's done. But more importantly TEAM MEETING! STATUS REPORTS, GO!

May. 7th, 2011




Who: Trixie, anyone
Where: Approaching Hydracula
When: Day 237, morning
What: De-hiatus~.


[automatically ninja rolls! … faceplantszzzz…]

[and wobbles back to her feet, unsteady but determined.]

May. 1st, 2011




Who: SOME DRUNKS (not Monoceros)
Where: SOME CAVES AND SHIT (woooooo)
When: Day 236, HAPPY HOUR (ok actually it's noon)


Apr. 22nd, 2011




Where: Vicinity of Hydracula
When: Day 233, afternoon
What: DROP BEARS. no rly.

[I'm sure you were just minding your own business when you passed by this fine afternoon. But that is most certainly a furry creature WITH CLAWS that just landed on you]

Apr. 17th, 2011




Who: Delpavodracula :E
Where: Skullhat
When: Day 232, noonish
What: dubiously wise decisions

[For the Hydraculan lookout that's usually hanging out on the skullhat, the sight of delphinians passing by toward the south isn't all that unusual. Them stopping to talk may not be entirely unusual either.

Today though, Link just stops a ways away to sort of stare toward the skulldorm, though it's partially as if he's looking through it, apparently very seriously considering something that's been on his mind...]

Apr. 8th, 2011



Game 141

Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When: Day 230, afternoon?

Is a person born or made? What impact does the way that others perceive us influence the selves deep down in our hearts? And what if you were to look through the eyes of another? What do you think you'll learn?

And... how shall I grade what you did? Hmm...

۞ Which team can stay the course with the titles they are given?
۞ And which can reclaim those that originally belonged to them?
۞ Which team will take any title they prize?
۞ And which will have the most taken?
۞ Who can make the most trades?
۞ And whose final titles will win the Judge's favor?

((SIGN-IN/RECEIVE TITLE | How to play | How to WIN

Once you have received your title and read the info, feel free to use the rest of the post to interact in and/or make your own posts for the rest of the weekend. Prep was here if you missed it.

You are free to jump into/sign up for this game anytime, but you gotta GET EXCEL'S ATTENTION to get your title! :|b))

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Game 140

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 229, noonish
What: [On the throne today is a smiling youth, face ringed by black curls. He has a harp-like instrument in his lap and a pen behind his ear. It's been a while since any have seen him, but, perhaps, to the oldest and most keen observers here, he seems perhaps a touch thinner than last time. The Arena is not terribly decorated for his appearance, indeed, if not for the statue sitting there, one would not be sure this was really a call at all.]

Good afternoon, duckies, good afternoon! Who's ready for some wholesome (and platonic!) self-exploration and completely non-fatal fun, hmm? I know I certainly am.  Yes, I'm sure you've all been having just unbearable amounts of fun, but you know, let's just- . . .

[clears his throat]

Ahem. Sorry, I was saying, let's just slow it down.  Maybe, oh, I don't know, talk about our feelings a while.

((Technically, yes, this is a loser game, but anyone can play.))

Mar. 24th, 2011



138 Endgame

Who: Sleeping beauties
Where: Arena
When: Day 226, late night
What: Endgame

[You awaken from your nap. Your HP and MP have been restored.]

Dreams are quit silly in retrospect, aren't they? Quite silly indeed.

((Memories for Canis, Hydra, and Del; prizes for teams that start with L))