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Posts Tagged: '%7Blumiere%7D'

Jan. 7th, 2012



[Endgame. The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.

It's ongoing mission, is to get a hell of a lot of people home. Deal with disturbingly well mannered velociraptors as roommates. Help get old ant workers used to two feet again. And occasionally jettison Horn off into space at random intervals.

To boldly seek out new universes and parallel dimensions. To party hard as it has never been done before.]

Jan. 1st, 2012




Who: Anyone \o/
Where: Anywhere /o\
When: Day 303?? 304?? WHO KNOWS, MAN.
What: Mingle on, you crazy diamonds.

[A bedraggled lolibear is haulin' herself home, and adjective subject are verbing, etc.]

(OOC: Locations (times?!) in title, anything goes.)

Sep. 2nd, 2011



Game 160

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 268, early morning
What: Haunted Game

[Childish giggling--is it male? Female? It’s impossible to tell--surrounds every blank as they heed today’s call. It’s barely audible, able to easily be ignored. But it is ever present. In the arena on the throne sits Haunted’s statue, headless as ever. Even without facial features she gives off the sense of being very pleased with herself.

Heavy mist covers the floor, giving off a strong sickly sweet scent. The smaller among the blanks may already feel themselves starting to grow woozy from its influences.]

Sign in | Mingle | Nightmares: Sion, Razzy, Thumper, Nishi, Lenalee | Endgame and revivals | Memories

Aug. 21st, 2011


Game 159

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 265, bright and early (to leave room for folks who need to backdate things)

[The pull is especially insistent today, if kind of ... wobbly? It's a weird feeling. Almost nauseating.

And for good reason, because once you get there you will see that everyone's ~favorite~ judge is seated on her throne. Except -- your reflections in her statue are extra wobbly today. And Mirror herself is laughing herself silly, her words slurred.]

Oh! Oh! This will be hilarious! The faces they'll make.

[There are also seventeen small buildings in the room, made of mirrored glass and set up much like your good ol' War Room games. What could be in there??]


Aug. 20th, 2011



Game 158

Who: Anyone at all
Where:  The Arena
When: Day 264, late morning
What:  A game!

[The Twins are out today in the Arena's center, lovely stone faces bright with amusement, the round table just before the statue draped with an odd cloth of shimmering grey. On it stand clean, empty glasses and pitchers of juice- cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry, and several that are unidentifiable. Clean bowls are here as well, and a massive platter with a serving spoon and what seems to be cucumbers and tomatoes marinated in some sort of tangy dressing. Beside it, on a separate platter, stand segments of coconut sliced into pieces as regular as that of a pie, and whole, fresh figs. Spiraling out from the central table like spokes on a wheel are smaller tables, also circular, draped in each partnerteam set's colors. These are set with ornate, high-backed chairs, each sporting a cushion upon its seat.]

A pleasant morning to you, little blanks. I have another game for you, and my sister has been gracious enough to help me arrange it. Do make yourselves comfortable, hm~? We'll be getting started any minute now.

Mingle | Gamestart | Presentation | Volunteer judging | Endgame | Memories- Hydracula, Bunnycorn, Pygnapus

Aug. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: the arena
When: Day 261, late afternoon

[Sometimes you just can't go half an hour in Sabra without something breaking the peace. Relatedly, there's a gratingly loud noise coming from the arena. If you head down there, two rough circles have been sketched on the floor. This thing is standing inside one. Two Uraeus are loitering around the other one, discussing important matters.]

We're not using this noise again.

[Mingle | instructions | OPTION 1: punching bag | OPTION 2: punching Parrot | end.]

Aug. 5th, 2011




Who: Nutcracker, Aura, anyone
Where: Canis and Ursa
When: Day 259, late afternoon
What: Flowers!

[If you were home during the afternoon, two girls have been hard at work sprucing up first Ursa, then Canis, with flowers - small bouquets here and there. Much fun was had.

And now they seem to be busy working on... flower crowns?]

Aug. 4th, 2011



Who: Roy and anyone else
Where: Out and about
When: Day 259, afternoon

[Roy has a big sack with various fruits sticking out of it sitting on the ground in front of him]

It's been so serious around here lately, who wants a treat? For a small price, of course.

Aug. 1st, 2011



Who: P . . .yxis?
When: Day 258, getting later
What: [FFFFFFFFuck I can not even look at that thing.]

All right, we- . . . we need to figure out where we'll go, for tonight . . .

Jul. 31st, 2011




Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 258
What: Good Ends

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing to every part of Sabra—a regal crescendo of notes followed by anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is that strange darkened landscape again...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation between up and down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and two pathways each covered with a lush carpet: one pink, the other a dark blue. One bears the sigil of the graceful swan, wings outspread and flying toward the path's end, while a hunting dog bounds down the second, intent on its target. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table holing a punch bowl and several large party platters.

However, should you follow either of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]




Who: Bears! Dogs? Visitors?
Where: Ursa
When: Day 258, post game

[A fresh batch of tea is simmering gently on the hearth, and a pile of memories sits on the table. They're gingerbread men, shaped distinctly like members of the unit.]

... Quaint.

Jul. 30th, 2011



Game 157

Who: Everyone!
Where: The Arena
When: Day 258, bright and early
What: A game

[The arena is quiet and a chill is in the air. There are cribs--splintered and dingy and decaying with a faded coat of paint which might be your team’s color. At the moment they stand empty, though occasionally they rock from side to side, as though swayed by wind which cannot be felt. Despite the early hour, the light is dim here. Haunted’s voice drifts down from the headless statue, quieter than during her early games, raspier, more serious.]

The time grows late, but there's always time to play a little game, isn't there? It won't take very long. Unless you make it so...

Mingle | Game start | Endgame | Memories

Jul. 27th, 2011



Who: Ursa and visitors
Where: Ursa dorms
When: Day 257, afternoonish
What: New kid probably doesn't like you.

[he also just managed to make it outside his room before leaning against the door, rubbing his eyes. if you catch sight of them underneath his rat's nest hair, you'll notice they have ~spiral patterns~ and ~reflect the depths of darkness~ and have some ~gold flecks~ in them. good thing they're mostly covered, huh.]

... These lights are annoying.

Jul. 24th, 2011




Who: Scowl, People who aren't Judges loyal to King
Where: Delphinus, Cepheus, Lacerta, Hydra, and places in between
When: Day 256, Late Afternoon through Evening
What: Completely ordinary blank interactions

[Scowl's busy visiting a few teams this evening, but maybe you can catch him as he moves from one to the next?]

[OOC: IC GATHERING OF A TEAM FOR MAGICAL SURGEON REALM ADVENTURES NEXT WEEKEND (Saturday, early afternoon start). Fair warning that it is Dera doing the gathering but due to the critical nature of the mission he will reluctantly consider all teams!!1 (Except Monoceros due to the abomination they call a patron SORRY GUYS) You are encouraged to hit me up IC or even OOCly if you think you might need extra help figuring out how to get your character in on it.]

Jul. 23rd, 2011




Who: Beardog
Where: Canis dorms
When: Day 255, after the game
What: Cookies! And maybe partnerteam bonding I guess

*tonight in beardog the Canis common room is featuring a nice small chest full of cookies, which clearly must be consumed. also there is delicious tea :3*

It wouldn't be bad if there were more games like today's, I think...



Game 156

Who: Everybody~
Where: Arena
When: Day 255, eveningtime
What: :3(\

[ The OMINOUSLY FOREBODING CALL OF DOOM that summons you to the Arena this evening......... the giggling of teenage girls in triplicate. And a dramatic sigh or two. As you arrive you might just be in time to catch part of a conversation: ]

--and it’s been like, y’know, so boring lately, right? Ugh. And I mean all that dark emo stuff’s kinda hot sometimes, but it gets like so totally old when like, everyone’s doing it. So not cute.

I know, right? It’s totally up to us now. Let’s do something fun for a change.

[[ Links: Signup here!! | Mingle | Groups | The Setup | Rules | Group threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4Kids | Catwalk of Shame | Endgame |

Jul. 19th, 2011



Who:  Everyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 255, late morning
What: Meet and greet

[The new Ophi kid, followed by his teammate, is out exploring and meeting the Blanks. KNOCK KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR.]


Who: Ursa and visitors
Where: Ursa dorms
When: Day 254, afternoon :D?
What: Good morning!! Sort of.

[Someone was exploring the dorm a while ago, but now there's just someone who managed his way into the kitchen and is making himself a sandwich.

He woke up hungry, okay. Don't judge.]

Jul. 17th, 2011



Game 155: End

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 254, Morning
What: :)

[Back to the arena once more, colored torches still lighting the area. That same encouraging urge to bring your dead and injured along is there as well, and Game Master sits on the throne again, but this time his gaze is turned towards a large pedestal placed at the base of the throne.]

Welcome once more, blanks. You will find your outcomes in your rooms. Go now, and see which of you were rewarded, which of you fell into debt. Will you be satisfied with the way you wielded your fates? And for your dead . . . how many of you, I wonder, will be able to pay the price?

((Mingle/Healing | Revivals | Team Posts: Hydra | Vulpecula | Pyxis | Cygnus | Monoceros | Lepus | Lacerta | Cepheus | Canis | Ursa | Orion | Cetus | Pavo | Delphinus | Lynx | Corvus))

((POSTS ARE NOW UNLOCKED ♥ Also: Orbs may be shared for revivals only. You may not share them to purchase any of the other items in the post-game "store".))

Jul. 16th, 2011



Game 155: Day Two

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 253, Early Afternoon
What: :)

[Back to the arena of colored torches you go. Those with dead or injured will feel a strong compulsion to bring them along as well, feeling a strange assurance that this is the right thing to do. Game Master is seated in the throne again, hands folded before him as he regards the approaching blanks from beneath his hood. He seems to be sitting a little straighter today . . . and today, he speaks.]

So many interesting decisions yesterday, and yet . . . it feels lacking. I’ve been disappointed. A change of plan is in order, I feel.

Today and today only will I be gracious enough to return your dead to you. Following this round, you will each be required to exchange a number of orbs in order to see your dead comrades returned to you. A mere price of ten orbs for the lives of your loved ones. Will you play with more seriousness? Perhaps you'll be able to afford the cost if you choose to do so.

You may begin your next round as soon as your dead are returned to you.

((Mingle/Revivals/Healing | Team Posts: Hydra | Vulpecula | Pyxis | Cygnus | Monoceros | Lepus | Lacerta | Cepheus | Canis | Ursa | Orion | Cetus | Pavo | Delphinus | Lynx | Corvus |
The OOC post from the previous game; ignore parts 3 and 4 as we are shortening/condensing the game!))