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Posts Tagged: '%7Biggy%7D'

Dec. 12th, 2010



Who: Canis
Where: Canis, the great desert Arakis
When: King's Year 199, midsummer
What: nananana BOSS FIGHT

[Great plumes of sand have been seen rolling through the country all summer. Storms too, such that Canis has never seen. But the desert is not built to hold water for very long; instead, the waters have uncovered an enormous sinkhole in the great desert of Arakis, within which rests something very deep and dark and ancient ...

In the weeks leading up to this encounter, this enormous hole has been the epicenter of the numerous dust storms and other disturbances that have rocked the country. Even the minorly talented shamans have sensed this disturbance in the earth. However, getting to this place has been more than a little difficult. The winds buffeted anyone who came too close. Only now, as the summer approaches its apex, do the winds die down enough for shamans (and other talented folks) to approach. Lazy clouds of sand and grit obscure the mammoth shape ahead of you. And high above your heads fly a number of desert birds, their shadows making lazy circles in the sand far below.]

Dec. 9th, 2010



Who: Buttercup and Altjira + folks in Lacerta
Where: Feramis' cottage
When: King's Year 196, Spring
What: Kidnappings~

[it's a beautiful spring day in the Lacerta neighborhood. Ter is sitting in his garden chair with a ball of yarn, which he is carefully knitting into socks. nothing unexpected could possibly happen today!]

Dec. 5th, 2010




Who: Traders, entertainers, clansmen and visitors willing to brave the wastes
Where: The Canis badlands, an oasis near the Pyxis border
When: Fall, King's Year 198
What: Trade fair!

*Each spring and each fall, on the week of the equinox, the clans of Canis gather to a certain oasis at the edge of the Lacertan mountains, there to exchange tidings, trade and mingle among themselves. They bring with them the finest of glassware, rare spices, liquors distilled from (mostly) cactus, gemstones, certain drugs, and stories from across the world. By tradition, even the worst of enemies greet each other politely while on the trading grounds, and foreigners are made welcome -- especially if they bring goods or stories to trade.*

Dec. 2nd, 2010



Who: Anybody!
Where: DREAMWORLD oooh
When: Day 197, night
What: Dreampost!

[I dunno about you, but it's been one hell of a week for this noodle. He's not in critical condition anymore, but his grip on reality is more tenuous than usual tonight. Therefore, it's time to go wandering.

Whatever you may be dreaming about -- nightmare, fantasy, Old Sabra, something in between -- you feel a light prick at the back of your consciousness, and then a widening. Even the non-dreamwalkers can move about tonight in this hazy shared reality. But be aware that other things lurk in the deepest recesses of tonight's mindscape, especially with so many restless alter-egos on the move...]

(( OOC: It's dreampost time again! Here's a repost of the guidelines from last time, with a few changes:

A) If you comment to the post, you're hosting a dream of your own. People commenting to you are part of the dream, whether as a figment of your imagination or as a conscious interloper.
B) Similarly, if you comment to someone else's thread, you're either part of their dream or crossing over from yours to theirs.
C) Feel free to remember as much of (or as little of) the dreams as you like.
D) If you're participating, then your bracer is open a tiiiny crack or two during slumber. Or otherwise briefly permeable.
E) Watanuki and Aeris are not commenting to everyone. In fact, I'm going to sleep in about an hour and a half.
F) If you want a magical toy surprise (and have not already been Pillar'd, lake'd, etc.), then PM Aeris or Watanuki. :) :) :) ))

Nov. 28th, 2010




Who: Anyone!
Where: Anywhere!
When: Day 196, after Persona's game
What: Mingle with the mongled

*So apparently a number of people have gone a bit crazy -- though which group is a matter of debate. Depending on their teammates' reactions, they might well be out and around (or they might be locked up in their rooms). Maybe they're meeting you.*

((General mingle around post! I'll be tagging around but not everywhere, most likely.))

Nov. 26th, 2010




Who: Everyone!
Where: Everywhere!
When: Day 196, late morning
What: A warning

[Three COMPLETELY SANE Hydraculas are knocking on YOUR DOOR]


Nov. 15th, 2010




Who: Anyone!
Where: Lakeside
When: Day 192, immediately after THIS

*when the fish suddenly all startle into the depths at once, something weird is happening, but the mind mage trying to catch them didn't expect the FUCKING EARTHQUAKE.

There are a few broken stalactites near him, and the water's still risen to waves, but he seems distracted by something else.*

What the hells?

Nov. 14th, 2010



Who: Mirror + various
Where: Various dorms, then ???
When: Day 192 (from early morning until whenever, to work around timespace shenanigans)
What: Penalties!

[The day after the two Lepus team members departed ... There's a familiar presence moving through Sabra, knocking on your doors and catching you out by the lake, depending on where you are.]

(( OOC: I will start threads for each character! Please indicate your location (in the dorms, out by the lake, wherever) when you first comment to your thread. After you're done, you may use this post to RP fallout/coming back from Mirror if you want. ))

Nov. 13th, 2010




Who: Canis, whoever stops by
Where: Canis dorms
When: Day 191, after the game
What: Memories and such things!

*there is a one-eyed samurai approaching the Canis dorms from the direction of the arena, holding a small pile of memory candies in his hand, and generally looking inordinately pleased with himself*

Nov. 10th, 2010




Who: Poppy, anyone
Where: In the vicinity of Lacanis and Bunnycorn
When: Day 190, eaaarly morning
What: Something's different

[A naked teen has appeared! It looks like he had stumbled, sat up, and just stayed there. He's staring at his hands and his surroundings like he's seeing them for the first time.

Offer to help? y/n]

Nov. 2nd, 2010



Who: ever.
Where: all over.
When: Day 187, midafternoon.
What: Collecting some signatures.

[Maya is lurking around as harmlessly as you can, when you carry a sword longer then half of your body.]

Fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this.

Oct. 26th, 2010



Who: Coriander + Canis + whoever
When: Day 185, early afternoonish
What: who wants a misssssssssion

[ THERE'S AN OPHI HEADIN' INTO LACANIS TERRITORY blah blah etc. Feel free to bother. ]

Oct. 23rd, 2010




Where: Bathhouse
When: Day 183, noonish? After terrible game
What: MINGLE POST FOR YOUR CLEANING NEEDS (read: Cobra will not reply to everyone)

[So there is a reasonable chance that after that game YOU are also covered in blood and would like to fix the situation. Thank the Judges for public bathhouses \o/ You TOO can relax and scrub away all your elevator crushing trauma]

Oct. 19th, 2010



Who: Anyone
Where: By the lake
When: Day 181, early afternoon
What: Hauntings

[If you have any supernatural senses or is supernatural yourself, you'll find a woman in Monoceros white by the lake today. Strangely enough she's not wearing the standard Monoceros uniform though... more noticeable might be that she's crying and yelling at you though.]

Why won't anyone look at me?! Hey, you, don't ignore me too!

[If you are a completely normal human though... you only felt how something cold just passed through you and maybe got a shiver up your spine.]

Oct. 18th, 2010




Who: Newbies
When: Day 181, noon
What: Exploring

[Well, someone moved on pretty quickly. A couple new-looking guys in pink hoodie-tunics are wandering around, getting their bearings.

One of them isn't strictly human, if that sort of thing pings you.]

Oct. 17th, 2010




Who: Anyone who has reason to be around Canis!
Where: Canis
When: Day 181, morning!
What: About to walk into a table, apparently.

[So! Once upon a time, there was a new kid, a rather tall teenager, trying to make his way around clearly unfamiliar settings. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't seem to notice the table that's right in front of him. Oops.]