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Jan. 6th, 2012




Where: The Arena
When: >(

[Lightning arcs through the air, spreading out just over the heads of the gathered blanks with deafening thunder. Where it strikes the walls the marble chips and cracks, leaving small craters dotting the pristine surfaces. The face of King's statue is contorted in plain displeasure. Each time you blink, his gaze falls on a different person.]

That is quite enough. Let's have no more of these childish shenanigans. My patience has worn thin enough already, blanks.

Will you be handing over the keystones, yes or no?

[React || TRICKSTER || King Keystone Retrieval ]




Who: All Ophi, traitor and loyal, all Blanks. Good ended DO NOT hear the call, but can come
Where: The Arena
When: :)
What: Ladies and Gentleman, we understand that you have come to bear witness to the sound of drums and bass.

[As you enter the arena today, it is like you have stepped into a gala floor. Round tables with black and white checkers are arranged in a semi circle around the southern corners of the room, leaving the vast majority of the marble floor open for dancing. Austere marble pillars break the expanse of the floor in neat rows, affording a couple a moment of privacy as needed. Against the east wall, a bar is set with several classy appetizers, and a single platter of ten shrimp next to a crystal punch bowl.

At the very end of the expansive room, a black marble stage has a band set up, and ready to play. Behind that, stretching up and up, is a regal black throne. No one sits on it yet.

The double doors close after the last of you with a certain finality.]

Welcome, my dear blanks. And welcome to your guests as well! Quite unexpected to see so many familiar faces again. It does bring back memories, doesn't it?

I do hope you'll find the festivities to your liking. I know we've had our differences in the past, but I've put quite a bit of effort into ensuring that everything goes perfectly. As long as everyone, and that does include the delightful guests you've brought along, stays on their best behavior, I think we'll get along quite nicely.

((OOC: WE BEGIN! First event begins in an hour 8PM EST.)

[ Mingle || HORN!!!! || Rules :) || PART TWO])

Dec. 30th, 2011




Who: Everyone?
When: Day 303, Morning (FOREDATED, please continue your 302 antics as you like)
Where: Could it be the arena?
What: ♥♥♥

[Now that everyone has returned to themselves and King has grown weary of pacing angrily about in the aftermath of yesterday's explosion, leaving the blanks in peace to return to wherever the Judges reside to continue his angry thoughts in private, it's time for a game! Some people may find themselves drawn to the arena whether they like it or not.

Persona is on the throne once more, and before her are the familiar couches with various members of teams sleeping on them: Roy, Kurow, Scowl, Parrot, and Yuta.

Persona herself seems more tense than usual on the throne. The hands of her statue are wringing themselves, and although she seems as chipper and eager as usual, there's an uneasy tension in her expression.]

Can you prepare yourselves once more? Will you work harder this time? More than merely facing it, can you bring yourselves to change what lies within your friends and teammates?

[ Sign ups || Oh no unconcious people || Mingle || Hearts/Note to latecomers || Endgame || Memories ]

[ King appears || A RIOTOUS DISTRACTION || Persona's end (But . . . ?) || An Announcement ]

[Heart runners to #heartpile please! You are also welcome to assume your character was unable to resist the pull to the arena if they would be ICly avoiding it but you still want to play. Likewise, if you don't want to play, just assume they were inside or Persona's pull didn't reach them. THIS IS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT ONLY :Db

ETA: Mingle to end at 6:30 7pm EST right now]

Dec. 11th, 2011



Game 172

Who: Anyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 296, noon
What: A game

[The bleating of goats lead you to the arena once again. The weathered and beaten statue of a boy sits on the throne. Chin resting on his hands and elbows on his knees.

There are 8 platforms - wide enough for members of each partner team - arranged in front of the throne; the carpets are in the colors of each partner team The entrance to each are roped off for now.]

Play with me.

[For once, weapons are not transformed into their plastic or harmless counterparts nor are curses censored.]

[Sign in | Mingle | Game Start | Endgame | Memories (Monoceros, Canis, Pyxis, Apus, Hydra, Vulpecula)]

Dec. 4th, 2011



Game 171

Where: The Arena
When: Day 295, bright and early
What: It's time for games

[The game call is an echo of laughter, joyous yet unnerving. It fills your ears as you make your way to the Arena, drowning out nearly every other sound. Upon arrival, you discover that this time, the arena lacks the mist that so often clings to the ground during Haunted’s games, lacks the symbol scratched into stone and the bodies sleeping above it. Instead all there is to see is Haunted on her throne, a little Judge who is beyond pleased with herself.]

[Sign up | Mingle | Game Start | Revival | Endgame | Memories]

Nov. 19th, 2011



Game 170

Who? I wonder if it's you?
Where? Could it be the Arena?
When? Day 290, Evening? (Well before the Mirror Heart antics)
What? ♥♥♥

Is it a good evening for everyone? Have you all rested well? I wonder, are you prepared? Are you able to face what lies within your friends and teammates?

[The couches today are piled with Hizumi, Elliot, Claude, Chrono, Taisuke, and Yoi-te]

[ Sign ups || Oh no unconcious people || Mingle || Hearts || Endgame || Memories ]

Nov. 11th, 2011



Game 169

Who: Anyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 288, evening
What: Game time~

[Today the call takes the form of a song. It's hard to make out the words but the tune resembles a child's nursery rhyme. The sound of that soft voice is almost familiar, one the very edge of your memory....

As the arena fills with blanks, the song gives way to Haunted's delighted laughter.]

Are you afraid, blanks?

[Sign ups | Mingle | Game Start | End Game | Memories]

Nov. 10th, 2011



Game 168 endgame

Who: Anyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 288, late afternoon
What: End Game

[A forlorn 'baaaa' calls you to the arena today. The playground and tables are in shambles, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to them. A child's statue, weathered and beaten, sits on the throne - his elbows propped on his knees and his face hidden behind his hands. The voice that rings through the arena today is tired and broken.]


[Final Mingle | Winners: (Orion, Lepus, Apus, Corvus, Lynx, Ursa, Cetus, Vulpecula)]

((OOC: Early endgame because I'm suddenly unavailable for the time I set. I should hopefully be back by 8.30AM EST to decide memories. This post is for any final mingles that people might want to play with.

Thread submission is open until then.))

Nov. 6th, 2011



Game 168

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 287, early morning (We knew you well, day 286)
What: Status effect game

[The bleating of goats once again bring you to the arena. A statue of a sleepy child greets you on the throne]

Come play once more, blanks.

[The area around the throne is a child's playground today, with a swing set, slides, a ball pit, and a container filled with water balloons. Tables lined with colored cloth (including Ophiuchus) are arranged at the foot of the throne. On each table, lies a single nerf gun with foam darts and a bowl of small round stones just enough for each member of the team. (All of them also in their respective team colors. The Ophi table has more nerf guns on it)]

Take a stone. Bring them to your team if you wish.

[Mingle | Game Start | Playground | Thread Submission (Deadline: 8.30AM 6.30AM EST Thursday)]

((Note 1: Guideline for deaging (Stolen from Mirror)
P.S: It is also possible to be physically deaged without being mentally deaged, if that is a thing you want to play with.
Note 2: Everyone's uniforms will fit their deaged/sexswapped/etc self.
Ping Parrot on IRC if you have questions))

Nov. 4th, 2011



Game 167

When: Day 286, Morning ??? WHO KNOWS
What: Game~

The call today was a fleeting, pleasant one. The blanks that followed may have been on their way to more important matters, or perhaps simply going about their daily gathering routines. In any case, once they arrived at the arena, they'd find some familiar faces. On the grass, surrounded by grazing sheep, the blanks slept, their expressions peaceful.

"My, my," the Judge thought aloud, her book closed. "I wonder if this is really a happy ending."

[THE SHEEP AND GRASS ARE CARDBOARD. Latecomers are A-OK, just hit me up on IRC (Ash). Sign-Up/Mingle/Rooms/Memories]

Oct. 22nd, 2011



Game 166 Day 2

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 283, Bright and goddamn early
What: :) :) :)

[There's that pull again; a sharp, icy tug at the pit of your gut. It feels as though it would be unwise to resist it.

The set up is much the same as yesterday. The lights are still dim, and shadows fall where none should. Flickers of motion follow the blanks all the way to the small circle of buildings at the throne's base; the doors are currently still shut tight.

Game Master's statue watches the blank's approach from beneath his hood.]

Welcome again, poor souls. Are you ready to begin anew?

[Sign-in | More Mingling | Room Assignments/Session 2 start | Endgame | Memories

As with yesterday, coming late and leaving early is absolutely acceptable. Just sign in so I can keep tabs on scoring easier :|b Also this is a list of people who have been missing since this game began.]

Oct. 21st, 2011



Game 166 Day 1

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 282, Late Afternoon
What: A game :)

[The pull today is insistent and excited, if soul-chilling as is usual for Game Master. Someone's eager to get started on whatever he has planned, it seems. The Arena, when blanks arrive, is also dimly lit as usual as well. However, something about the lighting seems a bit . . . odd. Shadows falling where there should be none, flickers of movement just at the boundaries of your vision.

Even stranger is the small circle buildings waiting at the foot of the throne when blanks first reach it. It isn't as though the buildings are strange in and of themselves, but there are only three of them. A rather unorthodox number considering the number of all the team, and even the paired partner sets.

In the center of the three buildings are a number of computer writing tablets.

Game Master sits in the throne, face hidden from view beneath his ever present hood.]

Welcome to you, blanks. Welcome, new and old alike back to this stadium of despair and triumph. Will you, I wonder, enjoy the game I have prepared for you today? Will you delight and take pride in the challenges conquered? Or will you, perhaps, despair and curse my name as you often have before?

Let us find out together, you blanks.

[OOC: Sign-in | Mingle | Do a thing | Room assignments | Post-game mingle


Oct. 19th, 2011



Game 165 End

When: Day 282, morning


((MEMORIES! - Pyxis, Mono, Pavo, Cetus, with prizes for Hydracula, Lyvus, and PARROT))

Oct. 16th, 2011




Where: ARENA
When: DAY 281, MORNING

[Oh no, not another game! The call isn't insistent in the same way as the last one, but it's definitely loud enough that you're probably not going to be able to go back to sleep. On the bright side, considering said call is a non-stop drum solo with the occasional burst of incoherently-slurred rap lyrics, you've got a good guess as to which Judge it is.]


((Items from the fully stocked bar are fully removable! Tattoo kits for all, with provisions for difficult-to-tattoo non-human party members! You have until Wednesday, 3pm PST to submit your tattoos!))

Oct. 14th, 2011



Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 280, morning
What: :) :) :)!!

[As soon as your torches relight -- or slightly before, is that even possible? -- Mirror's call tugs you out of your beds and towards the arena. For those of you who feel it, it's unusually persistent and difficult to resist today. Like a glass hook caught around your legs, pulling you along without caring much about your feelings on the matter.

Mirror's statue perches on her throne, the usual silver of her statue subtly altered. Glassy, almost translucent in areas, but still deeply reflective. More disturbing still is the layout in the arena today: a parody of the Good End celebrations you've seen for your teammates, with tall glass boxes replacing team banners and tables (marked in team colors) filled with nothing but plates of glass shards and bottles of clear vodka.

Except for Bunnycorn's table. They get (alcoholic) punch and nachos.]

Are you all here yet? I hope so. This is going to be fun.

[Mingle | Columns | Rules | Endgame | Memories]

Sep. 25th, 2011



[Game 163]

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 275, morning
What: A game

[The bleating of goats call you to the arena once again. The statue of a young boy sits on the throne, his chin resting on his hands. There is a simple, wooden raised platform right below the throne that serves as a stage. Decorating the ground in front of the stage are enough cushions and pillows for everyone to sit on. Circling the stage area are simple panels in team colors. On them are three buttons. The Kid sounds tired... bored...]

Let’s be honest today.

[Mingle | Game Start (team posts go here) | Stage | End Game | Memories (Hydra, Pyxis (Cygnus), Cepheus, Lacerta, Orion, Lepus, Apus, Lynx)]

Sep. 17th, 2011




Who: Whoever
Where: The Arena
When: Day 273, after the game


[Soldier is laughing, the bar is fully stocked, and there are still a few stray corgi puppies running around.]



Game 162

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 273, Afternoon
What: :)

[The arena has been dimly lit with torches that leave much of the area dark. Only a patch to the base of the Judge's statue has been lit, and from there eight more paths stretch out to doors that have been lit with colored torches according to each set of partner teams. Game Master's statue is seated on the throne, head turned beneath the hood to watch the incoming blanks.

—and then some dick started blowing a vuvuzela.]

Soldier!! You're going to ruin my game!

((Mingle | SOLDIER!!! | Rules and Explanation | Posts))

Sep. 10th, 2011



Game 161

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 270, noon
What: Messenger Game

[The Call to the Arena is a jaunty tune, cheerfully trilling down the scales of a pan flute.

When you arrive, the Messenger sits on the throne, looking markedly better than the last time you'd seen him there. He sits, leaning forward, with elbows on his knees and expression mischievous. He holds a finger up to his lips, in a "shhh" gesture.

You find yourself unable to speak. ♥]

((OOC: Loser game, but any and all can attend! One hour mingle as usual, expect two quick rounds after. IRC or EMAIL ADDRESS in sign in needed for this game.))

Sep. 2nd, 2011



Game 160

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 268, early morning
What: Haunted Game

[Childish giggling--is it male? Female? It’s impossible to tell--surrounds every blank as they heed today’s call. It’s barely audible, able to easily be ignored. But it is ever present. In the arena on the throne sits Haunted’s statue, headless as ever. Even without facial features she gives off the sense of being very pleased with herself.

Heavy mist covers the floor, giving off a strong sickly sweet scent. The smaller among the blanks may already feel themselves starting to grow woozy from its influences.]

Sign in | Mingle | Nightmares: Sion, Razzy, Thumper, Nishi, Lenalee | Endgame and revivals | Memories