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Posts Tagged: '%7Bkenzi%7D'

Aug. 26th, 2011




Who: Parrot, anyone
Where: Cetus
When: Day 265, evening (before endgame)

[A tiny Ophi is outside Cetus, steeling himself and knocking on Cetus's door. His eyes red and puffy.]

Aug. 22nd, 2011




Who: Moontimers and people with bad sleep habits
Where: By the cove
When: Day 265, late morning
What: Mingling Getting people wet

Hey, look at this!

[Ker-canonball. The splash may be heading your way.]

Aug. 16th, 2011



Who: Melaka Fray + Anyone
Where: Orion
When: Day 263, Morning

So. What's a girl got to do to get some info around here?

Jul. 23rd, 2011




Who: Cetus, visitors
Where: Cetus
When: Day 256, early morning
What: Memories for Cetus and post-game things!!

[Elliot is sitting at Cetus' table, shirt off, trying to scrape off something sparkly from it with a knife. You might also notice a nipple piercing if you're looking. Or the pile of memories sitting nearby.

He may also be cursing.]



Game 156

Who: Everybody~
Where: Arena
When: Day 255, eveningtime
What: :3(\

[ The OMINOUSLY FOREBODING CALL OF DOOM that summons you to the Arena this evening......... the giggling of teenage girls in triplicate. And a dramatic sigh or two. As you arrive you might just be in time to catch part of a conversation: ]

--and it’s been like, y’know, so boring lately, right? Ugh. And I mean all that dark emo stuff’s kinda hot sometimes, but it gets like so totally old when like, everyone’s doing it. So not cute.

I know, right? It’s totally up to us now. Let’s do something fun for a change.

[[ Links: Signup here!! | Mingle | Groups | The Setup | Rules | Group threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4Kids | Catwalk of Shame | Endgame |

Jul. 12th, 2011



Where: onnnn the waaay to monsterrrr hunterrrr
When: Day 252, morning


I'm hoooooooommmmmmmeeeee!

Jul. 11th, 2011




Who: Orion, visitors
Where: Orion's dorm
When: Day 251, late evening
What: Memories and other things

[There still is no table or chairs for the memory berries to be on. Instead, they're in a bowl on the kitchen counter. In the common room, Mitsuru sits cross-legged on the floor with some pieces of wood, working on remedying that table problem.]

Jul. 10th, 2011



Who: Anybody!
Where: In front of Cetus dorms
When: Day 251, evening
What: Aftermath for Cetus! Also Shinjiro hanging out and being a crazypants.

[welp that sure was a game. At least Cetus is back at the dorm now. Though, Thumper has elected to hobble-pace outside the dorm doors, with Headmonster out and especially monstery looking. If you get too close, you might get bit or gored.]

That's the last goddamn time anyone on this team dies.

Jul. 9th, 2011



Game 153

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 251, noon
What: snoooooow

[A cacophony of bleating goats lures you to the arena. A child statue sits sleepily on the throne.]

Play with me.

[The arena is cold today and it’s no wonder. it’s covered in snow.]

[Mingle | Instructions | Game Start: Ice Playground / Frozen Pond | Endgame | Memories (Pyxis, Orion, Cetus, Lepus)]

((1) Any weapons you brought into the arena have been turned into harmless cardboard/foam/plastic versions. Weapons that are irremovable from your person have been wrapped in plastic and tagged 'not-child safe'.
2) Attempts at cursing will be censored ala FF7's '@(#$%!'
3) This is a freeform loser game but everyone can participate (even Ophi). Have fun! PM The^Kid if you have any questions))

Jun. 20th, 2011



Who: Mikazuki, Kenzi, other people
Where: Near the dorms
When: Day 247, Middayish
What: Returning!

[A wild Pyxis can be seen going for his daily run/explore past the dorms!

Meanwhile, Kenzi is trying to sneak back to Monster Hunter without anyone seeing her]

May. 16th, 2011




Who: Nutcracker, anyone
Where: baths
When: Day 239, morning
What: bath time!

[Taking care of long hair in a murdercave is a pain. Tifa's taken up a nice corner to soak and carefully detangle her hair in]

Apr. 16th, 2011




Who: Orion and visitors
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 232, bright and early
What: Oh hey, wasn't there a note around here somewhere? It must have fallen on the floor.

[Has some water on the fire and is standing against the counter in the kitchen, staff cradled in the crook of his elbow and face and hand bruised, waiting for it to boil.]

[Watched pots and all that.]

Apr. 4th, 2011



Who: Orion + visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 229, noon and onwards
What: Game actions wear off, and other things

[228 was a long day. It's possible 229 will be just as long. It hasn't gotten off to a terrific start for some Orions, at least.]

Apr. 1st, 2011



Who: Monster Hunter
Where: Cetus dorm
When: Day 228, after EVERYTHING IS RUINED
What: Sad seamonsters

[there is a pile of small fuzzy animals forming in Cetus today]

Mar. 31st, 2011




Who: Blanks
Where: The arena
When: Day 228, later afternoon

The blanks were hurried back to the arena by the shuffling, scurrying cardboard cut outs. They seemed quite impatient!

It was time for them to cast out a wolf from their beloved farm. This disguised rascal would no longer cause any pig or sheep or cow any harm! They would make sure of it!

A sheep held the ballot box. Which would the animals exile?

"This is beginning to be a bit predictable. . ." the Judge sighed as she continued to read.

((ooc: VOTE FOR HYDRACULA OR CETUSORION you have til 10pmish!!))




Who: Blanks
Where: Allll over
When: Day 228, late morning
What: Wolf Penalties!

[AFTER DISCUSSION IS HAD, teams are dismissed, but informed that they will be called back shortly for the ousting]

((OOC: USE THIS POST TO CARRY OUT YOUR TEAM MAIMING/PENALTY CHOICES. Ophiuchus, please pick which actions you want to carry out! Here is the OOC Post! You may backthread forever, but please remember all of this takes place BEFORE the Ousting! So keep in mind any damage that will have been done if you plan on playing after or backthreading. You can also use this post for wtfever else/grumbling about the game threads/etc if you wish))

Mar. 22nd, 2011




Who: Albert, anyone
Where: All over
When: Day 226, all morning (but not too early 8Db)
What: Social visits

[Today one member of Hydra is going around to all the dorms! Knocking on doors, saying hello, meeting new people, trading gossip, you name it. He's got a covered woven basket with him, too.]

[...Okay we lied. Maybe not ALL of them. He's probably conspicuously skipping Beardog and Lepus, but that's not to say that he has to ignore aforementioned team members if he meets one of their number on the road, right...?]

Mar. 13th, 2011



Who: Monster Hunter, visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 223, After game
What: Newbie!

[an UNFAMILIAR HEAD just poked itself out of the trapdoor that connects Cetus and Orion] Helloooooooooo? Anybody home?