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Posts Tagged: '%7Btobias%7D'

Apr. 12th, 2011



Who: anyone
Where: Riverside
When: Day 231, afternoon
What: She is supposedly doing laundry, but if you appear to be over 15, Amy Pond is probably checking out your butt as you pass.

Apr. 4th, 2011



Who: Orion + visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 229, noon and onwards
What: Game actions wear off, and other things

[228 was a long day. It's possible 229 will be just as long. It hasn't gotten off to a terrific start for some Orions, at least.]

Mar. 30th, 2011




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 228, Morning

The call today was an odd one of sorts. It didn't have the flare of the King or the class of the Lover. No, instead, it was a mix of noises, of grunts and growls, of gurgles and yowls. The blanks could hear the bleating of sheep, the crowing of cocks, and the neighs of steeds. If they listened just a bit harder, it would seem the the howl of a mongrel was mixed in there as well.

Upon entering the arena, why, it seemed as if they had stumbled into a farm! Pigs, chicken, cows, and sheep all pranced about merrily. Of course, it turned out they were all made of cardboard. That didn't stop them from enjoying their cardboard grass though.

On the throne, the Judge called the Storyteller stood over the strange gathering of animals, frowning at an open book.

"I've never been a fan of sequels, but let's see if this manages to be interesting."


((Alright guys! You have until 8pm tomorrow EST to decide on your final vote for A)Ousting and B)The Actions against other teams! I MUST have those by tomorrow! But otherwise feel free to backthread as much as you want! Holla at Ash or Rabi in IRC for any clarification or questions!))

((ETA CLARIFICATION: When are picking for B)The Actions Against Other Teams! Please specify WHICH teams you're 'attacking'. It doesn't have to be the same team you voted to go for ousting! Both can be used on the same team as well, or entirely different ones!))

Mar. 29th, 2011




Who: Orion and anyone out and about
Where: The mushwood forest
When: Day 227, afternoon
What: A lumber-jacking we go!

We should just bring extra this time. We have a place to keep it in the new dorm.

Mar. 16th, 2011



Who:  Rapunzel, various animals and YOU
Where:  Wherever it is feasible to have all these animals and plants. The fields maybe?? Lets go with the fields.
When: Day 224, afternoonish

[An unmistakable buzzing noise. An unmistakable, oddly tuneful buzzing noise. Add in a chorus of Orvi cawing, some clapping, and... A violin solo somehow? Drums? Who even knows. Should you investigate this abnormality you will find one Disney princess engaging in an elaborate dance number with several of Sabra's beasts as they help her gather food. There is a stack of pederpes rolling onions into a basket with a flick of their tail, beebats actively sharing their honey, fatty lizards helping to carry baskets, at least one dolphinacorn in there somewhere, it goes on and on. This is real. This is a thing that is happening.]

Mar. 7th, 2011



Where: nnnnot suuuuure :|a
When: Day 221, slightly post drink o'clock

Awe, would yeh quet yer greetin' fer just haff a minute. Ain't my fault this won't ride straight.

Feb. 28th, 2011




Who: Orion, Cetus, interlopers!
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 219, evening

Team meeting, guys! There's a few things I want to talk about.

[Don't mind the rabbit ears and tail o/]

Feb. 26th, 2011



Who: Beardogs and others?
Where: Beardog area
When: Day 219, Post-game
What: heading home + maybe memories?

[successfully getting all the beadogs back to the beardorms]




Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When? Day 219, morning?
What: It's that time again!

[Persona on the throne, people on couches, you know the drill!]

How will things go today?

((Sign-up | Gawk at unconscious people | Mingle - Game start


Endgame - Memories - Vulp Pyxis Lacerta Ursa Corvus))

Feb. 23rd, 2011




Who: Dean and others
Where: the river!
When: Day 218, afternoon
What: fishing and mingling

[so the rarely-seen Corvus is out and about and working on fishing. might even be whistling Heat Of The Moment as he works]

Feb. 21st, 2011




Who: Monster Hunter, whomever.
Where: at the dorms, near the water
When: Day 217, dinnertime.
What: memories and food

[When life sucks, and you've spent the past few days trying to cope with that, and murdercave just keeps on happen' anyway, there is only one solution. Which is why Chaz is tending to a fire in a large dugout pit, for barbecue. Inside the pit are also the fruit of the labors of Orion: two shrets, butchered and marinating in herbs and a bit of blood, several fish rubbed with a pinch of salt and onions, and more.

They may not be able to stop murdercave, and they'll be gathering for a few days to make up for all the food today, but they can sure as hell have one good meal to make up for the past week or so.]

[ memories. ]

Feb. 11th, 2011



Who: Cetus + Orion + anyone
Where: Cetus dorms
When: Day 213, post-game.
What: Seamonsterhunter piles and memories.

[Cetus sure needs a big ol' cuddlepile after that game. Also, memories. And Thumper is making an effort to cook (a meatless) dinner, though whether anyone is actually going to be hungry after that game is another question...]

Feb. 9th, 2011



Who: anyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 213, late afternoon
What: >8F

[one by one, as the killing is done with, the doors open]

Oh my children. I'm so, so proud of you all. Such will! Such lust. I suppose I can say now, I was a little worried. Stage fright can lead to a terrible tummy-ache, after all.

Oh, oooh, but you~ were~ beautiful. The pack that formed early and struck without mercy. The feeding frenzy upon the Dolphin as soon as you smelled blood in the water. Fox and Hydra lashing out. So big and brave you were! If I could give each and every one of you a big hug you know I'd do it right now.

Well, I won't underestimate you again, dear hearts, oh best beloved. Next time we'll really see what you can do. I promise~

Feb. 8th, 2011



Who: :F
Where: The Arena
When: 212, evening
What: As the dark work is done, one by one the door begin to open again

Good work my darlings.  I'll see you all again, bright and early. We'll do breakfast!

Feb. 2nd, 2011



Who: Cetussss
When: Day 211, afternoon

What's this? You think this is it?  Oh, no, that's still a rock I guess.

Feb. 1st, 2011




Who: :'D
Where: :'D
When: Day 211, morning
What: Trollolololol~

[it's a familiar scene for those of you who have met him before! a certain Ophiuchus is cheerfully moving along, stopping by and checking in on you wonderful colored blanks. isn't it nice that Ophiuchus is so very concerned that you're all comfortably settled in the South Block? he's even whistling :'D]

((IZAYA COME TO TROLL TALK WITH YOU ALL. Feel free to put your location in the subject of your thread and he will come and play :'D))

Jan. 31st, 2011



Who: Cetussss
When: Day 210, later evening

So weeeeeee are really good at this, I think!

Jan. 30th, 2011




Who: Monsterhunter
Where: Just outside the dorms
When: Day 20, postgame
What: Homeward bound with memories

I'm glad that's over.

Jan. 25th, 2011




Who: CETUS, ORION, anyone else who wants to be here
When: Day 208, after game

[a bunch of shivering sea monsters are returning from the arena and making a bee line for the dorms]



Game 127

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 208, mid-Morning

[Like every time the headless statue of Haunted shows up in the Arena the torches around her are dimmed, but this time there also seems to be an eerie sickly glow to them. The little fire they contain is tainted with something green at its centre and it looks like they could fade into oblivion at any moment. The Arena is also strangely devoid of sound. There is no crackling from the flames and the footsteps of entering blanks are completely silent. The only thing you can hear is the voices of each other, even if those too are muted. When enough blanks have gathered and the statue finally speaks up, it's with great contrast to everything else, as if that voice is the only sound that still retains it's former clarity in this place today.]

Do you know what the most frightening thing in the world is...?

Info post
Game start
Leaving the Arena]

((You can sign up at any time during the game, but if you want to be able to get infected with the sickness you have to sign up in this post and reply to this. During the game the arena won't let you leave unless you talk to the mirror. Also note that just because you sign up you are not guaranteed to get infected, but everyone who does will be able to catch the disease.))