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Posts Tagged: '%7Bsohma+rin%7D'

Mar. 2nd, 2011



Who: Rapunzel and YOU
Where: The lake
When: Day 220, afternoon

[Azula is a mean person who does mean things. A very panicked Rapunzel with some nasty looking burns is now running and throwing herself straight into the lake, making sure to dunk her head and all her hair into the water.]

What do I do... What do I do...

Feb. 20th, 2011



Who: Friendly neighborhood Lepus and you
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 217 afternoon

[maybe you have entered a bizarro world. or maybe Lepus has had almost a whole team turnover and the new Lepus are much less anti-social. EITHER WAY, there are Lepus out looking around all the team dorms, looking for people to meet]

Feb. 16th, 2011




Who: Anyone in the area
Where: The Fields
When: Day 215, early evening

[Torchlight starts to dim at the Fields. It's not from the north but the southern most corner where a guy in very dirty pink wanders in. Shaken and exhausted, he mumbles to himself]

Can't stop... almost there...

((small note for the observant, his shadow is kirin-shaped
- Back at Cygnus))

Feb. 8th, 2011




Who: Aven and Cygnus--possibly Pyxis?
Where: Cygnus
When: Day 212, post-DangerBear
What: knock knocking...

[so there is a skinny, tall Ursa all in brown and probably pale in a sickly manner of someone's who's just gotten a nasty shock and-or trauma knocking on Cygnus's door. it's probably not a very loud knock]

Jan. 30th, 2011



Who: Pppppyxis?
Where: The Arena
When: Day 210, after Good Ends
What: :|aaaa

. . . Ah. He definitely left without me.

Jan. 28th, 2011



Who: Ren and Shigure
Where: Everywhere~ starting at Delpavo and Hydracula respectively.
When: Day 209, all through the day.

[Ren and Shigure are doing rounds to inform people they're leaving o/]

((Taking a break but I will pick at this throughout the week ♥))

Jan. 24th, 2011




Who: Cygnus, visitors
Where: Cygnus area
When: Day 208, after game
What: Cygnus antics

*Weed is putzing around getting the garden figured out. Other Cygnus are doing things. It is a day to do normal things!*

Jan. 14th, 2011




Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 205, early afternoon

[Little has changed since you left, other than the light suffusing the Arena is brighter, in time with the day.

As the last of the teams file in, possessions in hand, pushed or pulled behind, the water seeping into the Arena seems to simply be drawn out.

The eastern doors groan, shudder and swing shut with a final, echoing boom. The soft sound of sobbing and water halts just as suddenly. One of the helper ants begins chewing on a wall idly.]

That out of the way! Lets get a little organized, shall we? Please head to the Southern Gate, and line up by partner teams.

Ah, and yes, Cepheus and Lacerta are now partners. Moving on!

Jan. 6th, 2011




Who: Cygnus and ALL THE PONIES. All of them.
Where: Outside the Cygnus dorms
When: Day 202, late afternoon/early evening

[there is a young lady who may or may not have noticed yet that there are more ponies than usual wandering around. Oddly coloured ones, at that...]

Did I miss something?

((OOC: COME TO ME, PONIES, basically Rin is a horse attractor. It's kind of like how Watanuki gets spirtual beings all up in his personal space, except with less deliciousness and more HEY YOU SEEM INTERESTING.))

Dec. 31st, 2010




Who: Cygnus and whoever else
Where: Pygnus area
When: Day 201, after the game
What: Memoriesssss

[whoops, someone missed the call for the game]

... So where've you lot been?

Nov. 26th, 2010




Who: Everyone!
Where: Everywhere!
When: Day 196, late morning
What: A warning

[Three COMPLETELY SANE Hydraculas are knocking on YOUR DOOR]



Who: All you early-morning lakegoers
Where: The lake
When: Day 196, ass o'clock AM

[Lucky is sitting in the shallows, kicking at the water and grumbling to herself.]

For cryin' out loud, even the isopods have packed it in? Tch, I really wanted some imitation crab for breakfast, too...

Nov. 24th, 2010



Who: Rainbow, people maybe you.
Where: By the lake
When: Day 195, afternoon

[One Hydra is by the lake carving wood. He has a couple of freshly fished fish and mostly seems to be killing time]

Nov. 16th, 2010




Who: ... ?
Where: Heading toward the dorms
When: Day 193, morningish

[After the shock of the night before, it's understandable that the Blanks might be a bit more apprehensive today as they clean up the broken bits scattered around their rooms. Perhaps they'll venture outside the dorm area, keeping an eye out for structural damage at the baths, seeing what can be salvaged in the forge, or maybe checking their gardens to ensure the vegetation is stable ...

If they do, it won't be hard to notice a young woman in pink walking from the North -- not the normal pink you see now, either. Instead of the flowing sashes and exotic folded cloth that cover today's swans, this girl is dressed in the familiar and plain skirted tunic and leggings that was the previous norm, now layered in dust and tattered to the point of being threadbare. Even as she carefully holds herself away from the cave walls, keeping her arms folded tightly around herself, anyone with an eye for detail will notice that both arms are only covered in grime, not metal. It's also fairly obvious from the way she's squinting that her eyes haven't adjusted to the light of these particular caves yet. There weren't many torches -- or any, for most of the journey -- to light the way behind her, after all.

She makes sure to give any stone she passes by a wiiide birth, eyes darting away from them uneasily before continuing to walk hesitantly on. She's undoubtedly coming toward the main living area, though one look at her face would tell you that she has no earthly idea where she's headed ... or where she came from. Her voice is quiet, thin and scratchy from disuse and fear, but she keeps talking to herself because she can hear it. The hitch in her voice only serves to emphasize her unmistakable accent:]

-- ep moving. Got to ... not stop. He'll keep me again ... don't want ... to not move -- anymore. Yeah. This way ... got to keep going ... this way ...

Nov. 15th, 2010




Who: Weed and Clay
Where: By the river near Pygnus
When: Day 192, before the quake
What: bonding :(

*Weed is tossing pebbles in the river, looking a little forlorn*


Who: Rainbow, Guillotine and YOU.
When: Day 192, evening after earthquakes.

[Rainbow is walking around dorms areas BANGING LOUDLY ON A POT. BRING OUT YOUR DEAD-- I mean, let's have SRS MEETINGS]

Nov. 14th, 2010




Who: Cygnus, visitors
Where: Cygnus dorms
When: Day 191, evening (after winners)
What: memories and things

[Team meeting, and berries are on the table.]

Nov. 11th, 2010




Who: Weed, anyone
Where: Walking from the Pygnus gardens to the Arena and back
When: Day 190, all day
What: Rock-hauling

*Weed is very slowly carting rocks back from the Arena, rocks that he is specially choosing for their superb ability to make a really great stone wall around the Pygnus gardens. He's also trying to look too busy to be disturbed*

Nov. 8th, 2010




Who: Weed, Haru, anyone else
Where: On the way to Ophi
When: Day 189, Afternoon
What: Needs his fix :(

*Weed is on his way to the Ophi dorms, to make a deal for his cigs*

Nov. 3rd, 2010




Who: Weed, anyone
Where: Cygnus/Pyxis garden area
When: Day 187, late afternoon
What: derping around in the garden

*there is a topless Cygnus with his right arm in a sling poking around in the garden. He doesn't seem to be accomplishing much, exactly, but he's quite comfortable just playing in the dirt with his one good hand*