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Oct. 21st, 2010


Who: Tristan and Wren
What: Meeting in the waking world
Where: Slummy little piano bar/club
When: A day or two after Wren’s dream (before the dream with Charlie, as I play fast and loose with timelines)
Warnings: Mentions of Wren working, but mostly just excessive piano. Tame-city.

Everybody has to pay rent )
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Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Charlie and Tristan
What: A dream encounter
Where: Some poor kid's nightmare
When: Tomorrow night
Warnings: Bad things

Welcome to my world, bitch. )


Who: Wren and Tristan
What: A dream
Where: Wren's mind
When: This evening
Warnings: It's Wren dream, so memories of sex, death and violence. But she might surprise me?

That night, Wren had stayed in. )
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Oct. 16th, 2010


Who: Tris and Brea 
What: Dream walking. 
Where: Brea's dream. 
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Safe, will update if things change.

What dreams may come... ) 

Sep. 13th, 2010


Charity Ball

Who: Everyone
What: The Thomas, Inc. Charity Ball
Where: The Four Seasons Seattle
When: Sunset on Monday
Warnings: Any and all
Notes: A few ground rules! Anyone not wearing formal wear will be barred from entry to the ballroom. Anyone starting fights or using their abilities will be swiftly removed by hotel staff - picking fights is not the point of this event. Any posts between now and 12:01 AM on Friday need to be within the time span of this event, and there is to be no posting outside that span until then. Please list your character's location in the subject of your comments.

The history of the world my love is those below serving those up above. )


Who: Tristan
What: Why Tristan hates bad dreams
Where: Dreaming – someone else's mind
When: Sunday night
Warnings: Nightmares that include blood and drowning

Sing me to sleep )

Sep. 8th, 2010


Who: Genny, Varian, Tristan and Azrael
What: Dinner
Where: Aubade 502
When: Wednesday
Warnings: IDK. Ask me later.

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. )

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